Thursday, October 3, 2019

the reference librarian’s unromantic fantasy

i sit in a cafe (which cafe what did you buy what do the people look
no, i sit on a wooden fl oor close enough to everyone as to not make
a scene but far enough away to be left out of conversation, laying
my head on someone else’s luggage. feet stomping “staying alive”
plays loudly on a bluetooth speaker, i realize i am undoubtedly part
of a post-ironic problem. i paid for it so pay attention. i caught a
frog and nobody wanted to pet it, i apologized to her as i let her
go outside where it was raining. i had a smoke and stayed with the
frog until it hopped off the porch.
when i think about how many iphone’s i have purchased - probably
10-12 in the past fi ve years - and how many times i have had my
screens replaced - probably 20-30 in the past fi ve years - i wonder
why i haven’t used my phone for a greater purpose than wasting
hey, i should fi lm myself reading poems. maybe that’s something
that will generate interest in whatever it is i’m doing. maybe i
should add some hashtags to things.
i have fi ve tabs open -, william gibson’s wikipedia page,
and twitter. i haven’t tweeted in a few weeks, since my phone started
losing touch sensitivity.
my last tweet, on june 13th, states:
“i don’t want to die with so many unread books.”
i had an idea to start making twitter poetry threads, but i had abandoned
it quickly. i added three to the newly started thread:
“i don’t want to die frustrated with an iphone 8 that has lost its
touch sensitivity already”
“i don’t want to die tasting blood, knowing i need some sort of
dental work i can’t aff ord.”
“i don’t want to die sitting watching soccer at the common after
drinking two iced coff ees.”
and i close the tab.
i consider starting a new twitter for a book idea i had a few weeks
ago. a long poem comprised entirely of retweets. maybe it’ll be
good. it could be. i don’t do this now.
i go to open another document i was working on yesterday.
“movie theatre batman killer.docx” it is not listed in my recently open
- upon a click to the “all my fi les” directory, it becomes clear that
someone opened several old pieces of unfi nished writing. it was
not me who did that. i call the person who i assume did, and she
assures me that is not the case. however, i did not have my
macbook at 12:30pm last night, when the fi le was last opened. i am
now mad, not because the fi les were opened but because the work
wasn’t very good. if i’m going to be snooped, i would prefer it be
worthwhile pieces.
i return my gaze to the soccer game, russia v. croatia. it is still 1-1.
i get an idea - maybe i should write a story about a librarian who
fi nds herself frustrated at the lack of sexual advances, that her
librarian experience is not that which she’s seen in xxx fi lms. maybe
this could be an anti-erotica piece. not meaningless sex -
meaningless love. ooh. this sounds good. maybe the librarian is
a man, though. hm. no. okay. the croatian player just had a great
opportunity and hit the post. a man with two phones groans loudly
and shoots out of his chair. another man shows off a recent
winner’s purchase: a new york yankees t-shirt.
i google “library fetish source origin.” i realize i’ve always found
women in glasses quite attractive. the article states that
“knowledge isn’t power; knowledge is love.” i agree.
“a patron arrives, says, tell me something. you reach across the desk and
pull him toward you, bear hug him a second and then take him into your
lap, stroke his forehead, whisper facts in his ear. the climate of chad is
tropical in the south, desert in the north. source: 1991 cia world factbook.
do you love me? americans consumed 6.2 gallons of tea per capita in
1989. source: statistical abstract of the united states. synecdoche is a
literary device meaning the part for the whole, as in crown heads of
europe. i love you. i could fi nd you british parliamentary papers, i could
track down a book you only barely remember reading. do you love me
now? we own that book, we subscribe to that journal, elvis presley’s fi rst
movie was called love me tender.”
the reference librarian’s unromantic fantasy. sterile. i like this idea.
“i doubt that everyone has a (female) librarian fantasy, especially if “everyone”
means everyone and so includes the straightest women, but it is a
common fantasy among men attracted to women. one female dominatrix
even tells me that, with the exception of the teacher, the librarian is the
dominant role most requested of her by male submissives.”
“a 1992 study for the wilson library bulletin states that “20% of
librarians admit to having sex in the stacks.” i forget what i was initially
thinking about. what my point was. i close the tab.
i read a few pages of kenneth goldsmith’s “wasting time on the
internet,” check my instagram likes, and focus back into the world
cup match. i have to leave for work soon. i briefl y have a thought of
sex - not really about having it, though. whatever that means.
i go for a cigarette and pick up the weekly free paper. i read my
horoscope out loud to ali, who has joined me for the extra time of
the soccer game. it’s not very relevant. i fl ip through to the escort
back pages looking for hidden poetry.
