Thursday, October 3, 2019

hold my last words against me

a very full life:
i literally haven’t done anything and i’m exhausted
linguistic manhunt
regional dialect
vestigial language : refl ex, not considered
new age motiviational
automatically updated iphone dictation note??
a t-shirt: yoga babes hate me
a t-shirt: somebody please HELP
back at the hospital
you got no visitors at all
a book of translations
the fi rst line of every non-art book i own
someone reads “arcades”
country club politics
i’m not distant, i’m just minding my own business
don’t touch my magic with your dirty hands
i’m in the process of getting my life together
where’s cape breton?
who is this “rorschach” and why does he keep
drawing pictures of my parents fi ghting?
the practical merits of breaking my nose
why has it just become acceptable to say
“i don’t want to work in america”
elsewhere, i mean
not celebrating victory,
instead we pardon failure
“it’s not “hope” i’m talking about. it’s a diff erent capacity. a well that
has eff ectively emptied itself. my heart hurts but it’s not that bad.”
i have no specifi c pains in my left thumb
the purpose of love is to compartmentalize time:
- when i was with _____
- when you were with ______
- before i met ______
- after _____ and i broke up
you’re handling this well
yeah, i’ve done this before
but your burden looks an awful lot like her
i’d like to talk about this more.
interrupting a “ruth” or “maria.”
i’ve only meant suicide in the sense of killing some part of myself
never the whole thing
silent and reticent
troubles are boring
people only like you when you’re not really you,
the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth
what’s resting bitch face called if you’re a man?
i guess it’s called being a man
i get the stage fright shakes no matter how often i do this
i do anything
remember the punk-rap band yes i was terrifi ed but
i was 100% out of my mind
i’m glad i hadn’t discovered amphetamine yet or
i’d probably not be around
not making this about me i’m just keyboard responding
i guess i’m sorry
ny, mtl, wherever - you don’t buy a house.
you only fall in love to torch your own garden
- what?
watch me
every time we agreed, yes - a long time
a gradual dazzle
quiet about lire,
eyes, allergies
waiting for you to leave so i can leave shortly after
fendi mini mirror fendi all over print screen
talk dirty to me
the bathroom, the kitchen, the linens
ha ha ha ha ha
as if something missing
legs crossed defi antly
if not the only one noticing
we sat in the dirt for the fi rst time together
short legged dogs engineered to walk like people
hair longer and i smell like you
public washroom
i look up, i’ve been reading
“does it smell like fi re?”
“no, gas.”
“gasoline, for sure.”
not much i can do about that
when i had my wisdom tooth removed i had it done at the mall i
paid in cash and they told me that was unusual. they suggested i
don’t smoke or drink for a few days and prescribed me penicillin
which i never fi lled i had a falafel and smoked two cigarettes before
i was off mall property
the sandbanks tufted titmouse we could see them
gin and tonic instead of mopping up
all this worship of trouble has me bored
cynical signs point to yes
24 hours before payday it was a diff erent time,
you just came and went leave town whenever
to get on with it
starting new, simply a backpack it doesn’t
make sense
shoes on a screen
stella mccartney i think
yeah, not bad out loud
the rain slows down
but i’m not leaving my feet smell and i’m sticky
all known categories
personally, doomed
i need to stop sleep, i think
maybe distort a meaning
how to stop looking at phone
afternoon no shower compromise
the syntax gets abused me talk about
fucking you, horny all afternoon
there is always a problem, sticking
hand out window of car staring into sun
until tears spread out
any miles per hour
the appropriate response to
“i love you”
“i’m sorry you feel that way.”
a cop car trails close a rented malibu
after pissing off the only other person on our street
who’s house is the biggest i’ve seen in weeks
kombucha is added to everyone’s pastis and water
and a new cocktail is born
avoid the police station criteria
god, a habit
derrida stripping
the thinking
can we measure love in the hours of the day?
a spanish handjob:
- pressed against breasts
a meticulous organizing of already existing media
rethinking “cocaine, strangers”
best work when frustrated
my feel smell like peanut butter
the sheets are covered in fi ne white fl ecks
hairspray residue
not keeping my hair puff y like johnny thunders
i fi nd it annoying
i should buy new sheets
i mean, i did recently
but maybe these sheets should be white
this time
it gets hotter at night
i feel cold but your body is hot
let’s put the blanket between us
i’ll cuddle the blanket instead of you
slightly shivering
probably hungry
stomach ache
i don’t think there’s any fruit in the house
it’s boring to write about your relationship with drinking
just write about what you want to read
i have only liked whiskey once - for like, three months
during a particularly bad period of
“drinking to get to drugs sooner”
i would assume i’ve technically had
somewhere around 1200 hangovers
not including the days in which
