Thursday, October 3, 2019


Do you want to touch it? You’re nothing but trouble. We shook
hands and parted at the end of our journey. Alain convinced me to
do it. Th e servants, and the young ladies also, decked out the tree.
On one branch they hung little nets, cut out of colored paper; every
net was fi lled with sweetmeats; golden apples and walnuts hung
down as if they grow there, and more than a hundred little candles,
red, white, and blue, were fastened to the diff erent boughs. Nadeem
could hear Tyler crying. Skip and Juliet dated each other for three
years. Eduardo didn’t mean to hurt anybody. I don’t like writing.
Curt never seems to spend much time studying.
What are these charges for? Are you saying it’s over?
Nou drowned in the ocean. I hope I am very effi cient. Do you want
to tell him? Lindsay was found guilty of murder.
Do you already have a plan? He engaged her as an interpreter.
Imogen of the Internet blatantly forsakes web accessibility guidelines
when redesigning her Tumblr for the twelfth time today. Th at
was a stupid thing you did, Ira. Have you got a dog? Yes, I have a
daughter. Th ey’ll be here at three. We’re ready for this. I like instrumental
Sergio clearly doesn’t want to be there. Th at was a shepherd. You’re
asking for too much. Lois, would you please give these starving
people something to eat? As soon as we fi nd out anything, we will
contact you. We need a password to use this computer. I want a
compact car with an air conditioner. I’m sure Chet has some questions
he wants to ask you.
Rakhal looked in consternation at the stain on his shirt. My daughter
is blonde. Which information are you talking about? Maybe it’s
time to tell him. Timo is having trouble focusing. Phill is good at
avoiding fi ghts. Val is just a friend from school. I live in Miami. We
all have our cross to bear. Th e man who was arrested for murder
asked to plead the fi fth.
I would greatly appreciate your help. You just can’t put a price on a
moment like this. Which theater is that? Do you dream about me?
We’ve been abandoned. I have no time left. I didn’t like them. Th ey
caught sight of the man among the crowd of people. Susumu certainly
is aware of what happened here yesterday. I gave it to them
yesterday. He returned home without telling us.
Jim was caught cheating in the examination. Something wrong?
She had something weird on her head. Matthew must be tired after
working all day in the hot sun. He came really fast. I am a freelance
photographer Th e students used a magnet in science class. Over the
next fi fteen years, architects, planners and community developers
will work together to transform 346 acres of industrial wasteland
into 6,500 homes, two shopping centres, a marina, a primary school
and college, and parkland. Th e students are apt to make the same
mistakes. She feeds her dog the same thing that she eats.
You should’ve told me you didn’t know what to do. My mark for
the English examination was close to the average mark of the class.
Long live the chaos! My hands were numb with cold. Do I have to
register? Th e ship passed under the bridge. I just wanted to come
say goodbye. Th at fact is of great importance from the viewpoint of
science. I was not aware of the trick.
I told you to leave her alone. “What kind of pet is always found on
the fl oor?” “A carpet.” Come tomorrow morning. Th is is what scares
I want to know about them. I’m not strange. Happiness isn’t merely
having many possessions.
Lars is my neighbor, but I don’t know him very well. Puppies don’t
like to be left alone. My father is as busy as ever. Let’s fi nish up. I’m
friends with Allen. Bright white cloud-tops refl ect a lot of sunlight
back into space.
Have you already decided on your thesis topic? Did he write it with
a pencil? I told Uri to help Gunnar. We stayed at a hotel by the
lake. Tarmi went in my house. Th e elderly couple died peacefully.
He didn’t half swear. I heard Lila is really cute. I’m thrilled to be
back. He instantly regretted taking apart the laptop after realizing
how many complex components there were inside.
Th at daimyo holds a fi ef yielding 100,000 koku of rice. He who
knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know. It’s hard to
swat a fl y with your bare hand. Th e three veterans lived together
in a rented cottage on the outskirts of a small town on the edge of
the inland sea. Takeuchi was abused far more than the rest of his
brothers and sisters. I’m afraid she may have the mumps. Th e bathroom
pipes are clogged with sewage. I wonder if Charley knows
who left this package on my desk.
George did business in the same manner as his father. I need that
information now. Why aren’t you taking notes? I knew what they
did to Victoria. Dewey is on his way back to Boston. It would be a
huge setback for them.
I got up earlier than usual so that I might catch the fi rst train.
We’re probably right.
Smoking is bad for the health. We sometimes disparagingly call
noise, music that’s insignifi cant and devoid of any charm.
I’ve always liked it. How did you cut your arm? I had a great vacation.
He is hated by all. You don’t think Sir might still be here, do
Let’s not wait too long. I would like to visit New York someday. I
am not able to drink wine. Th ere is a pen between the apple and
the book. Go home and lock the door from the inside.
