Thursday, October 3, 2019


act two
perfect timing
from the greek:
agape, eros, philiautia, storge, ludus, pragma
our lives in order,
at least the words describing it
lay your feet on me
tell me your sex dream
and go back to sleep
textbook morning forgetfulness
joy in the face of death
you threw a lit cigarette in the garden
feigned surprise at your scorched sunfl owers
of your new mysticism
I’m superstitious
you can’t really help it
free will, predetermination
I think I’m trying to explain reality
everything too late clock unchecked
barely any time left for songs
the burden of the bird’s daily work
losing oneself in intimacy
blacked out on your back
elsewhere lovemaking we imagine
staying in my blind spot
you can’t write your poem in love
in this house
revisiting ‘america’ unlikely
dancing between stimulation
and that word that means numbing
we looked into the future and saw nothing
nothing infi nity
blocking the door 20 cigarettes a day
long walks with closed mouths
the list of pro’s and con’s
love is war,
sex is friendly fi re
the options:
fall asleep
stay awake
the wages of indiff erence is whatever
bad choices
what am I trying to say
the bottom 5th to top 8th
putting a dalmatian mix until my hands are oily
a friend to many dogs
someone claps
slowing down,
not wanting to feel it in the morning
one day not drunk
the sunrise is fucking gorgeous, you
I’ve survived this already
the new lessened you
grinding into hips
somnambulist love dance
I’m being sensitive again
but you have my attention
I was so tired yesterday
fi re walk away from me
eleven degrees
just wanting something warm
something to make me smarter
I’m almost done with this book
I’ll fi nish it when I get there
boiling water
thrown off the balcony
watching it turn to fog
over and over
a certain anxiety yellow assembly
seemingly at random
unrealistic research
confi dent take care of yourself
most vandalized ca va?
paintings make themselves
well, not really
I make them, sure
but I mean, it already existed
a novel idea:
in love, real job, cat
wants a better future
worry, stress
ideas I don’t execute
we don’t go out no more
stain my dna
post poetry
after poems
as biographer,
as observer,
as voyeur
camus the goalkeeper
nos amours
I hope he washes his sins in lemon juice
it’s possible to rewrite your memories in a victimized light
tights pulled down lower
I don’t know the ropes
always take your time when returning my calls
it remains severe
phantom suggestion
vanishing kept kissing hands slipped upskirt
with the executioner’s back was turned
not irrational,
sensitive left unread
all conceptual art exists as a proposition
useful, not beautiful
needed, not necessary
when I am drunk, I google defi nitions of words I use
just to make sure I am using them right
I want to be with you forever
that’s a statement
a statement is a proposition
these are the important facts of life
the what?
the important facts of life
the important facts of what?
I’d know those legs anywhere
from behind
or the side
Aristotle had the claws
this life isn’t bad, I’ll make sure it’s okay for you
my cat likes you, “our” cat, sorry
le nec plus ultra de
un peu plus diffi cile
le multiple n’est jamais seul
qu’elle aime le plus
ne me laisse plus jamais seule
I’m looking good on paper
revenge: a healing journey
life poor, die rich: a plan
let us consider the process
ploys, feints, manipulation
nevertheless, continued sighs
can’t live with them,
can’t live without them
can’t live
generalized anxiety seduction
all else being equal, quotations
diffi culty existing
short hours awake
pomegranate seeds stuck in teeth
makes me your man
cab fare is in your coat pocket
fuck you, I’ll take the bus
insolent like no one else
your fi rst love’s love
your fi rst love’s fi rst lover
the pain of anxiety,
as in the bliss of desire
green tea is great for your teeth
thought blocking
I prefer you as a distant friend
rather than a close enemy
not functioning well
splinter kiss shoulders
mild structural crush
an extended period of time
east coast but temporary
Yorkshire gold tea
two sugar one cream
we’re doomed,
written, wry
pot of gold agreeable adjective
don’t you have anything valuable
left on those lips of yours?
you always have a home with me,
it seems
the cat must have slept on my jacket
I smell like the cat slept in my jacket
nobody mentions it
for someone thinking about the same things
over and over
you are awfully scatterbrained
hopscotched too much
overheat and restart
a poor job of staying lovestarved
what’s it matter,
I’m nobody here
yeah, and the sky full of stars
is too distracting
the example laid before you
now lies in your bed
you’re used to the smell of nothing
but yourself and now the air
accuses us of wasting time
black hair discontent
black eyes disinterest
sweating charm that puts us soundly to sleep
life without measure
I’m dying –
or at least trying
secular god impostor ourselves
fi x and make it better
there is no other path
words are no gift
and talent a silly homonym for
hard work
never on a map but my own
all funeral air
working on something that will never be fi nished
fi rst witness this critically
water stain memory
I wish I knew you then
and now
the landscape lingers
lower calorie
moderate fat
moderate carb
high protein
some untraceable hand
reliable, ambitious, sensual
stubborn, lazy, possessive
but use me
take it easy
but take it
from a cute face
in a slightly too January way
thanks for all the hard work
googling myself
until the reaction is diff erent
when this has all calmed down
the horror of a life
passing by easily
sit and wait purity
that experience
in precise terms
how do I drink eight glasses of water a day
let’s say little accidents
“mauvaise foi,”
bad faith
get straight to the point
a real joy
defending infi nity
covering one’s tracks
before bed
name three things you appreciate
six things before breakfast
rapidly exhausting
waiting for the moment
public apology novelty
cursed feet curiously
“amour fou”
the proof ?
“life is elsewhere”
(who said that fi rst?)
various positions
persuaded things will get better
wash the sheets for me
no trouble believing
the sun is out
daydreaming celine
in a fever
let’s shout “I love you”
triumph of the will style
not the journalist in bed
licking your lips
I am itchy
sleepy shower baby
grab me by your history
we all make mistakes
it’s gotta be invisible
clean your fl at listening not much
barely attention paid
barely existing
the weather was nice,
right before the end of the day
mention your trouble sleeping
another city fl ashback
which one way should I go today
or saturday
half-closed eyes
laying in the grass
in the sun
everything you think disappoints me
if not arbitrarily
your mysterious certain celebrity
somber and righteous
I suspect I’m off to a bad start
translated from the French
imagining you waiting for me
but not sleeping
everything you say can me used against you
Marxist identity jealousy
false modesty
materialist horror story
touching without recognizing
my way of being half-present
the presence of mind
being good
I’ll never write my confessions
it’s only a job that pays the rent
an apocryphal thesis
singular passion
personal information
sex maniac looking back
visualize your own death
becoming public knowledge
probably a pity
the day I stop being bipolar
mathematical balance
SSRI til I die
yawning lunch beer haven’t eaten
deep down biography
fi ctional nothing there story
cowboy comedy
famous not recognized
nice girl fi rmness
making words happen
adjusting doom
apocalyptic visionary
as far as the eye can see
hands submerged into soil
undeniably something has happened
things are better and better
the coherence of all that
new thrill spirituality
too charming ultimately
mischievous opinion magnifi cent
not far from what I think today
prominence radiant
gesture and trance
highly unstable fi ve minutes to spare
change your speech,
change your destiny
aesthetic practice pursued seriously
your vision too bright
eyes cross until there is nothing left
looking up despite the breeze
alienation made pathological
your drama
too quiet to notice
the greek exit
the source, a coup
tantamount to suicide
I don’t believe in the dialog
eleven eleven
green, blue, green
concentrating hard
dizzy sparkling wine limits
for certain
an indiscretion
a meeting with the oracle
saving time
dropping dead on the piano keys
healing fascination
leaving the vacation early
a long, brutal list
good stories
yes, I counted sometimes
mood improving
yawn, don’t leave
well, meet me for lunch please
my phone may die but you know where I’ll be
diabetic foremost virtue
it’s been established
yet the sky hasn’t fallen on me
roused towards caffi ne and ecstacy
emerge from this conversation serene
wait and see
in the meantime
don’t touch anything
aura failing
fresh juice marking time
a line, alone
gone baby gone
the actual act recited from memory
citizen science
it wasn’t important
needlessly metaphysical
no other way to put
except put it behind you
astonished at your pillow sweet
exclusively highly desirable
if you ask me
emotional cv on display
but love me anyway
lol, ok
who died and left you alone, huh?