i’ve woken up drunk and kept drinking
i would tally those days around 300
working for now defunct publications
the fl or works anaerobically,
converting sugar into ethanol
paid attention, spent attention?
a great bordeaux vineyard
relationships between the self and the self and the self and others
i don’t give a shit and i certainly don’t give a fuck
told you!
who asks for a budweiser on the patio a tourist
it’s not their fault it’s not hard to look at the menu though
they’re just trying to enjoy the nice weather
well, it’s encroaching on my enjoyment
look! now they’re playing uno!
how fun.
the sun will come out tomorrow
your optimistic dna
yesterday’s viagra maybe still in your blood stream
am i understanding this right
scowling, rightly, note writing, hand on my thighs
working class wines
however you pronounce it
there is a woman on speakerphone
wearing fuzzy slippers yelling about
how she doesn’t understand
why you do these things
as mum would say,
“sure and that’s far from how you were raised.”
i planned on going to a diff erent party anyways
i’m sorry for being like this
the understanding that the day was over
an essay about time killers
it’s sunny
the tourists are out i’m reading tao lin she’s reading valerie solanis
sit in the shade in between my legs
cider glistens and warming slowly ice melted
too many bags that’s how you can tell they aren’t from here
nobody needs that much things
they’re probaby looking at google maps
or yelp
yeah - oh!
did you hear that australian accent?
3) 9 6 11 18 (29)
dog whistle politics
everybody knows
the reorganization of privilege
what what i want to be when i grow up
things that my mother was unable to teach me
a list of spectator interests
the diff erence between smart and smarmy
i spend the bottom 5th to top 8th petting a dalmation mix until my
hands are oily
friend to many dogs, enemy to all people
backup text onto a fl ash drive
tennis 11am
fi x the calendar
xerox every poem in book over original poem
as the times change
white spray paint
start uh reorganizing
david bowie naked lookalike
steady staring me down
fuck this hangover
i gotta get smart somehow
thunder road by bruce springsteen
the baby (70s)
i’m still hungover
even after masturbating
the sun is too hot on my back. sitting in a south-facing seat, in the
window, in a cafe, drinking an americano with chocolate milk in
it. a book is open but unread, mostly. popular american writer. i
haven’t eaten yet.
love it, excellent, good PR, not off ending anyone
sincere girl reading poetry,
anais nin diary
tried to jack off but i was too tired,
ha ha,
you know
a doctor and his wife
the kind of people that go abroad
it doesn’t interest me
both the people and the act, you know
perhaps i’m sour today
those stories
romantic voyages
you see
there’s no point
not experience
terrible things
hold my last words against me
in the province of love
non american outpouring
leaving notes
erotic grammar
minus the mascara
pasolini, again
coff ee on the patio
while her bike gets fi xed
it’s a problem with the front tire
i believe
annexing space
nothing worth reading
among the ruins
dies hard
running nose acknowledgment
behind sunglasses
plastic and cheap and
not of the city
public dress rehearsal
getting home seems like a struggle
zodiac fi xated
arthur leign allen
secret society open air
(i guess)
and all the dogs are fi rst walked
des idée reçue
in handcuff s
i ask the bartender to plug in my phone,
mostly to keep it out of my hands.
but what if there is a terrorist attack?
what if alexa gets lost or needs directions?
no, i need to focus. read.
i’ve broken the cycle of task-based days and it hasn’t helped me.
ok. i need a return to-do to-do list.
we laid in the park. it wasn’t warm enough to take off our coats. it’s
april. we drank half our juices and add-ed sparkling water to make
the fl avor last. kale, celery, beet, sparkling water. i realized i had
brought the wrong book - i have already read this leonard cohen
book. it’s a diff erent edition than the one on my shelf, but i have
read it. of course i had. it’s ok. i didn’t feel much like reading. we
laid with our eyes closed. the grass wasn’t damp but it wasn’t dry,
you know? soft grass, rather. our eyes closed towards the sun, laid
on our backs. rubbing each others thighs.
a twenty-fi ve-year-old drives a white econoline van through an
intersection, killing ten and injuring dozens. the van was a rental.
that much we know.
“i want to cum in your mouth later.”
so i go to the juice store,
and the lady asks me,
you know,
what kind-of juice i need,
and i’m like
“whichever one is gonna make my lover
more satisfi ed sexually.”
she gave me beet juice.
check it out
my bar tab what?
yes! no i don’t want to pick up on dundas
a sign i’ve “recovered” from my “recovery”
used to be always YES from me
i mean, i want to do co-------
but apparently not that badly
it’s a conversation!
about nothing!
(my inner monologue)
yo, how sick would it be
to go to sleep, yeah, nice
(me in real life)
i’m good
CC: understanding
that look, yeah -
you had us and you lost us
smashing pumpkins but not ava adore
don’t kiss me, i’m thirsty
this ain’t no poem, bro

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