Th is tall man is Mr Smith. Hirotoshi doesn’t like me much. Did
you ever catch Neville? Rejoice, lest pleasureless ye die.
Is everything OK here?
Come back next week and the clothing will be ready. I told Danny
he could be my assistant. Let’s choose the best of the tomato crop
and take them to the market. Nicholas resembles his father. I had
a new suit made. You wouldn’t believe the stuff people throw away.
Ima has always been lucky.
Th e death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.
It was a terrible thing to do. Stewart disappeared into the night.
I have eyes.
Do you know Sergio’s blood type? Th ere are many houses destroyed
by the earthquake. Th e baby kept crying all night. In many countries,
the main reason that people come to big cities is because of
work. Th e girl that I know very well has already left for Tokyo.
Dave doesn’t know Teresa’s last name. I’m not married to Walter.
We’ll work on it. Your father’s supporters are not limited to his
friends. Th is play has a feminist point of view.
Dan was sent to a maximum security facility in Florida.
Kimberly knew how to do that. He took advantage of the opportunity
to visit the museum. Th is book has a certain value. I think that
jacket would fi t me. Jef ’s alone. Adam was a strong man. It’s worth
every penny.
Liber thinks Paul knows where John is. Holy shit! Th is is the worst
case of the measles I’ve ever seen. What does it take to get some
service here? How much money did you spend last week? Th at’s
not happening till October 20th. Let’s choose the best of the tomato
crop and take them to the market. Dan looked down at his glass
and saw that it was still half full. Formal declarations of war haven’t
been the United States’s style since 1942.
Th e mother was quieting her crying baby. I used to live near Hal.
See you later, alligator.
Th e rocket blew up a few seconds after launch.
Th ere was a big parade today. She is just going shopping. I miss
Kyle’s cooking. I want to know who did it.
His desire for promotion blinded him to other’s feelings. I swam in
the sea. How much rest do you need? Come this way. It’s shorter.
He looked for his book for an hour. He milked the cow.
Can I rent rackets? Th ey say that a person who has perfect pitch
can tell just by listening what pitch a note is. Her cousin lives in
Europe. You’re all set. Winnie watches too much television.
Go get them a blanket. What on earth is the matter? Should I
stay or should I go? Th is is what we found. It cost less than fi fteen
dollars. Vilhelm is intelligent and kind.
I think we should spend some time apart from each other. Sadly,
terrorism is a global disease, but it must never be allowed to triumph.
Jackye asked Chuck if she would teach his son French. She patted
her back. What a kind girl she is!
Are you spending enough time with your kids? My mother doesn’t
like my room being untidy. We must act now. Write the address
and the home phone number. As soon as Pilot gets here, we’ll leave.
Mike was supposed to be here today. He was seen crossing the
street. I’m sorry for acting like a jerk.
I knew that someone would come. Tao never even opened the
book. Toerless meant well. How often do you eat junk food?
She was looking at the fi ne snow falling on the lake.
You must let things take their own course. When Franklin put his
foot into the stream, he felt something bite his toe.
You’re embarrassing me. We’re moving to town. I have taught my
dog to sit up and beg. He soon got over the danger. Greg looked
at his cards. I acted to protect myself from a similar destiny. Scot
forgot to bring his camera. I get the feeling you don’t really want
me to stay. Can I change the English alphabet?
Th e day before yesterday I quit my job. He sprained his knee
during a volleyball match. Clarence is never late for school. I’d be
thrilled if I were invited.
Martine had been working for a local TV channel while her husband
was completing a PhD in psychology. Are you quitting your
job? I’ve been searching for them. Sugih won’t let anything happen
to you. I love everything about him. Th e picture looks strange because
it has no perspective. Never choose a vocation just because it
permits the wearing of good clothes. Don’t you have an air conditioner?
We are in two.
I wish I was pretty. I’m not talking about you.
I need this to round out my collection. Cathryn is a friend of a
friend. Do you want a sandwich? Is there a supermarket near your
house? I got stuck in heavy traffi c on the expressway. He let me
work in his offi ce. He is good at biology. Vickie tried in vain to
convince Gideon to go to art school.
Leave your coff ee there so it can cool off . How long was the journey
to New York? Who did King vote for? We hired a boat by the
hour. You don’t know them. He said they wanted to fi ght until
every black man was free. You take the money. Th at’s my mistake.
What the hell was she thinking?
Francis’s wife asked him to quit his job. Is the handsome man an
Arab or an Indian? Better an end with horror than a horror without
end. Albert has been shot three times. She said that I should
come home soon.
Shel and I both want to go home.
Th e lecture is composed by two parts, one theoretical, the other
practical. I should’ve been more polite. Did Celeste say why he
wanted to quit? Edwin contributed. It’s not perfect. My mother
made me clean the bathroom.
Is now a good time to talk to Tricia? Don’t play on the job. If you
want a good seat, you should get there early.