kaleidoscope deja-vu craved
cocktail bright divinity
never miss a yellow
you can see a disaster
off the balcony
no disrespect but every day is easter sunday
whatever measures you take
cloudy dismal grey
golden age
high tide enthusiasm
sitting on the ruins of sensations
can I be sure I succeeded?
absence coexist
I am somewhere else
while the refl ection turns beautiful
old or new employees
eastern seaboard fi elds
class b heart beat
knowing me
where were we?
oh yes, alsatian riesling
never found again last one standing
no Jackie Onassis
useful jewel
laconic honesty initiative
if all but made up
feet in the fi re
at my age?
the trauma we almost made a page without
cloudy sky daytime for your own sake
responsive to energy
whatever that means
align your chakras and call me in the morning
make the experience move for you
distract me clinically
don’t look
blink distractedly
sins less exciting
no fi rst furious
lucky or lately, lady
the last memory of you smiling
abstinence based addiction cures
how many things can you think about at once?
unconscious nausea
painting relaxed body
despite the whole page
the task at hand
consolations of masturbating
exacting answers more meaningless,
it’s what you do
weaker doses systematically
candy coated comfort
qualifi ed for the position
nervous cult of perfection
systems of punishment
refi nanced serious life
orgasms of the garden party variety
amongst other facts
this smaller advancing surface
recognized quite ordinary
“my place”
correcting myself
my earlier lines
less obvious points of crisis
what could I still discover?
the cultural vitality of this century
no good causes
left to fi ght
success or failure
demanding instinct later
clumsy, needed, further forward
0% me, that’s good
thank you
the last thirty years,
confi dent vision
forced to it’s knees
however approximate
demonstrated crudely
a mistake to make
signifi cance found
although quite thin
surely failed refl ecting
focal point retains it’s name
your patient self
repeating behavior
adjusting disappointment and drama
the insecure story never really stops
myth touches us strategically
whatever we have in common
a warped portrayal of ambition
if it really exists
“you’re impossible”
memory lapse
lexical excess
turn your love poem into
potential for agony
the stress seemed physical
for a native son
negligent company
more mindless and quiet
still awake at this hour
stretch out and learn to count
octave barrier
captive structure language
dictated own execution
wearing the melody awkwardly
“I miss about you regularly”
certainty in certain examples
wrong words
mirror nervous
the world’s most wounded
fi rst spring dizziness seized
completely disinterested polarity
most everything
nothing but blue sky
economic dynasty
loved paradoxically
prescription glasses privilege
go hurt some feelings
recognize your tools,
successful person!
gently tremble sometimes
domesticate your daytime
over-sweeten tea
kiss me
more clear
intense cereulean midday
misguided hissy fi t
Buddhism doesn’t work for me
dirty blonde
uncertain hands in pockets
intensely miserable pages
a good disguise
getting healthy
pleasure covering good work
such was promised
curious about the Russian writers
the ones people usually talk about
yet to be decided
euthanize my desire for darker days
from fl ower to fl ower
how soon?
how late?
I am busy, therefore I am good
abandoned or overlooked
daily humiliation reputation
group laughter smug
eff ortless toxicology
similar complete
pharmacological phenomenon
a dramatic idea #5:
it’d be nice to be shot, but not die
beauty befi tting commercial value
vigilance plus exhaustion
mixing motives
in vulnerable contrast
riding onward
understanding sunsets
dream inducing analysis
public smiling
you should see a therapist
if not blessed this lifetime
I double checked
all domestic joys + reciprocated love
relatively normalized stable existence
cycling fashionable discontent
on the other hand
disappointed optimist
renewal and denial
clever painter
endless relativism
totally productive consequences
forever looking around for the next bit of stimulus
what time is it?
the death of the party
the reward of the night person
if you believe that narrative
less frustrating awake
out of sync explaining
there you have it;
the answer to your question.
my memory is out of breath
every noun
a symbol for
another noun
I secretly love the stage fright
naïve, but use me
handcuff ed fuck you
mid-clinging Christ
everyday awareness
punctuated by loss
rest of my life
a signifi cant hex
faux raccord, false connection
painstaking simultaneous
glass artistry ecstasy
the fantasy of being beaten,
the fantasy of being loved?
wow, not for me
the shorthand version
it’s just dumb luck
all my humiliation
in obscure power
my breath stale
somewhere backwards
not so well made wisdom teeth
make no mistake
copper tasting spit
half-life blood taste
older yet
no varicose veins
evasive marks remain
the standard joke
a grim yet excited ultimatum
not sentimental
succession of sounds
ironically endorsing
vibratory disappearance
moaning excess of syntax
catherine wheel
upon further exploration
the work not working
a real “boom”
one’s own authoritarian tendencies
make me come, please
it’s too cold to leave
bare minimum, sweety
i misquote most routinely
lovemaking melody
a fl ushed, tearful face
untranslatable, i think
ignoring the scene
spilling oil in the sea
praying, bent knees
proclaimed death
reserving energies
(i am exaggerating)
non-life threatening
in the safe zone of writing
my tender retaliation
showing proof of correction,
marginalized attention
sugar at the height of passion
“every witch has a cauldron”
you don’t exist
white wine familiar
identity spoiled again
stuck in no phrases
a serious opinion
“great work”
classic tragedy
conservative guise
summoned ecstatic
trailblazing misbehavior
of a serious woman
doesn’t drink too much
not anymore
daydreamy, i’m thinking
impulsive laws and logic
harsh lesson learning
italian go-getter blessing
stomach aches and other
important things
a simple collection
not telling everything but still,
strangle me
focused late night practicing
you suckers
a pleasure no more
lily of the valley
splendid in pictures
charm exhaustion
esoteric precaution
wild evidence
approached victory with ease
deliberate, clumsy
i’m sleepy, i’m sorry
more comfortably
seated feet wet
until there is nothing to be said
glimpse yourself into greater coherence
all implied freedoms
no longer visceral
in ways we barely notice
long, empty
taken for granted
elaborately democratic
i fi nd this fact problematic
it’s fair to ask
now that it comes to mind
one thing is certain
i know it when i see it
criticism and better judgment
portrayed in paintings
white washing vital work
coveted as recent exception
any principal can be proved
if you’re lucky
bruising, enduring
dormant future self-aware
memorizing praise
yet met with forgetfulness
the way it should be
emergent property
competing for control
forecasting rain
as long as the crowd is assembled
soft enough, wet enough
looking down onto it’s own possibility
singular, universal
personal problems
back on track
continuing history
more or less
in less haste
holy hypochondria
the indispensable condition
the fervor of love
sustained by spirit
a treatise being friendly and energetic
banal and aggressive
a lost opportunity
lacking accountability
still ideal,
a reconciliation seems unlikely
conscious of our singularity
particular problems hurry past
without anybody noticing
rarely exactly wrong
this always happens to me this way
not a sin, but still
a glimmer of the unreal
clear distinctions
lovely sovereign state
valuable address
the world at large
that sounds right
self-serious tragedy
spiritually, maybe
lavender incense daily
calming eff ects promised
did we leave together?
condescending or just staring
not quite not spring
still wearing sweater weather
lily left hand printing,
more tattoos
i love you’se
come here if the seasons allow
thinking going nowhere
unassisted traditionally
smells of sudden money
in a good neighborhood
not a word of complaint
everybody has a better nickname
continues to amaze me
no control, the families of heroes
i am a sunbathing lizard
in religious texts
this is called “work”
be nice
turn your
suicide into sunshine
how do i get rich quickly?
