Thursday, October 3, 2019

i have the proof, you'll have your revenge

fuck a big break, anyways
this is a hostile takeover
you, finnigan’s wake
you, infinite jest
you, the rosy crucifixion
what i was saying the whole time i was writing graffi ti:
i love repeating myself.
in the event of my accidental death: an instructional pdf
send my negatives to a MoCA
send my words to PS1
alexa gets everything i own
the clutter, lol
please take care of tennessee cat
i suppose you always think something is wrong, that’s your charm
your schedule, conditions, zones
and yes, you feel sick somewhere new
in your body, the villain
a reasonable expectation of love
a windy day and healthy confusion about
what tasks to take on, at least you went outside
for coff ee, water, cigarettes
hungry in a diff erent way, now that
i’m not depressed
did i hear that right?
in indianapolis, where the ugly turn soft
you thankfully gaze at the lack of neon signage
i feel sorry for anyone following me
wind blackjack dealer shuffl es unused canvases
stored on the back patio new studio, reminding you
it’s not the kind of day to check the news
it’s not that i’ve left, or am leaving
and to think, thousands of dollars at the very least
shower, sex, then eat
demineralized treated water
potassium bicarbonate
not to say i’ve been wasting time
or that the time has been a waste
meet, marry, it struck me, so
exhausted, quiet, therapy
oral sex in the event of an emergency
before i could go back to sleep
but who mythologized who?
living room organized coup
turned around 30
more than anything comforting
future continued to exist
asleep in dirty clothes pile
at the foot of the bed
it, too hot
still smiled immediate
various approaches to glory
every way former selves
would respond to positivity
change my mind or
complicate everything
alexa, i want to have a baby
appropriate poolside conversation
164 photographs must be enough
excitement is important
sex clap is clap a clap gang
please don’t instagram this car crash
together or separate
22% loud
ok, so do you remember that time when you faked a broken wrist
when you thought you were about to have a meltdown? was that
faking the meltdown, do you think?
the candle burn vanilla scent dizzy on the loveseat and everything
is annoying upon refl ection doomed feeling is that all there is-ness
what was i thinking, nothing - you’re just cute and what tequila
shots do, they’re doing.
she asked about the previous one’s star sign and i couldn’t remember
i couldn’t even remember what month she was born in
for real
do you remember fake pogs? and fake pokemon cards? and how
serious of an off ense that was?
why i stopped reading the news:
“exterminate them,”
not all of them, you know - just these few
a 40-ish man orders a vodka redbull and someone behinds him
chuckles - “what year is this?” i know he wants to be hip but it
comes off as obnoxious, a refusal to read the drink list - he gets
waved off by the bartender and the chuckling man behind orders a
beer and a shot.
“i need to get something
for my pussy”
it itches on the inside, idk
i have a yeast infection probably
i get them before my period sometimes
i understand it hurts
and now is not the time
but you’ve never looked more beautiful
shaving parmesano reggiano
into a saucepan
books i own will never read:
lonely planet’s “discover turkey.”
probably that’s it actually why was i going to turkey?
it being friday
i’m drinking juice about it
need me healthy
advil not helping
i think maybe depressed
i don’t know i’m tired
reservations get canceled
convertible car goes by, playing reggae
i would like to kenneth koch pdf instead
kids have kids and they eat freezies in july
print my reciept and leave
yellow red blue turning dirty
“is that how you like it?”
oh god what was i saying
if destruction can be sexy then
i’m - fucking - naked on a clamshell
drinking vodka sodas
an already love story
account history
“it’s in the code”
shortcuts, variable fi nding
or has the source been verifi ed?
my thinking has gone confetti
if i’m clean, i’m wrong
refl ections look hieroglyphic no,
zodiac and my hair can’t be short again
goodwill courtesy believing in distance
threats obscure
the appeared malaise
tigers, they call us
bearing calm witness
as rigid as rhythm
i address you as lover
for immediate release:
i am recently thirty
and thinking about having a family
everybody’s serious but me
here are the facts
or, rather, the facts we have
why are you asking if you know damn well
it didn’t happen to me
but it could have
the material, the message,
the rhetoric, the accidental
“not in my backyard” style liberalism
the meaning changes as often as the
question gets asked
delete your browser history
as an original form of protest
manage your behavior in default mode
stop complaining
make a novel composed by retweets
break the law with someone you love -
if you really love them
i work for a living
what’s for sale these days?
