it’s a small white oval
it’s five in the morning
or something
it’s the start of my day
my first gesture is to make coffee
i do not light a cigarette until after the first sip
my main success
an immediate violence
a perfect drug
a simple and hard no joy drug
lack and the lack of lack
i drink mineral water and i hate my name
it’s a regrettable honor
my necessary weapons in the struggle for life -
sadness, suffering
i return to opportunity and circumstance
in order to tell the truth
a ridiculous combination
elements androgynous and brutal
but not at all
really, not at all
i consider my name a vintage horror video loop
nothing is possible from
an administrative point of view
proof of my inability
to regain control of my life
of my square faced scam
it seems fairly likely that
the second part of my life
will be as painful as the first
loss of libido,
occasional suicidal tendencies
reduced to good neighborhoods
i have never suff ered from nausea
the story begins
sunny and extremely hot
how beautiful girls can be
drinking coke zero slowly
exaggerations, dummy
wavy red
geometric patterns
every second
god is merciful and merciful
desirable and good
prudent and wise
i’m not expressing myself well here, am i?
that which could be described as
‘punk’ or ‘rock’
i forget the diff erence
let’s say ‘punk rock’ to simplify
an accident was almost certain
it’s easier to fuck with intuition
perfect superimposed slowly
i felt happy
which means i was wrong
this being a romantic comedy
with big overacted gestures
this being a porn fi lm
predictable but the importance of the dialog lesser
the writing was hardly surprising
various moving human acts would occur
treated by the usual means
this being reality
i just went home
especially meaning
disappointing and mundane conclusions
made more obvious
we were considering projects
at a certain point
fi nishing life in a peaceful way
at the time of the apertif
from the bar to the beach
from the beach to the bar
no fuss
no confl ict
no problemo
recent history will not be useless
a high price for
things like that
stock options
i simplify
i must simplify or i arrive at nothing
at my age, it became
a little vague and less frequent
my version of this dream being simplifi ed
let us not anticipate immediate results
a long time
a very long time
as i have already said
for diff erent reasons
i would explain later
under a diff erent circumstance
there are people who commit suicide for less
you know
if we refuse to accept the sun
later, restaurant and romance
i manage to mimic a vague expression of satisfaction
our cheeks brush too much
life a little less unpleasant
voltaire or pascal or blaise or
the concept, anyways
aloe vera uncommon
in the opposite direction
in the end
a moment of pure dread and
it would be over
the weight of me
fast approaching rendered uncertain
paradoxical balance
absolute peace
certainly less than fi ve seconds
what’s going on?
all is well
all is well
i repeated even more gently
as i expected
my professional explanations seem convincing
i wrote notes
i defi ne and support
i isolate some key elements
aligning an impressive succession of failure
negotiating the same things
i make no eff ort
i maintain no illusions
i give up
there are people like me
but worse
in this paradise
the atmosphere was generally calm
i’m still wondering what she could understand
about the situation
the theory was unassailable
i was barely worthy at her feet
that was self-evident
an increasingly coarse indiff erence
to her status and mine
coming somewhat unstuck
there were certainly a lot of people she could relate to
but not her family
who would have concluded i was time to return
to where she came from
fundamental disregard for me and my destiny
eagerly seeking company
which was not so easy
a contradiction
but still
nothing happened
i can’t really remember their attitude towards me
superfi cial benevolence
but i suppose that i was only
superfi cially accessible
i believe the reality of these charms
they were like a documentary about waterfalls
i didn’t go out for coff ee
i watched the movement of the sun
across the pavement
and that was about all
the unbearable emptiness of the day
coordination permitted yet way less
perfectly realized
hence, generally relaxed at 160km/h
straight to infi nity
almost empty
sky crushed sky
crossing a landscape of total boredom
cigarette, cigarette, falling asleep
absurd limitations
which would arouse suspicion
i kept the most magical memory
there were still some holes, cracks
a set of cutting pliers
turn of the alarm
and we do not talk anymore
we buy silence
obviously in these conditions
one is never safe from betrayal
showing some signs of annoyance
ready to complain in advance
she had to get up
she had to show her paperwork
a welcome cocktail it was not
a visionary policy taken to new dimensions
a little later
independently of other sometimes questionable
aspects of action
the universal spirit’s work did not stop there
could it be compared to anything?