i’m kidding
words similar to “existential doubt”
lower calorie
moderate fat
high protein
keeping quiet because
why make mistakes before starting?
you worked on your writing
and walked home in the rain
you agree on one thing:
part of a linguistic community
simply by virtue
and familiar encounter
misleading, all the more
you’re going home to clean your house
and probably masturbate
holding patterns
“what was i thinking?”
propped open mouth
embarrassed acknowledgment
concrete historical situation
fi tting conjunction
a particularly bitter logic
“i don’t know how to sing.”
defl ecting again
slant rhymes
cleverly we seek treatment
lie down and sober up
systematically advancing
constant forgery
not quietly, you
got caught up with the
get down
peaceful ritual
the failure of universal ambition
calculating until complete
stopping, waiting
dark from late september
do work, better
bound to end in trouble, if you think about it
asthma grid
trace remains
just geographic
apathetic, mostly
you were saying?
iron out the kinks in your theory
decently poor
shelf life
no matter how insistent
obnoxiousness thrives
little distinctions i shall list later
to be regarded in awe
still, not the type to visit a grave
leaving that to my mid-20’s
kiss discouragement on the lips
if everything goes to plan
not thinking, just quiet
observing fortune
and refl ecting
should have showered before leaving
i fi nd myself pained due to these things
perhaps this is my purpose
secure, preserve
the decision has been made
clean the house
with podcast urgency
it is time for the plants to live outside
hopefully you are at the library
and you will be pleasantly surprised
“what a nice, clean house.
i am happy i live here.”
that’d be nice
after all,
i’m out of words for today
might as well work on something useful,
being useful
i’ll never learn how to build shelves
but i can dust picture frames
i am sure
no guts, no glory
suicide hotline boring
what we want to avoid
titling your poems as “poems”
all too inclusive hysteria
universal better than
generalized anxiety disorder
“au revior” pronounced “forever”
“he sure does miss her”
thought seemingly linear
close monitoring
would not be so fair
even discussing shame
seems practical here
scrolling through the timeline
community college
certain laughing
which memory your hair smells like today
pinecone being kicked northbound
post chia latte destination
the possibilities are endless,
who knew?
careless or carefree?
i keep bringing my book out on smoke breaks
ambitious or obnoxious?
the to-do list evades me
behind on design deadlines
backing up external HD
all work is stupid to me
all very new and exciting
two weeks nothing but
yorkshire gold tea
limitations not frustrating
although problematic
safe sex
resting fi erceness
beard growing quicker april
sunshine, the cause?
mid-range roses
smelled in store
note: return to purchase later
clinical, medicinal
“i love you”
entering a pact, weather
keeps the lonely thoughts at bay
frizzy hair shoulder length
it’s the humidity
you’re lovely
to do:
steam the curtain, sheets
open all the windows
and yes,
i am lacking without you
still the most remarkable thing
the colors go all pretty
at the end of a dream
reason and passion
working together
hand me down
brilliant words
work or leisure
somehow both
or neither
however uncanny
i empty myself of songs
i lose my prose in your sheets
but now i can sleep
at least
take the time to see,
isn’t that what you told me?
as an ideal
realized in history
reminding myself
of myself
wise guys feeling warm it’s springtime
still snow in solid blocks
on the corner behind my building
i imagine they’ll be gone by tomorrow
but that might be ambitious
upside down with hands up skirt sidewalk
the fun is over even if only a joke, joking
cheeks all red
six fl oors or more
smooth life warm climate red wine
couldn’t pick impatient
working on some new denied pleasure
falling over each other
and over
arranging everything
good thing, memory
brief however hazy
tulips dead after two days
but it is a nice vase
elite sensibility
no sky hiccups
a habit
washed up, waiting
“boy, everyone is stupid except me”
chalky skin
charming, once you’re used to it
iodine word choosing
renewed a thousand graces
never twice in the same room
modest simple loving you
roses in delicate moments
as good as it appears
lipsticked neck pyramid imprint
pull out?
the vibrations faster
put us both to bed and back
a lot of time on my hands
and at the back of your throat
how long have we known each other?
smiling all teeth wavy hair
no, the names are not accidental
slow introduction
prepared to ignore
passing fancy
systematic relations between
happiness and virtue
unlikable point proven
such guests complain about it
everything makes sense
usually, depressed
medicine insists
weight against luxury
a simple assumption
itself, rhetoric
the basic fact that things go wrong
life? what new possibilities?
considerably fewer resources
until i am capable of action
altogether absent
so so sorry
natural reward never experienced
how to step away from progress
exterminate my enthusiasm
it supports itself fi nitely
the synthesis already exists
the function remains mysterious
moving from awe to understanding
shouldn’t this go on forever?
a more durable history
ataraxia, peace of mind
your poetics glossy
a misfortunate quality
spiritless boundary
possible future bliss
captivated courtesy
when i think of you in the city
or, more correctly
the very instant passed into eternity
everything is annoying me
appetite reducing supposedly
fucking chic
sparkling water
brandless white to-go coff ee
name a better duo, i’ll wait
obnoxious tourist neighborhood
mistaking thirst for meaning
oklahoma city bombing
is that what i’ve been describing?
open fi eld poetry or
post 9/11 sexting
whatever language can’t contain
the phenomenal, not actual
in love, we are equals
re: submission
persistent demand
back to back
let the weakness in this story
turn lovely
valuable beyond monetary
never be lonely
on my knees
or yours
existing outside what is recognized socially
but that goes without saying
we didn’t live much before we fucked
perfectly suited for our longing
some good small thing barely describing
everyone is worthy of love
as they say
don’t bother showering before bed
just brush your teeth, instead
no erotic gesture
adidas sneakers
and sometimes panties
are just panties
right red hand
“merci” pronounced “messy”
smoking, black nylon legs showing
actually, gathering paradise
entering the museums they had wanted to fl ood
seeking natural defi nition
a better world
free of household dust and dander
bad attitude environment
no longer needed
socializing as a synonym
imagined alternatives satisfying
regarded as a winner,
thanks to you,
how to be of use,
yes, i messaged my brother
but i didn’t say i’m sorry
for not talking to him
it wasn’t on purpose
i’m just forgetful
shot look of admiration
shrimp white wine fettuccine
dizzy, i’m thinking
aloe plant on living room table
it’s tuesday, eleven degrees, drizzling
curly hair mix up, i hear
“with your arms outstretched to me”
glad i am not dead, tbh
fi asco of life, right
not buying
behind the eight ball (they say)
strict management
skipped description
seems wasteful
wrong wording
long silence priority
crossing moss park
now completely raining
observing what is suggested here
this is how you behave?
fragile in a jiff y
everybody screaming
breaking down your new honest, truly
need to buy more candles
keep the negativity at bay
just like us
and the crystals
have you seen my crystals?
they were in your pocket when -
my pocket when i washed my jeans -
your pockets
a curious occurrence
circumstances blurring
walking towards the end of a life, right?
indirectness, the object
persistent thought
whatever worthwhile
rarely done with style
wow, you’re great
thanks for that
that was good
you, hopped the turnstile
you, spitting on the subway
and your pretty eyes
inverse mine
starting hazelnut memorized
i’ll never understand what goes on
in that fur coat of yours
patient zero of my heart
that’s my name, don’t wear it out
terminally googling
all cracked iphone screens in heaven
i have changed my name
so often
a place, just out of the way
where cell phones aren’t the focus
painting endless portraits
force more analogies
whichever you focused
on mentioning
when you should be
maximizing your storage space
crowding words on every page
a sobriety
obscene stretch
aching but saying no
even that cigarette
after all, i am tomorrow
lead into error
squeezing your hand
i fall asleep at midnight
covered in mosquito bites
i’m sorry for smudging around
“were you talking to me?”