everything? great.
my dude, your photo work ain’t that good -
but that isn’t my fault.
art criticism can’t exist in a world where everything is taken
im interested in working around the information i have archived -
categorized -
and then reorganizing it based on my mood of the day.
what i mean is
do you understand what i’m saying?
work until it is yours
i call that “sweat equity”
it’s too dense, frustrating to read
well, cut down the words you don’t need
being a painter or a writer never seems like a proud thing -
paying your bills, taking care of your family, however...
i wasn’t too drunk i was busy $50 later y’all are dumb
i’m glad we are both drug free together
now sour but sorted
are you working or are you just drinking
and pretending to be quiet
on your phone
i can’t listen in the dark
“pretty enough words / paint a picture of us that works”
- who’s livejournal?
i’ve painted over several canvases i’ve paid for and didn’t like anymore.
i’ve painted over a lot of my own paintings, too.
i only write in red pens because everything is a mistake to begin
i want to clearly indicate those mistakes.
the more i read, the smarter i get.
the less i read, ???
the more i read, the more i write.
asking for permission is so 2017
meme poetics and the gender apology tour
translating poems from the french,
but i don’t really think my french is that great
my poems are now laughing in the street
my poems are making fun of you
all my bad habits are good poems
my poems won the world cup july 2018
the invention of the ship is also the invention of the shipwreck
rhythm is a joke
if you’re using grown-up language
if you don’t repeat yourself,
how can i take you take you
seriously seriously seriously
seriously seriously seriously
you’re missing
“the point.”
poetry has to proceed past the paywall
as frequent as a facebook status update
poems now going for as low as fi ve megabytes on the dollar
this is the proper use for my love
hating mystery, looking for you white bike riding
xxx thumbnails loading
jazz as a bad sculpture
jazz i could do without
being a cheerleader
taking a u-turn
you’re going to be sorry
love, a long time ago
escaped from “some place”
handcuff ed 10/10
sand in your sneakers stay there
and WHAT can be done with the state of the house!
it’s not the pharamcueticals i’m coming around to
today, being of use
i’m shaking give me a minute
keep the kindness in your heart
please be avocado toast considerate
i decided to make money
wisdom teeth jealous
dehydrated citrus peeling
fl attened meadow i’m guessing
dress blossom printed
bloodless, beyond that
pulling the ink acrosss the fabirc
reveals the image
your joan of arc research
asleep during the day
seems weird now checking pockets
v for victory
u for you and me
a for after a while you forget it is summer
sudden completely diff erent
i had a feeling
touching without seeing
twenty fi ve twenty six twenty seven
early life and education
believing in ghosts is silly, believe me
leave the light on anyway
does this make me the other man
or is it the pillow
or paper written on
or a tijuana wandering, holding your hand
“don’t worry about a thing like that.”