it had to admit it was totally lacking
a decisive competitive advantage
charming tourism status
a turn, i had no doubt
there was no such thing but they could come regardless
to simplify reception formalities
it may well be that
spies from the north had become ordinary
a moment of ironic glances
i pretended not to notice
i lit a cigarette
i pretended not to notice
marginal and poorly documented
experiences convinced me
for ten minutes
nothing happened
regular coke, mineral water
i do not know
turned without a word
returned a minute later
the reading room i had already come to
everything could have gone for the better
had i not suddenly remembered
a minimal tempo preceding
our separation
our last summer
a purr
a canceled comparison
open mouth, stopped, impressed
at the foot of an immaculate
king sized bed before sitting shy
she wanted to take a picture of us both
she exlaimed ‘oh yes’ to champagne
a happiness accessible to the upper middle class
i knew she enjoyed every second of it
but it was diff erent for me
i didn’t want to go for a walk
the idea seemed profane
with reluctance i put on a jacket and fi nished my drink
it would have been bearable if i had acquired
the habit of the declaiming the composition
in swollen tone mid-literary emphasis
less interest
a signal being complicit
for the purpose, i imagine
even more regrettable
i have lived a lot worse
hell, the return to
hell, built at convenience
at the request of others,
i put out a cigarette
in a garden of hydrangeas
i hate this building and
i hate this neighborhood
but i immediately fell in love with you
i point this out intentionally
i lock myself in the bathroom
perhaps i am bourgeois, too
drawing revenge for the rent
no matter the country
no matter the culture
a luxury exists to be explained
rarely rising before noon
never there when i return
in short,
it would be enough to be organized
i guess you could say that
kissing always welcome
no regrets
no shame
no mention of it
the word is strong,
the matter urgent
i have never fucked as much in my life
which made me think she was in love with me
perhaps an error of analysis
but not a mistake
a quick internet search
a new plan for liberation
the profi le of an average defendant
on the other hand,
here are some things that i liked
“humiliated motherfuckers”
a great title for your dostoevsky trash
curiously enough,
i did not expect much
various people break off in an unpredictable way
the other end of the world without changing cities
solutions like that struck me
i spend my night on the internet
more and more convinced
i was meeting my destiny
“to come and to go”
the abandonment of family was not a crime
keeping it fundamental is fundamental to me
everything kept in a separate account
amounting to not much
affi rmative,
i had noticed
i had invented fi ction
it was necessary to be realistic
while we still were having a good time
you press my hand
no matter which path we take
in less than a day,
i was canceled without a trace
rebellion of moral conscious
as described by a playwright
how original
i was gone for good
i would never come back
the acquired sensation
of an unadulterated product
the beauty maintained
by infi nite artifacts
i count ways to be considered immortal
but i stop at nine
i count eighteen diff erent creams and lotions in the bathroom
an obsession for maniacs
with a superior mouth
ipso facto deprived of action
taken without diffi culty
giving pleasure without distinction
into a state of narcissistic intoxication
cursed artists
cultural decision makers
rather young
rather beautiful
rather elegant
rather rich
it is diffi cult to fi nd the words
‘that’s life’
i off er a clarifi cation on love
as it may be misunderstood
based on attitude and behavior
lovable = love
in radically diff erent realities
love = power
imposing natural phenomena
love at fi rst sight
eliminating all traces of previous individuals
passion and pleasure demanded
until death
the body, the soul
almost a detail
infi nity
this infi nity
this glorious infi nity
even if i ignore the other joys
sex remains dangerous
a necessary condition
catholic identity spends the night
a strange aberration
identical movement and reluctance
my refl ection deepens
without being excessive
coldly objective judgment by
short lived circumstance
virility and vanity had suff ered
our verbal exchange lasted longer
it was then i understood
in a fraction of a second i understood
the other words of an absence of love
bright white
annihilates me in clear conscious
google does not intervene at this stage
i would forget it very quickly
she remained a woman
i remained a cat
i had a bad night
an interpretation of this stupid but spectacular dream:
escape quietly
i place the keys in an envelope
like you might see in a fi lm
no letter
no picture
no proof
just 1100 grams of macbook air
there was indeed a solution
for romance
when confronted with a case of genuine love
you should just shut your mouth
your gestures
your sighs
exclusively for me
i surrender
a hypothetical, hypothetical heaven
a rapidly evolving
crazy love story
often proving fatal
wishing to hold hands
until the end
our history
our browser history
nothing disappears
at exactly seven o’clock
i crossed the room without making a noise
now deserted thoroughfares
southeast of no importance
‘the happy hour’
green hell,
pineapple juice,
creme de menthe
a desire for synthesis
before asking for my visa
it’s clear i occupy too much space
safe from other needs
without relatives
without friends
without interest
profoundly disappointed in life
experienced on the sentimental plane
i could make a fresh start
i could bounce back
at the bottom of the list
of reasons to live,
more reasons to die
was i able to be happy?