writing on your hand
to smell the ink
praxis, poesies
too loud shuffl ing items
on a desk but
no, there will be no miracles
the progress that supposedly helps us
old fashioned habits
invented, improved
everything can be forgotten
all my diff erent readings
someone is rigging the slot machines
and mcdonald’s monopoly is a scam,
we glorify the bankrobber
and someone says
“we’re onto you”
as if
“i know you prefer soft-serve ice cream”
an ugly, twisted look upon your face
“i don’t care for sugar, honey”
that which solved all diffi culties
out performing me
it doesn’t take long to forget
throwing out commonplace things
is the chenin blanc making me nervous
or the previous caff eine
backing up the backup
prohibition becomes obligation
should i be specifi c?
the memorizing arts
“did i really witness this?”
more expensive to repair
than to replace
of course
you can always burn your letters
my prediction is this:
kiss every set of lips
catalog arousal
all impulse linger
electric again and
someone talking about
whatever, i wasn’t
shame, 2014
fi ll in the blank
little ink
kafka problems
like, lol
who’s really applying
for grant money
greek characters on a screen
must mean something
annex this and tell me
if it’s a song or not
what new catastrophe
needs singing?
idle in your museum
perfect replica passion
a crate
with a label
indicating ownership
not losing
back to the start
you gotta make it cascade, though
chimes, wind, that sort of thing
hygiene we pass by
talking of the real
horror, how to terrorize
that rude everyday
“rock and roll is dead”
minnesota attitude
don’t boo me
you know i’m right
don’t charge your phone
idk why it’s just a suggestion
pesticide, probably
or aluminum
or fl uoride
in the water supply
endless concern
a real scare
blame it on all this good work
the lines uh under my eyes
are practically writing all these poems
for me
some people never fi nd love
we will not be undersold
we beat competitor’s prices
the life of the party
the will to live
nobody means
when they say
they mean
“somewhere else”
that’s just what people mean
people who know everything
i was fed for free -
just paid for two drinks
and that’s good enough for me
vulgar composition painting
diet prada talking
maison martin margela
just pave over your past
“paris syndrome”
my previous incarnations include:
a cigarette
a kiss
a cat
a cure
a kaleidoscope of the void
god help me,
go slow
this is my method of waiting
suspicious of your habitual poetics
always something of an
“aesthetic experience”
victim kinking
stay off my side of the street
the one where the sun shines
angry scowling walking
fast “same”
and i’m quitting drinking for the 100th time this year
feeling faint in an indian restaurant
and they are out of okra
better budgeting
life’s soothing syrup
the rest of it
a vague fetish
two great feelings:
-falling in love
le merveilluex
total everybody always
notions of paradise
unhinged with doubt
everything trembles in this weather
have not’s
massage the
intolerable nervous pains
not my fi rst escape
(or last)
she slept a lot
or i assume she slept a lot
the word “marvelous” again
you, somewhere else
perceptions of desire
familiar with eyebrows
and other things like prisons
allow me this time alone
maybe there is quiet self-sex on my mind
or that which otherwise gets done
when the talking stops
long fi nger trailing sunlight
sometimes i have no fucking idea what i’m talking about
feigned ignorant
deeply mythological
claimed brilliance
and of course,
nothing happens
except for a series
of long pauses
peeping tom
and bikes
end up stolen
i love you more than ever
than i ever could explain
daydream literally
a pleasant aesthetic
a word of romantic pasts
subcategory locked
complex since supervised visit
what was overlooked
esoteric shock
prudish attitude
regarding sexuality
i didn’t like that last cigarette
i should try stopping again
just enough time
clarity of thought
the fi rst and the last
nothing can be done about it
time’s revenge
understood motives
sometime soon
what comes next
liberate memories
self-delusions of the defeated
what is your problem today?
requisite needs
idle clichés
unshifting truths
most lives
seems inconsequential
weeks and months
she just has a funny way of loving me
what is important often times isn’t obvious
stretching out towards doubt
unappreciated ecstasy
the right sized notebook
for whatever it is that i’m working on
extracting dna
from a refl ection
in a window
at least i’ve seen no eviction notices.
in fact, dull
sentence lapsing
the last straw is always drenched in poetics
if you can imagine it
satire that works
both ways
primary secrets
can we live this way?
what’s worth smelling
legs now cold in shorts
sunburn shining through
i could join you for a moment
or more
on the examination table
you know i love you
taking things rather seriously
penicillin will take care of it
go tell it on the mountain
euthanized the story
the reporting gets me home
you’ve got a brand new key
educated, yes
but with a lack of new information
i understand why you love montreal,
he said
it’s hard to organize things
the spider came back into the house
the spider you brought back outside
instead of killing
when you had the chance
pale at the beach
strawberry perrier
out of shape
or rather chose not to do
3-4-5 hours
face down
reading essays
iphone 7 podcasts
medicine as fantasy
clearly, as advertised
recent replacements have proven
the desire to do everything
or absolutely nothing
a self confessing sundowner
couldn’t read another novel
an equinox
a framework
creative quiet cool
delayed gratifi cation
passion past the meridian
a vague fetish
rest of it
awake at the wheel
and a coff ee
staring out the window
feeling physiologically safe
normal sadness and worry
into a treatable condition
pornography and feminism
now you have my attention
v for victory, fi ngering
acetate glasses
frame your face and
legitimize my desire
all expensive needs
out of control
a loss, anxiety
if not temporary
i cannot be severe
wearing shorts
rimbaud, 37
lautreamont, 24
which me is the most me?
setting unrealistic goals
so you don’t feel bad when you don’t achieve them
“I was being unrealistic”
you can always imagine a better life
“wouldn’t life be better if I had a four range induction burner stove?
everything would change.”
staying at home
an epic in procrastination
but what is in montreal
am I making a mistake
I might be it’s likely
not my business
who am I frustrated thinking of ?
so what if I’m wrong
I can’t imagine anybody being surprised
not that the bookstore is too far,
it’s just out of the way
and it’s raining
sometimes it’s hard to be at the library alone
nobody to watch your stuff while you smoke
so don’t smoke
how hard is it to be happy for today
beta blocker
curtails adrenalin production
reduces the production of memories
rubber bands are kept above the cutting board on the second shelf
acalendrical anxiety
not bad
limited time off er
would you like some salad?
they were out of tabbouleh
plaque control whitening toothpaste
almost unparalleled contemporary popularity
Anxiety, Quebec
seemingly an assembly
but not random
but I don’t care to stray
these days
sinus congestion
hungry, haven’t eaten
attended to errands barely
pick up things, coff ee
i’ve not really been interested in doing much
half of the reason why anybody lives in the city is to never leave the
it’s natural
losing focus staring out the window
with no music playing
a graceful exit
eating a banana chocolate chip muffi n
my stomach hurts
maybe I’ll die I hope not
sway my worries
the central drama of life
generally labeled “charming”
welcome to the other side of intimacy
fast forward twenty fi ve years
junior partner at a law fi rm
getting high
and accepting friend requests
but you don’t own a tesla in this fantasy
completely overwhelmed
observed by a third party
with the absence of a narrator
stendhal’s order
basic modesty
i assume
commenting on the future
point of view
oh, i’m anxious
i didn’t take my anxiety-stoppers
hopeless handyman bad
no sealant easy
i’m bad at these things
clearly in sight
soirée life sympathy
“i want you to be happy”
ok, work harder and smarter
take this energetic passion and fret not
remaining severe
identifi ed desire not leaving
a little too carelessly
sensuous becomes sin
something people fail to notice
the story is told about you
in an oppositional light
honestly, i fi nd myself quite tired.
you, phone buzz needs to relax
disappearing at the decisive moment
before the eyes of
it’s speculative devotee
every later denial
quantitative measurable identity
all terror seizing
recommended punishment
silent seductive charm
overstepping the bounds
yet not of guilt and sin
ignore the fact
thoughtlessness grasped
eager longing
from the other side
essentially alike
great, a trial
boring fi ction and attention
the concept of modesty
for this reason, a repose
a tranquil exclusion
bringing unexpected heaven
walking forward blindly
the most alive tulips
are the ones i’m looking for
i’m thinking about you
thinking about having a daughter
it’s likely, based on our numbers
your wordiness is impressive to people
$5 words, yeah
reading, working, writing, researching
four things i like, right?