I don’t remember promising that. “How often do the buses run in
an hour?” “Every thirty minutes.” We have to fi nd out what’s going
He’s in the bathroom. I can sing this song without looking at the
lyrics. I take pictures of a lot of things.
What do you use this for? I knew it was Wendi. Why do you say
things like that? Your role here is so important. I’ve fi nished reading
the book I was reading. Your top button is undone. Yvonne
wanted revenge. It’s over here. I appreciate how you feel. What
time was your appointment?
Masanao isn’t your typical stockbroker. We can’t prove Carlo is
lying, but we’re pretty sure he is. I want to know now. I thought
you knew me. He fell overboard and was drowned. Everybody was
looking at her when she burst into laughter. Amy, you should marry
Who was punished? Joe and Shane become like blood brothers.
Did you get one of these, too? It was the greatest earthquake on
record. I told her to leave me alone. In signing the Treaty of Tripoli
in 1796, our second President John Adams wrote, “Th e United
States has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion
or tranquility of Muslims.” Th ose who learn English cannot do
without English dictionaries. He is ashamed of having been idle in
his youth.
If the water stops fl owing, it’s most likely from a kink in the hose.
It has nothing to do with them. It was in London that I last saw
her. I’m certain Bryan will want to speak with you. You’ve got the
wrong guy. He is a fi ne gentleman. Old is like family. I am trapped
in another dimension. Archie oiled her bicycle.
How did the meeting go? Is there any way I can blame this on you?
I fi gured it was a bad time to call.
Mike is one of our brains. He stopped talking. Th is is true love.
Stacy didn’t know how to control himself. You’re defi nitely crazy. I
had issues I had to deal with. Monica knew he was right. Merlin
was a wizard.
Please wait until we get the results of the examination. I shook
hands with them.
We leave in three hours. Edmund didn’t remember where he’d put
his passport. Dogs are forbidden. He’s the perfect drummer for the
band. I gained admission to the club. Th e good doctor sees an old
I have to tell Ozan something. Dan spent hours scanning dozens
of pages of Linda’s diary. Th ey’re capoiera dancers. We’ll be fi ne no
matter what happens.
Why didn’t you come earlier?
Malus and Suresh are still in love. Th at’s a bit of a problem. You
making me sick now. I only wish I were part of it. Although they
were twins, they were of opposite personalities. She’s very ill and
has been in bed for a week.
Jerald says he won’t do it anymore. Cris may have been sleeping at
the time. I love being in the spotlight. Tracey, this is between your
father and myself. I kissed Spass and she kissed me back. Th at boy
is completely nuts. He doesn’t follow any rules.
I don’t know what I’m doing yet.
Man will die sooner or later. You can have the rest of the pie. I
passed the exam! Julie owes me a favor or two. You’re Italian. Call
me if you fi nd her. I think Stu doesn’t speak French very often. My
home is in the outskirts of that city.
Th is building is on the verge of collapsing. Did you hire them?
I couldn’t get back to sleep. David is looking a little nauseous. Do
you think they followed us here? Hey. How’s it going? She is wearing
accessories. Donn cleaned up the offi ce. I just want to be near
I don’t like working on weekends. Th ese houses were dark and dirty.
You don’t disturb me. Man is the only animal that can use fi re.
Izchak and I had a deal. It is characteristic of him. A mutiny on my
ship? It’s completely impossible. She said that I should quit smoking.
You shouldn’t speak to your parents that way.
We have to get better. Edward is taking pictures. I have to lose
some weight. Could I see your driver’s license? I’ve decided not to
swim this afternoon. Do you own a computer?
I can’t imagine anybody would be surprised. He didn’t give an
answer to the question. We are too busy to be idle. Presley is giddy.
When the fi re broke out, he was fast asleep. Shall I tell them the
truth? Th e nature of the All moved to make the universe. We’ll
help them. I have gone astray somewhere in my calculations. I’ll be
ready to go in ten minutes.
It is said that her new novel is based on her own experiences. Mr
Smith married his daughter to a doctor. Carlo is using an external
hard drive.
My brother can drive a car.
Th e pilot is 30 years of age. Floyd is my lawyer. “Do not talk like
that, dear child,” replied the lady. It’s personal. We don’t think the
job is done. Today, it isn’t raining. I’ve got something here I think
you should see. I usually put mangoes in the dessert that I make.
Th e suspect remains at large. Th e price is low, but the quality isn’t
very good.
He began to eat lunch. I just wish you’d trust me. I don’t like the
polluted atmosphere of big cities.
What’s the minimum salary in Poland? Isidore is really quite a remarkable
person. I just did what the boss asked me to do. In which
direction will Syria develop after the regime change?
One way or another, we have to get this job fi nished by Monday.