i didn’t think i was able to be happy
was i able to be happy?
it is better to avoid asking yourself
this kind of question
nothing superior
in my truly urban life
am i really that unhappy?
if asked about my mood
i wouldn’t say a sad-sadness
but a peaceful, stabilized sadness
that could not be increased or diminished
we could consider it defi nitive
still, life holds many surprises
by most standards
things aren’t that bad
all the problems that belong to me
have solutions
except this anxiety thing
more attention and care
to feel the fi rst eff ects
mockingbirds, cherries
new generation antidepressants
no, death doesn’t interest me
after all,
a lizard doesn’t trust other lizards
what self esteem could an amoeba possess?
the conclusion was confused and approximate
even showering felt violent
what drove me here?
was it vitamins or long dark hair?
drugs that work (or not)
love develops on the basis of
certain diff erence
we speak the same words
intended to understand
unconditional and sustainable
the last and most serious love
defi nitely
the last and most serious love
charming, charming, charming
me, the strong urge to sneeze
to burst
not a tropical disease
i just close my eyes
until the feeling escapes me
a very little weight compared
to the goodness of the heart
at the end of a dusty summer afternoon
one could feel the stains
simply wash away
turn to me, smiling
tell me you love me in french
tell me you love me
“stay like two,
i beg you.
stay that way,
that’s all we’re going to do”
the story can’t end here
the last few seconds exaggerated
tell me you love me in french
tell me you love me
tell me
in particular
her voice sounds like an answering machine
we always end up interested in the expense
not again,
never again
dissatisfi ed
historical conditions are simply not met
maybe i don’t care
maybe i don’t know
not seeking to conceal the diff erence
i don’t want to fuck and
i don’t want to be fucked
“glossy eroticism”
crossed by the irresistible urge
to fuck you
that’s what happens in our daily life
a road block
nihilism greeted with enthusiasm
i was conscious of being more delicate
documenting good lies
borrowing elements from reality
this concept of praise
where i found myself
i had an ideal and i was betraying it
there was no question
the opposite must be done
like amateur porn
if absolutely nothing new
an appropriate mix of
professionalism and enthusiasm
not disturbed by meaning
the idea had come to me
it was not a question of organizing
but a tourism of memory
the imagination on the table
rendezvous infi nitely reproducible
i am speaking about the past
i am lucky, it is not the same
it was dead, it would never be the same
suicide, i mean
i’m not considering
but sometimes god was
a little slow to remind me
deep inside
that’s what i thought
there was no clean break between us
no defi nitive clean break
too much extra work
i had never thought everything was said
i’m ashamed to re-think
remarkable hindsight
in the eyes of a greek philosopher
epicurean, stoic, cynical
i forget which one
which was rare enough to be emphasized
in the space of a few minutes
i began to wonder if this was a good idea
not leading to anything positive
only to awaken
feelings of bitterness and disappointing
which we had, after a lapse of years
more or less succeeded in burying
life was bitter and disappointing
we both already knew that
was it worth the taxi and the bar tab
to get an extra confi rmation?