wasting time: a writer’s guide
nonviolent working class criminals live forever
pray continually
protect the summer fl owers
at all costs
the level of devotion
brings me to tears
by the throat
without known lovers
PH-diffi culty
i’ll never learn to drive, probably
still, i’m of considerable value
hands folded in lap,
legs crossed
there is never enough time
to windex mirrors
to love forever
feel free to associate
tell me something i don’t know
time, period
and after a long hiatus,
honey dipped
it’s just about to start happening
my whole life, immediately thinking
i miss you too quickly
friendly city hygiene
syracuse had been not the best
wind blowing east, north, west
trade it for prosecco
a novel with an apocalyptic setting
it’s really no decision
don’t write me letters about it
can i move to another table?
one out of the sun, ideally?
cracking mystery capsule into water
swirl, sip, more water
massive success for a short period of time
it’s hard to know what your dreams mean
only when you are here
do i stop thinking
we are silent, for example
lithograph happy
striking at fi rst sight
asked about crying
somethings exist without me
allergen proof bedroom
particular easy to sleep in
for some reason
head close to window,
feet pointed at the door
lysol perimeter baseboards
it terrifi es me
nature, trees
the rest
time goes by fast
middle class background
the thought of being abandoned
what are you getting at?
i feel under the weather, i’m sorry
well, don’t take it out on me
this is how people speak
passing each other,
but it’s a habit
soft spoken same tones
quite close to convincing
where did you two meet?
sitting straight, painfully
at any age
i mean at ease
slow, diffi cult writing
almost oppressive
don’t you agree?
that’s what i think
legs stretched to nowhere
you get used to the noise
answers made desperate
ok, you’re right
i shouldn’t have said that
gentle, sublime
why do i keep saying the word
stuck as fuck
need some
you can’t be cross with me
staggering slightly
leaving soon
if you’d like me
trying to smile at strangers
when i have kids, maybe
then again,
maybe not
cut down the trees to print the new york times
cold immediacy
pleased and secure companionship
entirely fuckable
compersion, or having a story
touching me
in honor of the auspicious
full moon
disaster capitalism
smiling looking serious
fi fty words for “mackerel”
but no words for “love”
that old saw
showing up at the same time
who brings a baby into a coff ee shop?
let me back up
eager for dharma enlightenment
once more
lotus eater
criminal nonpracticing
smoke up the summer sky
no missed calls
a historian
a scientist
a dilemma
“the arts”
or its more sober cousin
it’s not as awful as it sounds
a little dark,
a little downtown
i want to be ravished
ruin my clothes before work
stop it you’re killing me
East Coast capitalized
too beautiful for math
the highest number of published poets
per capita
on earth
not a happy ending
on the fi rst try
nice in general
you and me
blanche dubois
“love on the brain”
$25 jameson irish whiskey
at the duty free
the big bottles, even
nose still bloodied
fi fth day running
t-shirt kleenex
brought me here
the best medicine
some of your
lacy white cotton panties
the cruelty of my day
smiles nobody answered
or asked for
can i tell you something i’m not into?
syllable pairing
always lowered head
gestured “might be done here”
what to wear while spending three hours
at the coff ee shop
dignity keeping
ones and twos and threes
meaning nothing i’m aware of
certainly not
killing the fl u
how do you do it?
hangover shame formality
stomach ache fi zzy water
dawn to dawn
shutters drawn
never agains
this bike is too small and dangerous
no it isn’t
we shall be enough, all
oh, how darling
we can swim with the dolphins for $45
when we describe taxes
major forehead wrinkles
don’t act like you’re the VIP
all inclusive resort boring
realized part of your potential
why are you crying at the bar?
because i don’t want to kill myself
defi cient, emotionally limited
the situation
it was the fernet
or the sparkling gamay
ok, sure, i have feelings
that need to be loosened
neglected skill sets
long, dark hair
thinking about sex
you, more tanned in a few weeks
cava seleccion raventos rose
give it a try
genius or betrayal
handsome fuckably boring
advisory committee
staring out the window
and the coff ee isn’t helping
butterfl ies, disasters
to survive
you can’t be sentimental
nobody gets a prize for reading the most books
another severely iconoclastic dream
your time will come
presumably we are talking about death
famous last words:
what do we do now?
i have one foot in the,
uh, in the,
away from here
eyes dry
looking too hard or suspicious
paying to please
being negative
world of pain
sin or otherwise
the words
“fuck off ”
horribly soft nasty things
the genuine article
a college education
a thunderstorm soothing
if not the trigger
we regard them as separate
focusing again on the necessary
backseat sitting
a list of things i want to steal:
-strawberry jam
-2x relish, 1x mustard
-sardines, i’m not sure
before it rains
may 68
how many roses
turn the music down,
four stops?
let’s play truth or dare but
just truths
barbarism on any face
between the plan and the market
add visionary rimbaud
reclining on a futon
designer left bank
liters of serotonin
staring at the beach
staring at the sand
me, the dog running towards you
tail wagging
a subject i’d rather stay away from
source of disappointment
easy to describe
no history
prevented thinking
object of desire
reduced productivity
narrow interest in doing so
confronting gaps in honesty
it is important to be loved
how you want to be, ideally
push it
stay nasty with me
just having fun
i don’t focus like i used to
red black and purple, you
lying like an eye witness
whitman’s long lists
research, catalogs
habitually not complaining curse
holy at diff erent times
smiling, sun, facts
closing my eyes
hearing my heartbeat
embarrassing power
dylan, greenwich village, hair
shared acknowledgment
no strings original writing
not accessible
you can’t hypnotize darkness
808’s and essays
pumping toward death, decline
latex allergic
i’ve never dated someone with blue eyes
don’t get angry
when it’s convenient
for your family
i’ve never been too good at most things
a sense of destiny
emptiness as a destination
a prism
my offi ce for the rest of the summer
asking for water fi rst
born in the city
existing solely
holy mountain suspicious
refreshing the text message screen to confi rm you ignoring me
i wanted to be home by dark
i wanted to do something useful
geographic trigger lost
spent money
again, it’s nothing
as long as you’re happy,
i’m upset
don’t make this about belonging,
my nose bleeding easy
defending elsewhere,
a national identity
doesn’t concern me
pitch dark legibility
drama as opportunity
a nightmare where i couldn’t fi gure out
the best way to kill myself
if i hear another cell phone ‘ding,’
i swear to god
fuzzy mirror vision
this seems purposeful
sans toi
walking past blindly
so many things without a name
it’s hard to write
gin and tonic
help me to understand
every photograph a catastrophe
the sun and the moon
i don’t think we’ve waited in line
at the pharmacy
so much
a lou reed
not personally
irritable still
dry mouth chance encounter
as if they’ll know
each other all their lives
i’m not in the position to be working
just sight-seeing
forgetting my manners
shower, hangover, horny
fall asleep reading
one dangly earring
mutually evolving
whatever, i feel awful
buying more books than i hate time to read
deader than julius caesar
now i’m just being careful
legitimate diffi culty
not breaking news
but we still need to eat
sponsored ads seem appealing
sensitivity and empathy
frozen for a moment
why not say hello
weebles wobble but they don’t fall down
no doubt about it
radical warping
god i hate you people
keep the bullshit coming
less reading more writing okay
this is the age of aquarius
i never second guessed that
b12 mood board
:( i forgot what i was saying
i am at a loss
with my own behavior
to suggest it
our secret
popular culture
catastrophic fl oods
under normal circumstances
tea cups
as the moon changes shape
of human bondage
of useful work
play stupid games
win stupid prizes
social arsonist homework
a patron saint, apparently
something excruciating
killing the witness
fl u symptoms showing
make peace
not war
throwing rocks through windows
special terrors
didn’t i blow your mind this time?
