Thursday, October 3, 2019

poor shape

longing left days ago in a deliberate shake of my
hair to the side
obsessive dry dreams of some day smiles regress
back into dangerous. nothing ever repeated exactly,
stuck damp to similar traits and coarse language
river of ‘fuck you’ to hopefully drown in one day.
(my italics)
‘for sale’ sign stamped, leasing valuable property
to the recently referenced staple of alternative
acknowledgment. spent two hours getting ready for
the important art show, spent more time looking in
camera lenses with a pout (arm raised high) than at
the work in question. i suppose the desire to be a
missed connection in the morning could be your
conceptual art piece or something.
actor a) walks into a room and states
“you must make art to be an artist”
spits in your vodka redbull and leaves
my great saving idea has flflfl aked offffffff now spread in
my sheets, computer chair and work shirts.
shufflfflffl ing dust for that one great phrase, perfect
wording, that one needed RIGHT NOW, sounds like
‘sunshine, unnecessary! dark skies all the more
fififi ne! stay indoors and read about smiling, do not
be afraid of sleep no more!!’
zooming out as far as possible as you write secrets
on open-source software on your entry level laptop
as not to reread anything and suddenly, as though
all of these people you’re writing about are
shoulder-hung and embarassed
all looking at you “why?”
for the sake of our salvation go longer true
authors of concrete error importance council
solemnly affiffiffi rms unshakable preventing great
practical importance or speculative fashionable
dissolve our names to publicly perched eyebrows led
to intimacy, now you, new, and i, fififi nd something
suitable your own, or another’s, but unsaid A’s
place-marker until recent, claim full ownership.
abandoned and stick to it, a part of my self,
earlier self, i would admit, kitten, slightly more,
stepping or tread lightly, lengthy, messy, or now
shoulders up, would you like me to be (just long
sleeved?) or had i not bothered after reflflfl ected
jump whiles, privy to our nightly correspondence
disproving counts of negligence.
gentle service clear conscious resist the face
never convinced of contradictory threat: plague and
position so half-truth in cell-worth pronouncing
words unaccented
and defififi ne mislead once again,
late, who is more intentional material than fififi rst
good and fififi rst word, acting too much myself, giving
itself away, possible shame sets in...
i am hushing secrets>% again, ~!i’m sorry^. i just
felt, *nothing, fuck++/$ i did it again,| didn’t i?
snowing already, my rear bike tire heeds traction
and skids me left and right around the market
corner with a loud ‘a-ha-HHa!’, proud. total
control of this situation / lost already on a
sidestreet. i lock my bike near a familiar face and
i taste sea-salt on my fififi ngers. houses here are far
too damaged for the sake of appearance of the lower
class while higher paid nobody’s are the only
occupants. the familiar face offffff ers a downstairs
greeting of ‘bike, dangerous, hurt, no? good.
cold.’ laughs ring, h-h h-h. up these stairs, leave
your shoe- well, since they’re already offffff - fifififi ne,
bring them upstairs if you must. (sink
overflflfl owing curdled red wine reduction, flflflfl oor
scraped bark.) familiar face now shares space with
sweet white-girl traders and herbal medicine
hockers, a statement greeted with my ‘i am an
asshole’ face. i name a kitten (there are six here)
rembrant (recent book read-cat named rembrant-pretty
kitten name) and hold him up to a window and
tell him of outside world fears. i kissed remmy
between the ears and put my jacket back on. this
could be compared to attending a masquerade ball
with a limited invite list of all your friends all
and everybody is wearing typical ‘that person’
clothes. you know? nothing not known, just a bit
obscured. familiarly putting earrings on, perched
bed corner right.
twelve second tape loop laugh track life style.
oh, i shrug.
how can we fall in love when our small attempts
amount to no more than a drunk driving metaphor?
adept at all eyes new masterful totally touching
excuse me, i can see you rarely think but how
pleased to say ‘sociopath tendencies, not me or
mine, but twisting and turning spoken wording isn’t
working’ i splatter anxiety mindless white wall
and sheets make me cringe, i rough up a seam.
ability to echo dirt page and observe medical
journal reverse, what’s the new emulation? new
friend and new torn jeans, carton providing cover,
i wish it were more affffff ordable and should have told
you too long ago how crowded you are, dripping
through, awful continuous empty space.
who was it you swore to be true to?
against will even do i even bother?
(confififi rmed!) secondary barely acquainted and
SNARLING at the mention, greet all serial social
darlings with the sort of whimsy love that a
green grass date or new serious smile can be
associated with. patiently overworking charts to