what would become of you?
probably nothing brilliant or
i would have already known
my facts and failures
were less well-defi ned despite
feeling like a failure so far
this is how i see it
a meeting of two losers
and former lovers
with the appropriate actors
it could be a great scene
in a french fi lm
i arrive
a painful reminder of the promise of happiness
which has frustrated your life
a more realistic thought:
it’s probably the same state
every day at the same time
so you haven’t changed at all
nothing has worked out
trembling more and more
you drink fast
and you?
a burden living like that
on a sentimental level
the words work magic
marinating in ample female meditations
readjusting me discreetly
again, i white-wine wonder
there must be something other than sex
or no, it was scary to think
there was only sex
“massive doses”
of antidepressants
it’s the tokyo approach
it was probably already written for this reason
we live under the infl uence of uncertainty
the path that we made fallaciously,
not every day is raining
coincidences are the winks of god
returned to photo albums
without a new start
something short, semi-sheer
should i say something else
in this jail
i stick to instant coff ee
one forgets happiness
that’s fate for ya
the opposite of what you want
wanting to know more
in some ways, the resentful gestures seduce me
i forgot to tell you, my love
i have very little luck
i was in no position to save anyone
i just have green tea
and fraternal compassion
and a longing to stick my nose
in the con of death
certainly, you’ll die alone
certainly, you’ll die unhappy
but you will certainly not die poor
to each according to his needs
a source of fi ghting when put into practice
my fate had been noticeably softened
i had to develop a long-term addiction
from time to time
a promise to act without delay
my google search history
not very useful, not very bad
still, progress pounding on two wheels
still, i want to smash everything
i fi nd it diffi cult to remember names and faces
i never think about anybody for more than a minute
all the blues were softened
by the time we arrived
perhaps this was our geographical destiny
a place to serve as a frame
from beginning to end
a temporary look
her indiff erence occupying
a whole section of the wall
i have the impression you don’t believe it
i don’t know, what gives you that idea
marked with tension
marked with pain
it was obviously a diffi cult day
it was a mistake
but not a very serious one
this was overdue
after all
it’s what happens at the end that counts
your sentimental side is showing
we go under the serene sky
the same bright blue you knew
the more i try to do things right
the less i get out of it
who can respond to that?
the situation seemed unlikely to improve
it was diffi cult for me to talk
because i forgot which side i was on
i left under a brilliant sunday sun
which contrasted with my increased sadness
it seemed surprising to me to remember my sadness now
we would like there to be premonitions or signs
but in general there are none
nothing on this
sunny dead sunny afternoon
nothing would let me predict
that monday morning would be
the beginning of the best years of my life
i have to approach this diff erently
november noticeably sadder
that vital stake had already been fi xed
i had no reasons to leave
but it’s already, in itself,
a serious reason
to confess one’s absolutely loneliness
is not so easy
i begin to think of diff erent destinations
where loneliness is not only normal
but recommended
yes, let’s go back
before this
this being the best solution
i was going to learn
i had no desire to see a psychiatrist again
excuse me, it’s a bad habit
i’m the fi rst at a disadvantage
for the depressive, it’s often fatal
if you’re forgetful or stupid
easily fooled
a certain amount for a certain time
the problem with you is the problem of you
you cannot stop abruptly
if it must happen you must know
everything disappeared inside us
the idea of kissing me seems absurd
my manifestation of love
destroys itself and regenerates
it doesn’t really concern me
i made the mistake but
whether or not it was a mistake
remains to be seen
i’ll only know at the end
it’s true, the end is approaching
but it is not yet
no, not quite yet
i wandered without language
only imprecise ideas memorized
a kind-of extra life
you run towards me
at the limit of your lung capacity
we were together
the idea of life, living
didn’t exist
no longer existed
it doesn’t make sense to talk about it
i know happiness
i mean, i know what it is
and what i lack in speech