Why would Shean worry? Th is is a picture of the Opera House in
Sydney. How much money you would like to withdraw? I wanted
something to eat. He graduated from a senior high school with
honors. Yes! I will kill her! You’ll see, I will kill her! Th is tradition
passes from father to son. But I don’t think that it’s strange at all.
We almost got them where we want them. Are you even listening
me? Art is a serious thing.
Th e burglar was traced by one of the things she had left on the
scene. At dinner time they stopped for a while to rest and eat. I’m
too old for that shit. Cindy looks quite sophisticated. Rahul graduated
in the same year as Jerome. Oliver came to meet me yesterday
Alison is still dating Timothy, isn’t he? Hello, good people! I go
to bed very early. I told Matthias I’d think about it. I have more
important things to do. We’ve talked about that. Eddie has been
sitting in that room alone for fi ve hours. I’m almost broke.
Everything Sanand did, Claire criticised. I didn’t wait for her.
I feel kind of hungry. Where’s your money? In the fi rst paragraph,
she describes an idea of home. Th ey believed me.
I’ve fi nished all the work for today.
Benson started the timer. If this train is late, I won’t make the
transfer in Kobe. I’ve seen them here before. It’s possible to eat
green beans raw.
We both saw her. Th at’s the point you should focus on. Th is district
is known for its beautiful scenery. I was wrong all along. He shouted
to the men inside that he wished to talk. Why is this so, Yusufu?
I didn’t mean that to happen. Ramneek and Conrad fell head over
heels in love with each other. Are you going to hit me? I was angry
and confused.
I’m looking forward to your visit during the summer vacation.
Clarence seems to agree with us. Did you do what I asked you to
do? Have you got a brother or a sister?
I have not eaten any poisonous mushrooms! We had our backs to
the wall. Your house is three times as large as mine. What chord is
that? I’ve always wanted to do that. We were just having a little fun.
Chris walked down the street without looking either left or right.
Th is came like a bolt from the blue. Who will console me? We’ve
worked really hard on this. Th e better he knows the language, the
less he likes it. You played tennis yesterday. What do you say we
head over to Marilyn’s house?
I think my fi rst name goes well with your last name! I’m charging
this amount to your bill. Emily missed the net. You were never very
happy here, were you? It’s people like you who are ruining it for
everyone else. Donald just didn’t want to see me. In those days, or
at any rate in Cambridge, laboratory life was rather informal.
To preach is easier than to practice.
Would you help me look for my keys? I think of her day and night.
Th e ship was soon out of sight. Th e game was put off because of
rain. Nothing more could be done. He’s too old. Does he need to
go right now? People laughed at him. You’ve got no authority to do
Th e insurance company will compensate her for the loss. Don’t
worry! You will be out of here and running around with your
friends in no time. Hurf didn’t say anything at the meeting. Kristian
off ered Geoff a glass of champagne.
No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which
is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. Let me show
you how to do it. He is in a poor state of health. I’m practically
melting over here. She eats facing her husband. Th e president held
himself responsible for the slump in business, and left his post. If
you truly love your beard, you should let it grow! Th at sounds pretty
bad. Would you please tell me the way? Monkeys are intelligent.
Th e mother insisted on her children not playing in the park after
Leave me a bit of ice cream. Margie told his teacher that he had
been sick, but that wasn’t true. Liber is extremely bright. Th ey were
stuck for hours in a traffi c jam. Big companies need an economy
analyst. I think Syun blames himself. I want to become a teacher.
Where were all of you? Th at’s a buzz kill.
Any good theory of justice must consider the question of fairness.
It will not be long before you accommodate yourself to the new
circumstances. Th at’s one reason. Have the courage to use your own
reason. We got her to attend to the patient. Oh! I know the man.
You should’ve eaten something this morning. I smelled bacon. It’s
really not that interesting.
I still think Takayuki is wrong. Leo has two sisters. It’s awfully hot.
She winked at me, as much as to say, I love you. Th ere are thirty
students in the beginner’s group. No one has the right to control
your life, tell you what to do, or tell you when to do it. He can’t
come because he’s ill. I haven’t had time to do any decorating. I’ll
look into this issue more.
I think it will be fi ne if you call back. Some of the members of the
middle class have fallen into poverty. Takayuki knew it was safer to
walk on the sidewalk, but he walked down the center of the road.
Paradoxically, he is right. He gave it to me willingly. Antonio wrote
a love letter to Pilar. Buncranna is mental!
I’m not involving him. I still want to be with you. You sound disappointed.
I played tennis with Dominick. I want you where I can see
you. Roman didn’t know the gun was loaded. Polly went back to
sleep. God, this place looks great.
Have you fi lled out the forms yet? Th e hotel has accommodation
for one hundred. Th ere’s an urgent need for medical supplies. Th e
students parted into three groups. Why of course, that’s what the
“surprise” means. Didn’t you go to my high school? Knapper began
to get very angry. He likes baseball very much. He requested my
He realized his wishes. I love this video. You won’t regret hiring me.