didn’t i?
we had sex but i’m still depressed
why should i feel compelled to sing along?
too much in view
becoming commonplace
the description of days and nights
as a new yorker
not serving a utilitarian purpose
likely, something else entirely
you walk on your ankles,
that’s why your shoes crease
you touch your face,
that’s why your nose is oily
dude, it’s not bad to work
fooled by randomness
scratch that
not mentioning love’s
intimate details
who keeps receipts?
exact resemblance
hereditary or common causes
was it zak writing about
unfi nished paintings
on the back porch?
cops eating hotdogs
a woman rolling a luggage case
not smiling
it’s symmetry
self-portrait passing
happy anniversary
house cleaning
robocop 3, a smoothie, a sleep
a hundred dollar day
set to a reggae playlist
“are we reading?”
high-spirit surveillance
true consideration
signed “chagall”
tourism, coff ee $2
banged around a bit
on the surface
another degree of intimacy
maybe i pay my bills on time
but i’m still an anarchist
i’m still a book on tape
etymology of violence
friendly, familiar
not in the picture
analytical kept coming back
who can resist a situation you can’t explain?
the fi re place burns nothing
weather permitting
no way to cure the common cold
the diff erence between
thinking about committing a crime and
planning to commit a crime
still a scuffl e, your sore nose
states plainly
a strike out
after strike out
proving art still has a social function
how could you leave me
when i needed to
side eff ects of phenibut include
nausea, irritability,
dizziness, headaches
i’ve come home
i’m so cold
“the work is what counts”
names, dates, descriptions
the bolt of lightning
dividing loyalty
new project doubt
frivolous dreams of glory and success
an amulet against forgetting
fl attering vanity
it’s the shoes, it’s the jacket
i didn’t witness the accident
in the grip of sentimental thoughts
a game of cat and mouse
go ahead, depressing, bleak
more than a haircut, a shave
a strategy for contrast
out of contempt for details missed
“oh boy, i’m ready”
a diff erent time zone
biologically buried
moving or standing still
simultaneously, at once
future tense
grazing smugness
getting things done
aggravated defensive but true
a decision: how to spend your day well
envisioning the world in fl owers and breezes
fuck, another quantum problem
yet all clocks go by at the same speed
what was i talking about? memory?
a more dramatic “now”?
it’s like you’re dead to me
too clever to be believed
like you, like me
cause there’s nothing else to do
every me and every you
antagonizing the other
as the no-longer and not-yet
i fold the paper again and again
heaven is an objective metaphor with you
you lose if i win and vice versa etcetera
a sample, for example
indexed formal vocabulary
i’ve corrected you three times and
you still mispronounce my name
we ordered burgers which we didn’t eat
we watched a movie i’d already seen
weed has been legal for exactly a week
preparing for the holiday season
aff ective
“very nice”
but not the right time
named after a famous example
brute force experiment
almost everyone engaged in
too much truth or dare
a critical moment in the storytelling
tequila soda
tabloid chill pill visibility
i improvise an alibi
somewhere else
more necessary
a fairly nice thing to say
if it’s true
ruthlessness and retention
so near to where it started
i was early to work
slow to govern itself
i know you’re right
this counts as a test
regular patterns
learned back a few inches ago
cancel my appointments
i look awful
so you look good
(dorian gray baby)
make it memorable or whatever
the precious few seconds
before sex
like being chased by a mob
or half-asleep dreaming
i appear asthmatic
in controlled situations
i’m friendly
i’m sweet
i’m mistaken
i’m sorry
green-brown eyes
of no origin
that’s what my mom says
totally blank
not precious
that’s it
on the brightside,
i don’t want anything else
a balanced relationship
making my way through this life
might i suggest privacy?
we walk hand in hand in hand
the light strikes sexy
“let’s sit”
apple cider warm cold warm
the dogs run leash-less
a good opportunity to think
squinting as i undress
more obscured than usual
i’ve struck gold with a blank wall
white collar crime
the fashion became christian
underline all appropriate passages
now i fi nd assertiveness daunting
a complete thing among things
chain letter reading
with love, all things are possible
it’s never done
i just need to stop
let them have their ideological ethics
constructive listening
sense memory
push/pull recording
fuck, why do i do these things
god, god, god,
also -
the editorial photographer
a literature of hiccups
nino ricci, lanvin, bally
reading jackie collins at 13
poetry doesn’t sell, you see
eyes hurt but there are blogs i should read
i should play ps4 or see if those miu miu sneakers
are back in stock
at nordstrom or elsewhere
maybe jonathan franzen will be there
everything is decoration, if you think about it
instant coff ee
omega 3
adorno, me
nothing worth reading
autocorrect “you”
quickly, leaving jeans on
looking white wall sun spots
while it lasts
no particular reason
craving sugar
identical rows of houses
a headache but in the nose
thunder sucks oxygen from the air
i was saying
working understood
resistant to change
and the trouble you bring
you, a garden after a long winter
me, chloraseptic spray
a y shape
marc chagall shadows
looking with seeing
nobody is paris
when i need it
more depressed committed to
clean house when i get around
always meaning`
a rabbit
a duck
sore throat easy leaving
mark my space in an obvious way
fi nding peace in absolute resourcefulness
15 key
the more you ignore me,
the closed-er i get
anonymously haunting
i am planning today for next week’s moves
this report:
things that can never come together
- using the word “dramatic”
- describing the color of blood
- saying goodbye with signifi cace
every panic is permitted
2 minute break feels 15
coff ee, ripped jeans, not paying
looking forward to something ruined
don’t touch the phone
and don’t look at the news
civil service notebook
seeming stuck-up
running expenses
paid in cash
scratch that
not mentioning love’s
intimate details
who keeps receipts?