healthy romantic violence
is me missing you
one person missing you
one misses the other
perfect for the purpose of
reducing the wear and tear of time
absolutely nothing can reach us
except internal suff ering
the disintegration of self
yet my body behaves for you
i did not derive any pleasure from my loneliness
not from the free functioning of a predicted spirit
in principle the question is solvable without hassle
without dangers
no matter how much you tell me otherwise
not romantic
you leave me with nothing
just a perpetuation of lack
a call to oblivion
i need love and love in a very precise form
i need love exactly
in general
in particular
i need a cat
remove me from your thoughts
at the same platform at the same station we stood on
sunny something morning
seven or nine years ago
i don’t know
the situation in itself was strange
it is important, however,
not to exaggerate the importance of chance
the same thing would have happened
if we met somewhere else
but it turns out it happened here
the sharpness of my perception has increased markedly
which constitutes a case of bizarre precognition
i thought of herbs and of plants with yellow fl owers
names of which i had forgotten
she looked at me
i looked at her
absolutely everything
i felt so calm
calm that i have never known
i nodded like a happy idiot
but she showed no reaction of impatience
or surprise at my stillness
it had been a year since i noticed the morning sun
the sky blue unreal turquoise
she gave me a strange look
diffi cult to interpret
a mixture of incomprehension
and a kind of compassion
living together
justifying the obvious
it rains here most of the time
but the view is just you
who else did i have patience for?
hesitating to sleep
holding back to the ultimate last second
knowing the night will be sweet
see you in the morning
see you in my dreams
i do not believe it’s wrong to compare sleep to love
love is just a dream, anyways
small conjunctions amid crossing
any way to transform
our earthly existence to a bearable moment
things did not happen as i expected
the outside world imposed its presence
with it’s brutality
ceaselessly careless
panic and misunderstanding
she knew how to make a demonstration of proof
to make me not forget it
she hugged me, squeezed me
unable to stop crying
we could be benign and happy
it was what you would expect
and it is likely i would remember it
until the end of my days
the memory returns already
every evening and i know it will not stop
it will only increase more and more
until death delivers me
we could be benign and happy
it was what you would expect
and it is likely
in general
i didn’t know how to live
i had no familiarity with life
i never really feel like i’m here
i simply echo the conclusion
‘that’s life’
no better, no worse
in this house,
we’d have whatever together
as we’d always have enough
it seems insane now to think
how happy we could be
all expressions empty
in a good way
as soon as possible
days and weeks
i already said that
i know what happiness is
and what constitutes it
i know exactly what that is
getting brutally drunk
drinking ourselves to oblivion
as soon as possible
symptomatic of the dream
we tried to live
shared same traits
the same seriousness
in keeping promises
love remained the only thing
one could still have faith
i certainly did not deserve so much
things take place that should not,
taking place again every day
of course there are exceptions
there are boundless exceptions
the possibility of happiness should exist
i’ll come back to my subject,
which is me
not that i’m particularly interesting,
but i’m the subject regardless
i have had the illusion of
being important at a short distance
more ambitious, motivated, smarter
no doubt
holding you by the hand
my brain worked slowly
mistily looking for a formula
true for the fi rst one
obviously false for the second
i adapted to solitary pleasures
long before i stopped looking for my life
i bought hummus,
but hummus was better shared
there are things which we have not had the opportunity to think of
nothing happens to me that directly involve you
me, once again talking about
killing myself
always an uncomfortable moment for someone else
she chose me
so i absorbed a family
still, i wish to obscure truths
and to smoke indoors
like all previous generations of me
pretty quickly
we end up not understanding
what we were arguing about
evoking a divinity
tightening ourselves with champagne
i’m a little more bourgeoisie at the bottom
of a wine glass
i think i was well received
agreed, attentive reader?
am i clear about being incomplete?