Th e true art of life consists in seeing the miraculous in the everyday.
After much debate, it was decided that to be a planet in our solar
system, an object must be in orbit around the Sun, have enough
mass so that it has become round in shape due to its own gravity,
and have cleared out its orbital path around the Sun. I’ve got my
own problems.
Nothing is so terrible as an earthquake. Planting trees at this age! I
am deeply grateful to you for your kindness.
Send Julia in. Snow lay all over the ground.
It’s human nature. Spyros and Timothy just got married, but they
don’t act like newlyweds.
Can I quote you on that? My parents are familiar with her friend.
Why was there nobody here? He has a large family. Don’t you
think it’s still a little too early to talk to Donal about this?
Our boss wants us to maintain a calls log. I suggest putting a comma
here. It was a terrible aff air.
LISA will look for gravitational waves from stars and black holes.
Tell her to stop.
Yokohama is a beautiful port town. Did you tell James he could
borrow your car? I wanted to buy a suit, but it was too expensive.
Apparently an old friend of mine is going to a university in Osaka
in Spring. Gregge is defi nitely not busy.
I nearly fainted when I heard the story. We need to be paid more.
Should I go talk to him? I’ll fi nd out soon enough.
I should’ve studied French harder. You were always a good friend to
me. Tomorrow, I will eat strawberry cake and pizza with my boyfriend.
I’ll call at your house tomorrow.
It’s a cultural thing.
It’s her problem, not mine. I’m your older sister. I have a strong
backhand. I am disgusted with him. Bonnie is the last person in
line. I was so homesick. Mickey has worked in Australia. You could
help us. He wrote the article “Robotic Mining and Minerals on
Martian Terrain.” I went fi shing in the river.
It was clear that Hawking would live longer than was fi rst thought.
Is there some way to check for ovulation? What does Trey owe
you? Why aren’t you using it? Th ere’s still plenty.
What has actually happened here?
Deirdre never said who he was with last night. He is active although
he is very old.
He confessed that he had fallen in love with me. I think we should
tell Fred that he needs to work harder. Th e church dates back to
1173. A fi sh can swim. It’s good that the sun came out. Everyone
loved Deb. I’m sure that is the truth. It looks like something’s going
to happen. Ralph will be OK. Are you the group leader?
What on earth are you doing in a fi shing boat? My father celebrated
his seventieth birthday this year, but he’s more energetic than
I am. He stands about seven feet. Jagath didn’t need to hurry. He
had plenty of time. Morton was accused of neglecting his duty. He
doesn’t care.
Th ey will be safe with me. Don’t be too hard on her. I thought
you were grounded. She didn’t buy bread. Every man has his own
strong points. I’ll try to fi nish it in time as best I can. He was aware
of my presence but he did not greet me. Nancy has a hold on her
husband. You’re not my commanding offi cer anymore. Ricky sent
Manavendra a message written in French.
Do you know what it means for a man to give a woman perfume?
Jones is an offi ce administrator at an electronics company. Please
don’t panic. I feel I need a whole new lexicon, as my language fails
She could have resisted more aggressively if she’d wanted to. In
1847, they declared independence. Why don’t you talk to her? I
don’t want you with me. Why is she sulking? Tait defi nitely does
that. I think I’ll ask Randy to marry me. Everyone for themselves!
Elliott insisted he hadn’t been drinking, but his slurred speech and
unsteady gait gave him away. We can’t prevent Jim from seeing
Everyone I know has been there. When Bud couldn’t bear the pain
any longer, he went to the hospital. Where were you standing?
You’ll be all right. You must appeal to public opinion to win the
election. Th e injured man was carried to the hospital. He was rather
careless to say the least. We took pride in our strength. I’ve never
actually been alone. Th e textile factory’s windows are fi tted with
iron bars so when a fi re broke out inside the factory, most of the
workers died. Kieran was aiming his pistol at Marguerite when
John shot him.
Shutoku looks unfriendly, but she is really very kind at heart. Yes
indeed, it certainly is. I dare not go back. Neighbourly relations are
necessary for success. Are Rebecca and Th eodore really married?
He has a crush on the girl next door. I always say yes!
By such means the Vietnamese soldiers succeeded in making a
devastating strike against the fi ghting spirit of the powerful American
military machine’s troops. Th ere was no student in the playground.
Frederick really knows how to tell a story. “You’re playing a game?
Can I join?” “Sure.” “Okay, cool.” Sentences begin with a capital
letter. Avery is a dance teacher. If I’d known the truth, I would’ve
told it to you.
Th e water came up to my knees. She poured water into the basin.
Neil doesn’t drink wine. Andries is the real hero. I agree with his
suggestion. Our school trip was spoiled by an unusual snowfall.
Don’t bend your elbow. Ricky fi lled the kettle with water and put it
on the stove.