compelling force
a sign of absence
how we hit the ground
how we hit the ground
modern problems
preserve the tragic
agreeable spirit
in the present tense
mimicking movements
in the mirror
the fortress
the compound
leaving seems central to the text
greeted with a kiss on the hand
i can’t decide if i’m cold
or if i resemble my brother
murdered by robbers
laying in a pool of blood
reciting poetry
focused on the roman nose
pointed blue skies forever
thinking about death makes me horny
anticipation and watching
in awe
i pack your books without
saying a word
my spending habits awful
i go to the bank alone
a proverb
not understood
end game
at this time, i was painting
you nuance the fl owers
and pop my pimples
wikipedia everything as often
serious things indiff erent
we pet the cat and plagiarize
recognizable, but not the same
enthusiastic “thank you”
devoted time to recreational tasks
a code for sex
expensive wine fucking “too good to be true”
chewing advil
rhythm keeping
to him, who wants it
who writes about a still life
honey, eggs,
marie antoinette
identifi ed with america,
a short life,
a love song
i enter the from the west entrance
fl ustered, “i’m here”
and a criticism of conduct
very slow to fi nd out about the world
i was reading the nutritional information
on the side of the cereal box
if i were to remove a word,
it would be contagious
i put my money where my mouth is
see you in the funny pages

time is the most used noun in the english language
a past
a present
a future
at diff erent times
it sounds like free will,
but i’ve been wrong before
after all,
i could never see where
i start and you end and i start and
an introduction
“suff er gently”
raised to compress anger
into something other
that cannot be discussed or managed
“i’m diffi cult”
no known cause or cure
my adjectives revolve around “worst”
delicate unisex fragrance
your joan of arc confi rmation
smudging the sahara desert
the process excluding color
confi dent it exists
on scrap paper
i like the fl owers,
but i don’t need to tell them that
a professional question
a mirror
still over the mountain for you
a step in front
a common foul
the real price of everything
denoting red-brown circles
in various stated of
indiff erence and ecstasy
a diffi cult woman is indispensable
our answer to chaos
in better language than yours
you love your adjectives
and general pessimism
copying the same words again
the indefi nite article
and alter it
my apollo, my destroyer
same time, same phrase
the soundtrack must be wordless
it’s worrisome,
ending these things
i am speaking clearly and calmly
i publicly address you as “mine”
“looking like art deco
in my september complexion”
not using books to tell the time
behavior becomes idealized where possible
in paragraphs or self-analysis
and i-eee-i
will always
looooove youuuuuuuahh
drugged something scared
“did you see that”
both watching obviously
i’m bored telling the story
what blood
what rush
i was trained to splatter paint
expecting delays
tragic balance exaggerating
the apocalypse, on the other hand
mild inconvenience and struggles
you know photoshop
i know skin care
what could be of use to me,
rummaging through boxes
a house, two fl oors
three, four bedrooms
a place to lose your keys
you, a mom
in a baseball hat
i meant to go to walmart
i meant to do laundry
i am working on a scheme
to better my life
always effi cient
always giving people what they want
the caller id shows a contact
i don’t want to talk to
my battery is at seven percent
i will give you $125 if you do the laundry
and drop the macbook air off at the repair shop
i think it needs a new battery
i’m tired of working on projects that don’t pan out
instead, i walked through cemeteries looking for headstones of
those with the names of people i know,
words like “butt,”
i walked a lot and didn’t do yoga
i cycled for exercise and ate two meals a day
i fi nished work at eleven
i am thinking about a haircut,
shave my beard,
go to the dentist
“you need a makeover”
i need two advil while i wait for my lunch
excuse me,
i’m fl irting
daily affi rmation:
it is a miracle we met
mom from crete, dad from athens
mom from toronto, dad from athens
my nose, running
my phone, dead
i haven’t checked my tarot cards
since they started being accurate
i brush my teeth in the shower with two diff erent toothpastes
why do i make everything diffi cult
i order simple coff ee
and crave complex dessert
i should mention i have zero savings
four work days a week
i plug in my phone and the cable isn’t working
there is altogether too much noise
i eat a cookie and leave
the air tastes good in between bites
it’s the rain, it’s in the forecast
lying between science and superstition
i whisper “fuck”
under my breath
a stunning revenge
more or less
a will and testament
describing my methods
giving examples
even if they’re not true
in a diff erent generation
we both would have received
electroshock therapy
“krisis” decision
a sneeze on the paper
how i transcribe your words to my pages
and now i hate to travel
down and out journals featuring me
starring in henry miller extremes (not really)
in this room, no lying
i fold my clothes thinking
it’s too cold to walk
even if we move fast
and cross the street into the sun
the same socks
nobody to smell nice for
but that’s just today
whether or not i slink out of bed early
you keep the coff ee hot
with winter windows open
facing east side bracing air
under duvet cover
now that’s more like it
fucking cold
“like a dq blizzard”
cocktails in the void
if i may be more deep
it’s not my business
it’s not you, it’s me
never tall or grinning
in photographs taped to the fridge
videotaped everything
beans, couscous
hockey game
tired slowly
the window to order takeout shrinking
subtracting speculation
with the heat turned up
sonnets mechanical formal nauseous
to sum things up,
i’ve stopped going to therapy
and now we eat on the fl oor
remind me, again
why we fancy artaud?
“instead of,
the garden variety
unavailable in translation
maybe i echo you,
so what
our bodies a collaborative process
as empty as a career in the arts
quit smoking virtue
worker bee doomed
on the water, no, but close
“how big” measured in hands
soft mastering
temptation by chance
nose bleed university (that’s me!)
but clean sheets itchy
water thieves
an exact resemblance
the pronoun “i”
is “i” a pronoun?
reporting violations
yoga and tofu
do i smile?
lavender lovely
without you i’m nothing
honor the weather
lightly snowing lightly
three points from the boundary line
we don’t start til the screaming stops
ya dig
you, clean laundry, still damp
despite tumbling in the drier for an hour
me, out of quarters
29 may 68: a combination of dates
a car crash,
a camera shy artist
a little carried carried away
instead of changing my attitude
i invent something i need
after all,
i am very smart
with a strong academic background
again, we are talking about voyeurism
language is too common and imperfect
not working up to my potential,
still enjoyed to a point
i screenshot my witty talk
in various poses
traced to quiet comfort
gesture reveals the hue,
a bond as tenuous as possible
the plural form forgets
as quickly as it learns
the disaster scenario has already taken place
you’re here and i never told you how beautiful you are
you’re gone and i long for you constantly
(i don’t want to speculate on your feelings on this)
the name doesn’t fi t me
no, it’s no secret
it being someone else’s
fi rst
i’m not afraid of dying
i’m afraid of not working
since i started started sleeping on my face
the cat sleeps on my back
and i don’t have the heart to move her
her, adult cat sized
i forgot my laptop charger,
so i resigned myself to wasting the day
i wanted to eat 2500 calories
and drink tea until my stomach hurts
i familiarized myself with 4chan and dog breeds
i was convinced the woman that woman was undercover cop
asking about after hours and the like
all i could say was
“rock and roll sucks”
i was right, though
while i chew advil and barely read
but the material keeps coming
like manic-depressive modes of thinking
remaining exciting
remaining frustrating
never nothing to say, though!
if nothing but a biographical hyperbole
that which i trespass
becomes vandalism on your lops
and i prefer petty crimes
a misdemeanor
see you later
as if
we’ll meet again

“no tears, please
it’s a waste of good suff ering”
going to keep asking louder
until i stop saying please
call it patience, understanding
iconic and elegant
in love, guilty
craving sugar
sex, the great leveler
natural, you make me
feel like a
“i think i have a boyfriend,
but i know he’s a congolese king”
how much do i sleep sober?
that spot between
your shoulder blades
what’s that called?
on my back, or on everyone’s?
disapproving stare
mail me murakami
bookmarked with a polaroid
of your tits
pinpointed moment
slightly tipsy
exact chronology
downloading music illegally
somewhere top-right teeth
toothpick bleeding
socks on, asleep
if losing consciousness
press down on the sternum
the sternum?
is that up or down?
solar plexus?