spend the whole entire bike ride
looking backwards
making sure
you safe,
i run the red lights
i’m hormonal and i hate a man in uniform
when i yawn i’m bored
i see you on the sidewalk
am confused by
who i could be
was then
things, working diff erently, glad did not,
now, me shop for lacroix and not drug dead
reminder of good i got, not
transparent umbrella cheap
again, i gotta ask you to stay on your side
of the street
meaning -
the rooster “cockadoodledoo”
in english
also “cocorico”
en francais
hesitating before each left turn
like that, you make a stain
i take your hand or
you take my hand or
you know the names
the natural, the real
the real world where wolves speak
not worth losing a fi nger so keep
your j’accuse to yourself
sneakers need to be cleaned
maestro, bad master
the landscape, dignifi ed
“we always fail to talk”
about this post-situation understanding
under the volcano
of panic in slow-motion
you exist stretching your legs out
politely shown the door
as it was diffi cult to fi nd
apocalypse in hebrew is “gala”
which means “to discover”
i have the proof, you’ll have your revenge
the darkness inside you wants to buy a pair of shoes
i am not in the habit of asking anyone anything
what did i tell you
- i told you
- this always happens
the accident is never an accident
drinking a mojito if it’s worth noticing
no aff airs, just novels
you sphnix
i, beliving in my lucky star
you, wearing a thin linen dress
me, so quickly
a lover, a locksmith
six weeks behind this calendar
from a conceptual point of view,
i must be content
just visiting for the weekend
everybody is punk on saturday
decoding “do it yourself ” ethos
into something that suits me
no essence of fi xed things
drinking hot tea
on a hot day
black coff ee
common statement
“like my lovers, like my soul”
black nikes, red swoosh,
“these must be my lucky shoes.”
i read self-helf books just to prove i don’t need them.
meditation, work, etc
nah, i’m ok
just making sure
author blogger book coach commissioning editor consultant freelancer
ghostwriter editor journalist novelist poet screenwriter scribe
songwriter speechwriter technical writer fuck html code writer
what else can i do
“in heaven,” she whispered,
“nobody rollerblades, longboards, or
bicycles on the sidewalk.”
“everybody walks at a quick pace,
and every road is recently paved,
and skateboarding in traffi c makes
“regular skateboards, no stupid banana
boards or whatever. those are banned.”
the interesting parts of life aren’t worth writing,
these successful boredoms
read in a diff erent context, it sounds like you’re describing class war
i don’t think i’ll ever write about grief
i’m just talking from experience
allergic to empires
i prefer the ephermal
something profound already exists
everything starts with writers block
maybe internet work
how’s your book going
i’m behind
it’s polluting my thoughts
money pollutes my thoughts a lot
lately, maybe
5htp, bacopa
smart, still vomiting
how much worse can it get
what a stupid thing
how do we talk about this
enhancement of self
you’re still talking about focus
no, commitment
to organization
apparently so
you’ve got a big day tomorrow
you think
i just pull myself together
again and again
laptop hot
i cant imagine what would happen
sleeping on the ouch like old days
doing so much drugs
you were surprised you woke up
you crazy
except now you’re just
scared of the dark
i hope it doesn’t happen to me
i’m overreacting
big brown eyes
that’s the way it works
always have a plan
even if the plan doesn’t work
a gift, unearned
rely on discretion
my left eye suddenly dry
sign i am tired
this movie wasn’t terrible
but defi nitely not great
i’ll take off my underwear and give them to you so you can use
them as a bathing suit bottom.
this whole beach smells like bird shit.
come to me, just knee deep.
you’ve been picking your face, your nose pimple.
i should write a crime novel, a mystery - like that dude who wrote
a cookbook or whatever.
the black magic bandit and his mind control methods of captivity.
picking people’s pockets with your prose.
shifting in your seat
the image isn’t loading
jingling your keys
wait, where did we see the google earth car?
bloor and christie?
i don’t have the app, can i use your phone
it glitches so nicely
i bet we look so good
is this vampire weekend?
such fuck boys
dennis cooper is chuck palahniuk for people who pretend they
don’t like chuck p.
god, i bet people who drink orange wine love dennis cooper.
how did he end up on my ‘to read’ list?
the sluts? that book was the one. i haven’t found it, but the others...
people around are, for the most part, nonthreatening
but obnoxious in their questions
and their phones beep too often
and they don’t thank their server
emotionally taxing navigation
quote unquote
no reason
everyone agrees it’s bullshit
such bullshit
i gotta boogie with the koalas
even if you’re coercing me to say these things
sulking on the bathroom fl oor
yawning over a glass of wine
i’m disappointed, you know,
in these outfi ts and eyebrows
and i want to dry out at the beach
and out of breath come bedtime
and unset myself of sand in the shower
unknown number calling, nope -
let it go to voicemail no new messages
oh they’d have messaged if it was important
and you have to plan this vacation
fi nd somewhere to read ‘ulysses part two’
in public and maybe get a tattoo on my face
but not my throat
what have you learned,
reading your book on loneliness?