I was born and raised in Tokyo. Actually, I’m not sure who Kaj is.
Mom alone can make this cake.
I appreciate you telling me. Anita didn’t provide further details.
What will I do? Th e strap on one of my geta is broken. It’s estimated
that 40 million debit and credit card numbers were stolen from
Target. I used to live in Bydgoszcz. Is Randolph going to do it or
not? I think I have a decayed tooth.
Don’t forget to tip the porter for carrying your luggage. Charlene
has lied to me too many times, so I don’t trust him anymore. I’m
not arguing with that.
Th at’s a provocative pose. I never had a car. Rodney always wears
goggles when he swims. I would like to propose a toast on your
birthday. Whether you like it or not, you will really die someday.
Many new teachers feel ill-prepared to teach basic literacy and
Th is textbook is designed for beginners. It’s not safe to drive without
wearing a seatbelt. What color is Loren’s hair? Is it meant to
snow tonight? Who would look after my children if I died? Th at’s
the real reason. Starbuck’s actions aren’t predictable. Th is sentence
is not a translation. It’s the original.
Th e elderly couple drive a brand new sedan.
Let’s ask a travel agent.
He put the phone down in haste. I was with them last night. If this
is a dream, I will kill the man who wakes me up. Water expands
when it freezes. Mr. Johnson is a wonderful music teacher.
He confessed his crime. I want a licensed guide who speaks English.
I wonder why List was in such a foul mood. I won’t be able to
eat all that by myself. Why are you giving me such a scornful look?
Instead of posting here, use Twitter. Many retired people move to
the Sunbelt to enjoy sports such as golf or tennis in a milder climate.
I’m sure going to miss Carolyn.
Hey, thanks for everything. I knew it.
Hey, thanks for everything. I knew it. One problem translators face
is that sometimes the source document is poorly written. Feed me,
please. Th ere still aren’t any highways in this mountain region. All
goods are transported on the backs of people and horses. Liber was
asked not to speak at the meeting. When did you get through with
your engineering problem? In my region there are beautiful and
living cities you will surely love. Would you gents care for some
refreshments? He is speaking quickly.
I know very well who you are. But nobody can help me. Th is is not
funny. May I leave my phone number? Doesn’t Lester’s ex-wife
often run? Noemi always sits in the front row. We saw an old hut
standing at the margin of the forest.
Th e main shops are in the city centre When is the fi rst bus to Boston?
I’m based in Boston now. Even Antony couldn’t do that. She
had the kindness to show me around the city. Please have some
copies made. Th e trend is your friend. It is worth fi ghting for future
generations. Th e Internet is so slow today.
He spends every weekend surfi ng the Net. Beckie didn’t hear Sassan.
Once again, Lojban is at the forefront of human creative experience
- which, of course, will slow it down even as it strengthens
it, like a tsunami as it approaches a shoreline. Christopher is a good
man. Not knowing where to get off the bus, I asked the driver.
Many nations had signed the treaty in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan. How
many people are there in Europe? I’m going to go there with Erik.
Don’t lash out at me just because my brother treated you badly.
Does Konrad go to the market? Th is is not an offi cial matter. He
bought out a business.
At least I’ll die happy. Is that a scientifi c fact? In spite of the heavy
rain, he decided to go out. To whom will our debt be transferred?
Don’t forget to water the plants.
Don’t ask for money. Sanjay has very high expectations.
I heard about your party. I don’t want to know the truth.
I’m going to take a break now. I feel a little burnt out. John likes
to trade stamps with his friends. Th e twenty-fi rst century begins
in 2001. He’s done it in the past. Don’t you think that’s a little too
much to pay?
What can’t you do? Life is just the extreme expression of common
chemistry. It must’ve been quick.
God help your mortal soul.
He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. Elliott certainly isn’t
the genius he thinks he is. I’ve lost my watch.
We needed this. What is it you do? He saved money for the trip.
We’ll have to go about it with care. Th e party for Coleen has been
canceled. Why are you dragging this out?
When I speak Quechua, I am like a child.
I can’t even aff ord to buy a used car. Th e precise time of their arrival
is not known. I’m not really in the mood. Are you saying that for
real? We’ve never seen Brandy like this before. May I see your birth
certifi cate? I showed him into the room. I’m going to get some
coff ee.
I hear you’re selling your car. What do you want for it?
He likes reading English literature. Are you interested in anyone in
your class?
Th e neighbor is walking her dog. I always speak French with her.
Each sheet bears a number in sequence. You really put that much
in the sandwich? Th e actress sued the magazine for libel. Saying
something like that is not going to go over very well.
Hey, I was wrong.
I cannot wear these pants. Th ey are too tight. Martyn has lost about
thirty pounds. Leigh couldn’t help but be impressed. Th e farmer
planted barley.
You shouldn’t tell children things like that.