one last time, for a variable amount of time
these other men
dissolve themselves in a vague
biological and technical continuum
as their way of deciding of a future destination
me, i organize my euthanization quickly
hey, i’m trying to establish balance
better to not contest intuition
i had made a mistake
i had made a huge mistake
hardly an example to be made
time seemed to stretch to infi nity
a miserable hard time to evaluate
while it started to get cold
i had a few years left to think about it
a few years or a few months
i couldn’t be sure
things remain bad
perhaps no news is bad news, too
my interest changed nothing
my enthusiasm keeps me from speaking
meaning someone else can fi nish my sentence
i wasn’t here on a poetic journey
no foolish unbearable lightness of being
air conditioning was the only poetry
i was interested in
i want nothing to eat
nothing seems worthwhile
“i’ll talk to you tomorrow”
in a muffl ed voice
“i hope you have a good night”
trying to be essential
my experience with the tides remained
more than restricted
i didn’t know what to say
i hung up the phone
i realized my choices are fi ne
i had made a good choice
slow progress
the laptop remained bright with the volume turned low
this will certainly help me fall asleep
sleep came
sleep came with funeral dreams
my mind usually wanders towards death
i didn’t need my dreams to remind me, too
my calls resist an echo in the landscape
i had no reason to connect to the internet
contact was a lukewarm at best
i fold papers in four before putting them in my pocket
the birds sing with a charm that escaped me
i was interested in plants, not animals
you drinking vodka,
me preferring chablis
cultural distractions
twisting the knife in the wound
a lost metaphor on me
us no longer kissing
little by little
you leave me
let’s turn this around into a positive
my whining is painful
i’m really stupid
i don’t care
i smile because i can’t help myself
what is it about today, anyways?
the knowledge another life exists
in the end, you never get to take it
slow down, nothings going to hurt you
there was not much to say i was right
a more general, biological doubt
came to me
our destinies were diff erent
but the end seems comparable
you’re diff erent
every time you arrive
you look like a cop
describing surveillance
no, research
i guess the same could be said about me
it’s amazing the trust people have
no password?
who doesn’t use a password?
it’s a promise
i didn’t understand
pretty much
i’ve seen enough
it’s not my danger, anyways
with your arms outstretched to me
one escapes a considerable misfortune
to be replaced by an ordinary one
still, we remain civil
i wouldn’t worry about it
my objective to work in the old way
take your time but
take it
don’t not do it
would i pay for it?
probably yes
according to this logic
we suff er until the end of the day
and do it again
friendship and compassion
a utility
from the onset
the subject hurts
maybe it’s some disease
it’s not like i could just stop loving you
evidence acquits you in this case
but it is of no overall help
half of my value is you
with a mixture of disgust and despair
the imbalance being my permanent state of mind
i’m starting to get tired of it
the terrible thing is that i’m someone
who has done almost nothing useful
in his life
i get up, i get bored
i get drunk, i get bored
an aesthetic perfection
i wish to point out
thirty or forty times
the extent of how we use beauty
calm movements
these rare moments of tasteless agony
coming back to the words
it was probably an illusion
but a beautiful illusion nevertheless
the morning rises
as my problems pay attention
i had this episodic and approximate
vision of life
i could explain in fi ve or so minutes
with shuddering enthusiasm
fi nd your position,
it’s necessary to have proof
take your time,
don’t move
and count your breath
it’s part of the experience
you don’t think about anything
you forget all your worries
embellished admiration
a total abstraction to go back
did anyone have a choice?
you’re good
you’re great
whenever you’re ready
deprived of desires and a reason to live
the terms being equivalent
the anti-depressants were working
i maintained despair at
an acceptable level
sometimes indulging in hope
before answering your own question with a
however, it persists
and this is a
touching performance
truth being a stupid bird
a seagull
created by convenience
by a just god
and i
pull the trigger
a fool,
a fox
who does not have the courage to kill
does not have the courage to live
the phrase circled in my head
creating nothing but a trail of pain
i don’t know
i’m not sure
an apologetic look but no excuse
in general
it’s not worth it
i don’t know
probably yes
the idea of ‘symbolic action’
crossed my mind
i was paralyzed with shame
before i fi nished my sentance
nothing happens
but sometimes sometimes happen
we are never fully prepared for it
so, you’ve decided on an action?
i don’t know what prompted me to ask
i didn’t care what the answer was
i’m working on it
we’re working on it
i’m depleted of brilliance
it seems like everyone has stayed indoors
me, as vague as a landscape
no red wine needs
or cheese
i really should interviene
tell me what you think
should i try to do something?