eros, mass media, emergent technology
oh, yes - the global economic crisis
soft edges
infi nite content
you’ve got pollen on your nose
fusilli is whatever you want it to be
you should have seen me reading markson
i love you completely for the most part
fucking on an empty stomach
vancouver is a port city
they don’t export marijuana yet
but they could in the future
on the edge of nonexistence and hallucination
with one hell of a complexion
i forgot what i wanted to write about
walking to the cafe to write
something about wanting to have children in the spring
and what exactly i mean when i say these things
i’m ready to go home
it’s a good story
on s&m’s sliding scale
i’m probably a six
if only to go warm
conscious self-estrangement
representing the faustian bargain
without proof
every morning, noon, and night
working class past
trying to make plans
going the distance
confi dent, lucid
re-emerge fresh somewhere
lol, jesus
or it won’t happen
i should get rid of everything unnecessary
the clutter you complained about
er, not complain, commented,
i know what you meant
it wasn’t negative, it was constructive
i am continuing to learn, gratefully
not making typos
blushes, dots, stripes
craving what you already possess
the sudden toxifi cation of this network
how else can i make this argument
looking as i wish to look
used to harm and heal
referred to as something
i couldn’t remember
the coming apocalypse
rearranging the fl at in an appealing manner
APO meaning generic
reminder of our incomplete nature
failures in my note-taking
instagram, cous-cous, chloe glasses
how the mind wanders
adding lsd to alcohol
makes sense in low dosages
just a bit
no ice, no water
composite description
unknown past and emergent future
self-fulfi lling prophesy
a perfect fi t
tijuana bibles
cannabis pills
that sort of thing
explore unknowns, boring
with two exceptions
no memory
boutros boutros ghali
quietly occupying my mind
i have no clue what berlin is like
in the springtime
see you later, alligator
you come so rarely
although i am never sure
holding your right hand with my left hand
rapid eye movement moments
reaching contagiousness
i make the assumption
my daily life wavers
more normal
brutal, ontario
seized language that was withheld previously
distressed and worried and
what was happening changed signifi cantly
painkillers and advil
i feel so close to you
move your dna away from me
too focused on the meaning
sobriety trying
zinc, kefi r water, b12, magnesium, vitamin k12,
biotin folate, enzemes
bug spray, pesticide
organically bleak again
contributing to the accident
looking like a painting
there is a surplus of sub-themes
regardless of the situation
the headache building
briefl y considered becoming a drug dealer
down to earth
remembered own career path
just getting by
drugs and alcohol budget 80% annual income
certain obsessions
comprehensive and keeping quiet
amnesia with an emphasis on the feminine
in regards to the pornography
we shall dismiss it as “research”
depressed over the work that’s been ignored
i assume i’ll wake up with a mild hangover
but what happens between now and then is a mystery
casually ending this streak
houseplants that need more love
life that needs more structure
who needs to be responded to
with a calmer thinking pattern
black bomber jacket with orange liner
lab white coat in pictures
a man laughs like a buick starting up
discovery, comprehension
calming down
double americano with chocolate milk
two temporary new lines
underneath your eyes
they wont last
they’re being borrowed
they’re temporary
vitamin c free
less cigarettes
clarity, credit, debit
deep violet
resisting impression, you
nose broken boredom
come here, it’s nothing serious
everything ironic
meticulously designed
though left indeterminate
markmaking manners
i see
list: how to make money
list: who owes me money
negative again, d -
“i was bored before i even began”
(stop quoting morrissey)
you can come inside me, probably
folic acid, zinc (again)
there was an artist who conceived on stage
she was from new york, i think
affi x your schedule in a readily visible place
skies the limit
if you can believe it
somewhat fi rm
relenting much diff erent
than previously
sock soft or not
three bedrooms in a good neighborhood
don’t ask me what you know is true
write it down in order to forget it
“isn’t that right, snow white?”
hell is reserved for the truly evil
i think we’re good, heaven bound
that which call us, we call desire
there are no more surprises
this is just what you wanted
clawing my way into last place
a parable
the last day off beginning of love always
an excess of purpose
stability holds little allure for the popular imagination
wait, how much money equals hope?
not new or remarkable
cultural slowing down
it’s reductive in nature
reducing, i mean
the culture, after all
too much ink given to over-celebration
and petty humiliation
in the end, everyone has gone
an end, i mean
traditional parameters
struggling with likability
passivity masquerading as politeness
colorless love and how long can you tolerate me
powerful best guess agenda
i like it
i love it
i want some more of it
i’ve tried
so hard
we’re going to be together forever,
“qui se ressemble s’assemble”
jesus wept,
my dude
at any cost
soirée life sympathy
“i want you to be happy”
ok, work harder and smarter
fast forward twenty fi ve years
junior partner at a law fi rm
getting high
and accepting friend requests
but you don’t own a tesla in this fantasy
completely overwhelmed
observed by a third party
with the absence of a narrator
stendhal’s order
basic modesty
i assume
commenting on the future
point of view
oh, i’m anxious - too much coff ee and
i didn’t take my anxiety-stoppers
hopeless handyman bad
no sealant easy
bad at these things
clearly in sight
take this energetic passion and fret not
remaining severe
identifi ed desire not leaving
a little too carelessly
sensuous becomes sin
something people fail to notice
the story is told about you
in an oppositional light
honestly, i fi nd myself quite tired.
you, phone buzz needs to relax
disappearing at the decisive moment
before the eyes of
it’s speculative devotee
every later denial
quantitative measurable identity
all terror seizing
recommended punishment
silent seductive charm
overstepping the bounds
yet not of guilt and sin
ignore the fact
thoughtlessness grasped
eager longing
from the other side
essentially alike
great, a trial
boring fi ction and attention
the concept of modesty
for this reason, a repose
a tranquil exclusion
bringing unexpected heaven
walking forward blindly
the most alive tulips
are the ones i’m looking for
i’m thinking about you
thinking about having a daughter
it’s likely, based on our numbers
your wordiness is impressive to people
$5 words, yeah
reading, working, writing, researching
four things i like, right?
wasting time: a writer’s guide
nonviolent working class criminals live forever
pray continually
protect the summer fl owers
at all costs
the level of devotion
brings me to tears
by the throat
without known lovers
PH-diffi culty
i’ll never learn to drive, probably
still, i’m of considerable value
hands folded in lap,
legs crossed
there is never enough time
to windex mirrors
to love forever
feel free to associate
tell me something i don’t know
time, period
and after a long hiatus,
honey dipped
it’s just about to start happening
my whole life, immediately thinking
i miss you too quickly
friendly city hygiene
syracuse had been not the best
wind blowing east, north, west
trade it for prosecco
a novel with an apocalyptic setting
it’s really no decision
don’t write me letters about it
can i move to another table?
one out of the sun, ideally?
cracking mystery capsule into water
swirl, sip, more water
massive success for a short period of time
it’s hard to know what your dreams mean
only when you are here
do i stop thinking
we are silent, for example
lithograph happy
striking at fi rst sight
asked about crying
somethings exist without me
allergen proof bedroom
particular easy to sleep in
for some reason
head close to window,
feet pointed at the door
lysol perimeter baseboards
it terrifi es me
nature, trees
the rest
time goes by fast
middle class background
the thought of being abandoned
what are you getting at?
i feel under the weather, i’m sorry
well, don’t take it out on me
this is how people speak
passing each other,
but it’s a habit
soft spoken same tones
quite close to convincing
where did you two meet?
sitting straight, painfully
at any age
i mean at ease
slow, diffi cult writing
almost oppressive
don’t you agree?
that’s what i think
legs stretched to nowhere
you get used to the noise
answers made desperate
ok, you’re right
i shouldn’t have said that
gentle, sublime
why do i keep saying the word
stuck as fuck
need some
you can’t be cross with me
staggering slightly
leaving soon
if you’d like me
trying to smile at strangers
when i have kids, maybe
then again,
maybe not
cut down the trees to print the new york times
cold immediacy
pleased and secure companionship
entirely fuckable
compersion, or having a story
touching me
in honor of the auspicious
full moon
disaster capitalism
smiling looking serious
fi fty words for “mackerel”
but no words for “love”
that old saw
showing up at the same time
who brings a baby into a coff ee shop?
let me back up
eager for dharma enlightenment
once more
lotus eater
criminal nonpractice
smoke up the summer sky
no missed calls
a historian
a scientist
a dilemma
“the arts”
or its more sober cousin
it’s not as awful as it sounds
a little dark,
a little downtown
i want to be ravished
ruin my clothes before work
stop it you’re killing me
East Coast capitalized
too beautiful for math
we can swim with the dolphins for $45?
in which we describe taxes
major forehead wrinkles
don’t act like you’re the VIP
all inclusive resort boring
realized part of your potential
blanche dubois
“love on the brain”
$25 jameson irish whiskey
at the duty free
the big bottles, even
wrapped up in fl ags
nose still bloodied
fi fth day running
t-shirt kleenex
brought me here
the best medicine
some of your
lacy white cotton panties
the cruelty of my day
syllable pairing
always lowered head
gestured “might be done here”
what to wear while spending three hours
at the coff ee shop
dignity keeping
ones and twos and threes
meaning nothing i’m aware of
certainly not
killing the fl u
how do you do it?
hangover shame formality
stomach ache fi zzy water
overcaffi nated shaking
dawn to dawn
shutters drawn
never agains
too small and dangerous
no it isn’t
we shall be enough, all
oh, how darling
smiles nobody answered
or asked for
nice in general
you and me
the highest number of published poets
per capita
on earth
not a happy ending
on the first try

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