Maria’s late husband was a violinist. After taking a drink of water,
the Prime Minister said, “Ask away!” Bob and Lex are playing
Minecraft together. Only they can save us. Please see to it that
children do not go near the pond. We’ll be ready. My brothers
are under the tree. Let’s just stay out of each other’s way. Did you
remember to wear warm socks?
Elias has been patiently waiting all morning.
What do you say to taking a rest? Quiet him down, will you?
What are you going to do to me? She seems totally at peace with
herself. I told you Nicolo would be late. In most countries, with the
exception of the Arab countries and Israel, Saturday and Sunday
are defi ned as the weekend. Th e lecture was very long, but I enjoyed
it none the less.
Are they sisters? I refuse to be treated like a slave by you. How long
are you staying in our country for? She was on the verge of fainting
out of sheer terror. I’d rather have tea instead of coff ee. Are you
sure we’re doing the right thing? Today is a very exciting day. Th ey
are in their seats at the table. I don’t have time for games. Th e rose
is pink.
I don’t know how to pronounce Benjamin’s last name. I’m going
with her to Boston. Jeanne showed up at just the right moment. Do
you know when the musician will come here? He was at a loss to
know what to do. I’m curious. You and I are fairly evenly matched.
Lewis and Roger plan to go hiking tomorrow if the weather improves.
Th e sound was distinct from here. Perfection is a trifl e dull.
I’m going to help her. My motto is: Comfort the affl icted and
affl ict the comfortable. Th at’s up to her, not me. Th at handbag is
mine. I wanted you to see Helge one last time.
If you participate in a decathlon you’ll be throwing a discus at some
point. We all want to be forever young. My father is a pilot on the
domestic line. She blames me for the fact that our married life
isn’t going well. I entered the room and shook hands with him. I’m
eating a yogurt. Elisabeth walked Tahsin to the elevator.
Ann sang a lullaby for her little sister. I am reading this letter. Do
you think Valerie will ever go to Australia? I won’t allow myself to
be fooled by you.
I remember last night perfectly. Grace used to be friendly. Carelessness
often causes accidents. A dog is a loyal animal. I probably
swim better than Grace does. I’m confi dent I can do it. State your
business. Th e dinner was so tasty. Can we talk about the wedding?
I can’t stay here forever. You’re home early. Ole tried to conceal his
disappointment. Skip is going to pick me up at the station. We’ll
never give up. I use my VISA card. We talked about it all night.
Th ere’s an emergency. We use them often as parasols or umbrellas.
I’m not doing this.
Is there anything more I can do for you?
Schistosomiasis is a tropical disease that aff ects millions of people
and may lead to severe disabilities or even death. He knows about
the modern history of France.
Vistlik seems totally confused.
Th ere were few, if any, trees. I made a deal with Mott. Zurich is
considered to be a major fi nancial hub.
Th ere’s something missing. Th e town was deserted by its inhabitants.
It should be noted that “let me go” and “let go of me” do not
mean exactly the same thing. He fi nally showed his true colors.
Th ey are wanting in industry. It’s obvious that she’s sick.
Who’s the better driver?
Why should I stop doing this? I have a dim memory of my grandmother.
You should resist the urge to do that. I don’t think Al is
going to study French next year. Sit down! Don’t stand up. Th e
man to whom I spoke was a German, not an American. Do you
know Clayton well? Why would I steal your wallet? Have you got
through with the paper?
Th ey were admiring themselves. Th at’s why I came to you. Dan
announced that he and Linda were getting divorced. When a new
electronic device is released, everyone goes crazy. What makes you
think I’m your friend? Th at’s why we came here. We don’t. I mean,
we could, but right now we don’t feel like it.
“Please, sit down,” he said. Don’t waste too much time. Each year
many children are kidnapped by members of their own families.
You’re a baby.
Beth told Chris that if he didn’t take a bath, she wouldn’t go out
with him. I’m here to help. She became a teacher when she was
twenty. Have you ever heard someone speaking Esperanto? Morris
off ered Vadim a drink. Lori wants to study in Boston. It took him
three tries. How do you like Japan?
It was required. What if we don’t fi nd her?
Arnold had no idea I’d be here. Constantine the Great is discussed
controversively in modern historical research. Why doesn’t he
dance with me anymore?
I told her to wait over there.
If you want to travel to a store located 10 km from your house, and
you drive at 50 km/h, it would take you 12 minutes to get there. I’ll
just buy you another one.
I’ll go to Kyoto. I cried reading this book. Let me introduce you
to my sister. Th is isn’t a good sign. Th ere are many politicians who
don’t keep their promises. Hunting is prohibited in this area. Man
diff ers from animals in that he can use fi re. If it means what I think
it means, we’re in trouble. He has never really got over malaria he
caught in the East during the war.
Where in Mexico are you guys going? Have you ever memorized
the national anthem?