we delayed this conversation
and now that i’m slipping on it
i’m unprepared for a plunge
into the real
i was expecting the objective
confi rmation of disaster
and i had nothing more
to propose to you
i continued
this time with feeling
being at the heart of failure
of my professional life
and of destroying myself
at every occasion
the ideological lock is too strong
“i’m just fi ghting ideas”
it’s crazy what i’m saying
forget it
with temporary and paradoxical optimism
i did not see how to do better
i did not see an absolute
i refused to take it into account
i refused to negotiate
at the end of the day i was always wrong
things always swing towards someone else’s triumph
in conclusion,
i’m fucked
the sky presented a
gradient of candid hues
of a very light blue
nothing dramatic
just tragic advice and
a path of destruction
a brief hesitation
a spiral of annihilation and
never again perceived tenderness
very comfortable
the slowness of an intervention
was the subject of controversy
for having witnessed it
i can say there was no other way
it’s a dead end
a sequence repeated at length
this was the only decision to make
against a background
of black smoke
in retrospect
i think that’s it
the extreme slowness
which provokes nonsense trauma
ready for anything
i do not understand
i do not understand why
i still do not understand
why things are ending like this
in a tragedy
nothing seems real
synthesized drama
accompanied by mini-narratives
everyone, as usual
condemns violence
something worth paying attention to
i’m an insignifi cant element
a tourist
i don’t want any problems
i just want to leave
exchanging words in a low voice
it remained an analytical rehearsal
“neither angel or beast”
a good motto appropriate for the circumstance
i’m paraphrasing
a sprite sounds good to me
no, sprite
the absence of sexuality
brought me closer to the angels
but didn’t it also lead me
closer to the beasts?
already the meaning of the original version
escaped me
“i will not commit suicide”
i said with a smile
a smile that said i would, probably,
kill myself
it’s true that in the midst of our dramas
we are assured of the existence of other problems
it’s not the future
it’s the past that kills you
i didn’t see much that could justify
my desired isolation
a time that amounted to less than two years
but i kept stopping
i had the failures of nineteen-year-old girls
an existential confi guration
i never got out of
i’m hesitating to attribute meaning to this
departing from a common morality
too uncommon
even in the memory of our contemporaries
my desires are infi nitely simple
it was the world around me
which had become too complex
i couldn’t manage
so my behavior became erratic
neither good nor bad
just evasive
things would have to go wrong
until the whole situation
could be reconsidered
we exchange few words and
resume activities
a thing exists
demands to exist
so that situations come together
to fulfi ll the destiny
we discussed earlier
well, yes
the answer is yes
i was gradually becoming aware of it
eventually i will surrender to the evidence
and bend to ‘natural law’
but it would be too late
let’s not talk about it
the only solution is to
just leave
an opportunity arose
i felt no breath, cold
i felt on the verge of something perfect,
liberating, and unique
the mechanisms of misfortune were the strongest
an equation already solved
against my favor
diffi cult to explain
my analysis of the situation seemed
complete and certain
there are still some areas of the human psyche
that remain poorly known
they have been little explored
just paradoxical and absurd formulas
no production of acceptable descriptions
hope beyond all hope
keeps coming back to me
without having personally experiencing this
there was something more
providing less
in an endless collection
this unexpected arbitrary unexpected thing
covering the probably delay
considering the accumulation of mistakes
and mistakes that constitutes one’s life
the hand that decides the dice
studies have shown
though we are never 100% certain
the journey has done me good
impersonal and negative thoughts drift
i could bring myself to penetrate
the atmosphere of disaster
all day
little individual disasters
not contradicting a point of maturity
that i inevitably missed
i guess i was aware of it
mixing anxiety,
compassion, and
professional concern
there was a connection with my situation
a report that seemed distant
i didn’t answer
but i took my hands apart
opened my mouth slightly
off ering an expression
of nothingness,
because it says
i seemed to be suff ering from
a vague relapse of nostalgia
fi nal goodbyes?