don’t chantrelle mushroom me -
or bitter green
remember when you came in me, eyes locked no blinking?
all of them witches
pink or orange wristbands
people in their 30s
too many years
supressing a grin
calmly organizing things
waiting for your eyes to adjust
plato or socrates?
whichever was the least sexist
“never allow someone else’s no
to annihilate your yes.”
you, walking towards
me, smiling
constantly buying books
dangly earrings, macbook pro
absently looking elsewhere
i forget my glasses are on my face
i press my fi ngers on the lenses
oh, there they are
they’re on my face
i do this ten times a day
understanding the forgery fi rst
it’s not that simple, and it’s not the whole story
hypnotic self-absorbtion
how often do i say
“top fl oor” or “penthouse”
instead of saying
“20th fl oor”
thief of time
enemy of promise
nobody can be sure of the exact laws.
the law changes too quickly.
i sit with elanor the aloe plant.
we wait for a miracle.
sophrosyne : self-control
breaking up careerism
claiming presence of the divine
if i got a tattoo that said, i don’t know,
what would that make me, hmm?
i’ve always wanted to fail at writing a love story.
i’m concerned about becoming famous without having done
one way to describe a person:
the most qualifi ed for the job.
we understand that once your words are jotted down, they are no
longer yours -
that they can be picked up by others.
what am i trying to say?
-all artists fetishize their own work, their working methods, their
surroundings, those around them, them-selves
i consider the undeniable facts of self-preservation
the photographic imprint
-the images we remember
the photographic excess
-the 24 frames of the same thing
if your picture isn’t good, you standing close enough
1) i have not brought many people with me to galleries or
2) how does a nondrinker celebrate?
3) [...] at the height of his fame and anxiety
if i did everything i wanted to do, i’d probably be dead
we don’t call police in my city -
we let people keep living
poking all the holes, still leaking
memorialized past
bittersweet fl awed or pure
depending on my re-imagining
69 poems and lists
i have so much stuff to throw out
art is funny like that
a refusal to participate:
let your id expire, throw away your bank card
me: “excus-”
someone who just moved here: “yeah, it’s a tattoo of a snake. cool,
god i love you
god i’m hungry
god i’m tired
god i’m dizzy
you: having trouble at the bank
me: i told you so
every time you feel bad about yourself,
remember there are so many people
who haven’t read a book since
harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone
what can i repeat that sounds better the second time around?
is it egypt or my sinuses
that keeps me from breathing
“and you had best believe / that you cannot build what i don’t
i thought i would write about food and booze and work like
bourdain, and still wrote like me.
i thought i would write careless like kerouac, and still wrote like
i thought i would write spiteful prose like cohen, and still wrote
like me.
i’m not sure if this is a good thing.
richard prince’s guggenheim retrospective
deny until i die
less emotional journalism
or more, maybe
a journal usually describes either very happy or very sad events
i’m more interested in the missing middle.
the less-interesting and unwritten.
the 24 hour workday unreality
a milestone’s menu of freedom
can you delete that photo? no.
low-level productivity
loneliness-free routine
business cards need to be printed
failed journalism as memoir
experience as content
i have an eating disorder, so i don’t sing for my supper
a situation,
a story -
as long as the underlying truth resonates
suff ocating disappointment
nothing ever happens
hypothetical obstacles
where real life falls in the cracks
in miscellaneous order
“is” are” “were” “was”
so, i don’t speak french but i want to learn.
“but you’ve still not mastered english?”
i mean, right.
did i learn to be sensitive?
am i formally responsible for my own history?
contamination, again
i had a lot of advil,
is that why i’m disassociating?
if mad magazine
published poetry,
other people read diff erently
other people read other people’s work
“i’m studying memory.”
- my artist statement 2016-18
i’m not sure what i meant
you’re a hoarder, says my wife
you can’t help bringing home trash
but i might be able to use this
this is me using that trash.

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