I didn’t give her a choice. Th e worst thing about spring is the mud.
Th e cat loves playing in the garden. Th at’s what I want most in the
world. Are you going to see Anton? I’m really sorry about what
happened. Th at’s all I was planning to say to Brad. Why do you
study every day? Th at man is strong.
He fell overboard and was drowned. Too much drinking will make
your life a ruin. Why do you seem so angry? It’s the way that she
laughs at herself that endears her to me. You look like a million
bucks. He knocked at the door again and again, but there was no
answer. We left Africa forever. Leo didn’t call Marie like he promised
he would.
He knows whatever. I don’t disagree with your decision. Can you
spare a few minutes? Nothing is as expensive as what one gets
for free. I’ve been to the area surrounding Shanghai. What! Th is
T-shirt is 3,000 yen? Th is is a rip-off ! I like the rain when I am in
my house. Th at’s a stupid name. I went to sleep with a handkerchief
over my face. He is a distant relation of hers.
Alexis is a man of action.
Do you drink iced water? When her uncle died, Pierre came into
fortune. Th e hat was dirty around the top.
I can’t fi nd the hand net. You look after the children, Gerard. Stop
teasing Claudio. Can’t you see she’s going to cry?
Merton is wearing a mask. Dogs must be carried. He is fond of
swimming. Mikael couldn’t take it any longer. I hid my worries
from my wife. You should not talk back like that.
He is twice as old as I am. Th is should be corrected. I went for a
walk to get some air. What I want to know are the facts. Lester
certainly has the right temperament for the job. Serdar and Yvonne
often work together on Friday.
I need some time with Herbert. I couldn’t get rid of my doubt
about it. Th e whole world is on fi re. Maria took the eggs, one after
another out of the egg carton.
Suddenly a man appeared, grabbed my suitcase and ran away. I
broke up with Margie. I wasn’t too nervous.
“Call up” is a phrase that means to telephone. She is very anxious
about his health. What’s going to happen? It was Angela who put
William on to Steven. I’ll be fi nished by the time you get here.
We’re on our way home.
Th e learned man worships his ancestors. Th at’s not what I was
thinking. Th at song reminds me of a famous movie actor. Adrian
worked day and night for weeks to meet the deadline. Do you have
a recommendation? Kim apologized for making Donnie wait. Offi
cially, we don’t allow that. I wanted to see how Miles was doing.
Teriann wore a camoufl age jacket.
Victor went to Rob’s funeral. I have a husband. Th e drinks are on
you. She gave him the elbow yesterday. One of the American states
is famous for its pineapples.
Come with me to Boston. Who made this pie? Th e man is making
a telephone call. Th e leaves on the trees change color.
Would it be all right if I visited you today? She doesn’t know what
to say.
I’m never sick. My cat is so adorable. He put up a brave and lone
struggle, but up against such heavy odds he couldn’t get his business
plan accepted. Help me, please. I’m feeling depressed. If thou
doest well, shall it not be lifted up? and if thou doest not well, sin
coucheth at the door; and unto thee is its desire, but thou mayest
rule over it.
All the old magazines have been sold. Brendan told him. You’ll
probably see me again. Give me some time to think it over. Now,
resume reading where you left off . Th e top of Mt. Fuji was covered
with snow. Th e beach is the ideal place to play for the children.
Where did you get all this wisdom? I’m not accustomed to walking
long distances.
She has a lot of English books. Loren walks his dog every morning.
He came only as a witness to the light. I just never will understand
women. Not all of us who have dyslexia mixed up “d” and “b” when
we were little. Did you let Lester kiss you? Kathryn told me Vince
wouldn’t want to play volleyball with us. I helped him do some
chores. You shall not for nothing as long as I live.
Fill her up with regular. I’ll be paying in cash. Are you done upstairs?
I think Emil is too young to be dating. You must have
dropped a bundle for that wedding ring! Th e law needs to be
amended. Let’s not keep them waiting. We’ll be moving to Boston
in a year.
I like to watch TV to see the movies and soccer games. Lorraine
doesn’t have to wait for me. Leith was driven out of the synagogue.
In the meantime you can just put on a sweater if you’re cold. Reality
can be beaten with enough imagination. Obstetric care in crisis
as the number of obstetricians continues to fall. Can you see how it
works? I wish I’d thought of that. I was just talking about you.
Hey, guys. What’s up? Everyone is exhausted. Bill and his younger
brother are nothing alike. He’s a big coward.
Th e typhoon did great damage to the rice crop. Nothing will happen
to her. It’s the only thing we can do.
It’s getting warmer and warmer. You gave me no choice.
Ofer is just pulling your leg. I’m not going to let you commit
Why not just call the police? I want my money back because this
computer program is not effi cient like they promised. Where’s your
baby? I am seeking the path to the end of the universe. Let’s work
together to do our best. I said I wouldn’t worry.

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