did i really believe it?
yes, i really believed
i was going to die
that fi nal farewell
we dream almost everyday
nature manifested an absence
leaving only insulting empathy
majestic, and
was it normal?
i knew that
something had changed
in the general atmosphere
a year in which has passed
we were at the beginning of may
an unusual mild month of may
a real prefi guration of summer
i should have felt something like desire
or at least an urge
the season of short skirts
ordering coff ee and comparing love aff airs
however, nothing
radically nothing
just a dosage
of hormonal history
i should be worried
that was probably what was expected of me
well, you’re sad to death
but it comes back the same
with people like us
meaning people like me
obliged to play in this comedy of
pleasure, and
all of the other things
we want
still, we fuck
it’s not nothing
but if it’s good, it’s better
it takes a minimum of pleasure
to succeed in living
i’m not saying i’m a big supporter of death
a vague gesture, impatient
as if to brush aside a
recurring and stupid objection
but there are some cases
where it is the best solution
“i’m depressed,
i want you to shoot me”
this time i missed the words
chic and sexy was no more
than a myth without consistency
my life, in summary:
“i’m sorry for the inconvenience”
past the stage of my life
of exaggerating suff ering
confrontational surveillance
rendered harmless by nature
i just walk
not quite anywhere
the immediate vicinity of nowhere
throwing kisses in reckless abandon
my movements would go unnoticed
raising no comments
a neutrality and politeness
of little importance
everything breaks
before being replaced
i realized i was aging
in a normal fashion
i was, what,
an epicurean philosopher?
a decadent me
the real beginning of my descent
a disappointing period of
projects i had no intention of fi nishing
why would i read
‘the magic mountain’
who was i trying to impress?
the culture of the world
was of no moral benefi t or advantage
proust concluded
the end existed to be regained
which off ers nothing substantial
simply a waste of time
there is no intellectual conversation
which will help me reach clarity
without harming my poetry
what is a more beautiful poem
than a housecat?
that kitten that made thomas mann crazy?
rihanna fl ashing marcel proust?
deprived of all else
it seems that i accepted the idea of not existing
of course i’d rather be happy
but it was really out of order
at this point
i mean
following my death
those books and photographs
will just end up in the trash
the truth was useless
surgically precise placements and datesuseless
why did i stop to take so many pictures?
it’s a tourist cliche
expecting beauty or meaning
to come through the mundane
i did it
i obsessed over expenses
in the midst of confused nothingness
permanently moved by the state of unlimited life
the world turned into a neutral surface
without relief and without attention
goodness had not developed in me
the psychological process had not taken place
i became more indiff erent
simple, if not hostile
i tried to make normal,
average attempts
to get closer to some people
but nothing materialized
with a humorous attitude
i considered the pleasures of
leaning out the window and abandoning myself
to the action of gravity
with a joking spirit,
of course
hilarious but not absurd
people were dying every second and
they succeeded perfectly
fi rst shot,
no fuss
some even took the time
to write some good words beforehand
it’s a small white oval
i do not create or transform
i translate
providing a new interpretation of life
that is less rich,
more artifi cial, and
more rigid
off ering no form of happiness
not even of mild relief
transforming life into a succession
of formalities
therefore it helps to love
or at least not to die
- for a while
it’s probably faster for those who never belonged to the world
who never thought of living,
loving, or
being loved
always knowing their life was truly not theirs to live
i regret nothing
as the situation is always changing
everything was airy,
extremely clear from the beginning
but we did not take it into account
after all,
aren’t there infi nite possibilities?
i could have made a woman happy
these ideas were in the spirit of time
we did not formalize or taste them
we have contented ourselves with
conforming to them and
being destroyed by them
god looks after us
giving us precise directions
these impulses of love
that fl ow into our breasts
to the point of taking our breath away
extremely clear signs?
these illusions
these ecstasies
inexplicable if we consider our biological nature
i understand today
the point of view of christ
his repeated annoyance
at the hardening of hears
having all the signs and not taking them into account
do i have to be explicit at this point?
is it really necessary that i give my life for these losers?
looks like i do.