convince myself otherwise/ funny things, you know,
the pride wars of our time. the greater
non-representational poem does good of all fall asleep
second to keep this a secret only for me.
true worries strain quotes
‘and ah will be ah lone ah gain tonite mah dear’
and one line jokes to win you over: a long fififi nal
tremble stemming from a forgetful shared exhale.
i just said, ha ha, i mean, haha, i just said
yesterda- haha, yesterday! that i could hhh never
date a nonsmoker!! heeeefunnythat i metyouL*O#:>?
is it a common i do have time, just not for you and
but why? trying too hard or as hell would to not
often thought about it meaning too vague now,
vaguer then likely. it is a funnier thing that i
can hold out in front of my reflflfl ecting face or
tripling curses i am not following you outside for
nothing great the degree of words used in place of
saying ‘sad’ or just ‘okay’ instead.
our quickly usually pure agony and run offffff really
start to live some new or tense sudden taking place
and the bottom is so secret and maybe not that
i said for once fififi rst done to need to just leave or
do what i think is right right now, arm around you
when i think you look like i like blue skies too.
make the most or is it your face? drink long week
and eat spring green mix one married if not me
right hopefully wasn’t a good answer by myself i
left it sensible and if we fell asleep it would
be completely okay.
-----------/“you’d fififi t in with us a bit better in a
----------/leather jacket. i’m not saying anything.
--------/i mean, you have enough mesh to ring out a
----------/great presentation, but you need to look
------------/a bit more like you smoke cigarettes.”
maybe we too in common as fififi rst private meeting
without compulsive exclude anxious know your name
and what your THING is. if i be struck dumb without
written in full request prior knowledge, he daily
net secrets smirking down face will hint at teeth
stopping short of saying a name out loud.
“i’m sorry.”
what repulsive words. a violent act of verbal
injustice to revoke a true statement or motion.
unsure how this is coming about, really, but you
are snuggled into my bed. “cool.” very cute all
subtle, shy ways: low self-esteem (me) paired with halfstepped
around arm and leg grazes, back rubs fought
in restraint and lost knees knock and stray not
far, in kissed back and laughs bark; spend most of
leaving morning in my underwear.
a moment bliss (old t-shirt, knife knocked kitchen
counter [will it land foot-straightened today?])
victim to charm, the fucked-up one in a week, where
everybody seems so pleased as if cured, sent in
salt. the more interesting facts get rolled in
sleeves in holding agreement to not be where you
think you’d fi nd me fifi for at least a few weeks.
there was this girl, far very similar, squalid love
affffff air, unable to sleep beside- would rather have a
moment to keep stored very secret away. no sleep
days. long stretch body language straightened
sudden sleep flflfl inch, hands flflflfl ee from warm space
between. alarm clock stop 3x morning breath clings
to teeth and tongue dry, visibly lingers in narrow
division understood in constant held close.
pleasure principle A opens arms to the every new
day, waking up with new blue eyes; B lies back down
with eye-rolling the all too common “free will is
beautiful, alarm clocks choke back buzz and dares
you to leave, but why would you want to?”
nevertheless, little sleep terrors.
i am saying to myself i will take a shower after
this, ten year gap you, steam nose rolling and you
didn’t even notice. out from cold crowded poetry
reading dark hair and i fucking, fucking, had to
smile your way. glance brief catch mistake look
away, sure though typical wooing moves. convinced
this worked through kenzy walk shoulder bumps
‘bound to no one’ and attention friendly.
open door held smile, no, thank you expected, shy
typical regaling she was confusing such luck for
none, pressure veer right into parked car, feel
to become a stranger you, already proved correct a
slighter shame trickles down and gurgles in your
stomach, wave cold captive in bluish sudden kept.
the hard-to-hate man sits on a red and black offiffiffi ce
chair in a post-structurally designed corner in his
artist-style-loft-studio-space. he reads a novel
extremely quickly to have something to talk about
in the coming day, clings to phrases and words and
shrugs away the bigger picture. making something
relatable is hard enough, so force it if you need
to or write a sullen story about sore-hearts and
telling your friends “fuck you” because you don’t
want to see them again until spring.
strands herself alone to history, my rarely entire
life by imitable eyes, in-defififi nition and
inexplicable nostalgia, heart of maths and two
closed doors that suddenly open a crack, no-struck
dazzled, no-body secret is safe forever, resisting
arrest on a cloudy winter day.

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