“coff ee break $50 alex 36 yo hot and spicy sweet and sexy alex 647-854-
i rip the page out.
ali, slowly reaching intoxication, discusses data mining - which, in
eff ect, becomes data mining itself.
i consider backing up my iphone and dropping it off to get fi xed.
i also want to ask the man at the cell phone repair shop if he can
give me any broken screens he has laying around. “for art,” i’ll say. i
open iphoto and see photographs of my penis from various angles. i
look behind me, checking if anyone saw. i close the application and
put the computer to sleep.
you shouldn’t get drunk and swim. him on the fucking gigantic
infl atable duck on a lake that looks smaller than the duff erin mall.
the same infl atable duck, surrounded by police offi cers on the news.
the words some people use: “gone,” “passed,” etc - just no way to
confi rm a death. you shouldn’t have gotten drunk and swam.
i check the news. a pregnant 18-year old has been found
dismembered in oshawa. i fi nd the address of the crime, and map
it to the house i lived in oshawa when i was in grade six and the
fi rst semester of grade seven. 55 minute walk away. i’m unfamiliar
with that neighborhood. i take a screenshot of the house i lived in,
as well as the curb we used to skate everyday. i try to google other
places i was familiar in the city with with no luck. instead, i check
the satellite view of our old house at 72512 and remember having
20x10 of concrete. we would skate into the grass, or put plywood
down. i google one more place, where would we skate picnic tables
and smoke cigarettes. 1100 parkway lane, horseshoe bend, arkansas.
grade 8 and 9.
now, maybe i can write. wait, france v. belgium starts in twenty
minutes. meunier isn’t playing, that’s good for us.
i open a new tab and make this word document smaller. i fi nd the
stream and watch ten minutes of the pregame until someone turns
on the tv. i thank him. i take a photograph of the screen featuring
my book, and send them to mathilde while she’s delayed on a train.
she tells me her eta is now 40 minutes off , which means she’ll at
least be able to catch the second half with us. allez les bleus.
i arrived home at four, undressed in the living room as to not wake
alexa. i stepped out of my jeans, leaving two packs of cigarettes
in the back pocket. i slipped into bed and laid on my back, still
managing to wake her up despite an unrivaled stillness. we talked
briefl y, where i managed to take exception to a quick statement
of otherwise zero consequence. i fell asleep sad, but that was my
in the morning, i ate an expensive pizza while reading pdf essays on
my phone about it.
ja rule and ashanti play in the 2017 anycar. i groan, looking at
myself in the rear view mirror. are my teeth fucked up? i just spent
so much money fi xing them. am i just older? i need a cigarette
but they have defi nitely been hurting somewhere in my back. the
alprazolam has worn off and my mellow voice has gone loud again.
i think that was my last one, too. fuck. i don’t have any advil, either.
“please let me do the talking” i’ve been committing crimes since -
well, i don’t remember a time when i wasn’t maybe slightly exaggerating
it’s not like breaking the law is a state of existing is it? i
know how to talk myself out of everything my mom wanted me
to be a lawyer, i thought i would be. it’s a necessary skill talking
yourself out of trouble thanks for that lesson my mom said “we’re
poor we’re doomed, we have nothing to lose” so do whatever just be
please please please don’t talk i have this, please shut up for fuck’s
sake no bravado we’re trespassing - i’m sorry we didn’t know, i
didn’t see any sign - they say ok please leave - that’s it, done right
nope we need more voices. fuck. “what do you mean we’re
trespassing this is just a fi eld” we are entitled bratty city kids
probably secretly fetishistic poverty maybe.
my nose is running because i’ve been light sobbing about am i bad
boyfriend and someone who is not deserving of love, the general
character fl aws you’ve come to know and love. my nose is running
and it feels like it’s bleeding which me want to snort the lorazapam
40mg because i miss cocaine and it’s nosebleeds always remind me
of that mood improving feeling. i go outside and get bit my
mosquitoes. i can’t write out here i want to smoke cigarettes while
nothing is happening i’ve been gone for six hours and i miss the
city. i can’t focus in the quiet my ears seem to be straining for
something to hear, something to quiet my brain talking to itself.
at home, in the city, i’ve grown accustomed to the hum of the
oversized dehumidifi er/air conditioner on your side of the bed, that
is how i sleep. now, i lay in a freshly threshed hay fi eld staring at a
rapidly setting sun - wishing a car would drive by.
was it “back to the future” that made you get back to work?
the moral of the story is “don’t be such a pussy.”
i don’t think that’s correct.
i read fast on a train, very few notes - looking at my watch too
often but that’s because i can’t smoke and it’s all i’m thinking about.
why did i buy this watch? who did i see wearing a rose gold digital
casio that made me think, “me too”? i take it off and push it to the
bottom of my courier bag, underneath 2x t-shirt 2x underwear 1x
socks 2x notebooks and i realize i can’t get comfortable and maybe i
wasn’t comfortable before but now i’m just annoyed.
my laptop bag holds a broken iphone, screen separated from its
body and two religious pamphlets. i am unsure of their merit.
your boy sends you a blurry photo of his breakfast and you think
about a joke of the quality of android photographs, he just wanted
to let you know “panama” by van halen was playing and that he
has already eaten. your coff ee and brownie usual breakfast and you
wondering why your stomach hurts. your back hurts too probably
from smoking but still want one and the lighter is missing and everyone
is obnoxious. this back pain familiar but more potent all the
way to my chest maybe this is causing me all of my stress.
“the acquisitions have started,” she says. the popular photographer
ruins my day once a week, constantly solicitating young women to
work for free. “well, everything is possible for money - i mean, we can
give you credit as a junior designer or production assistant as we can’t
pay you at this time, but you know -” she continues as i fade out of
interest, her vision of suburban america replayed as a commercial
for some clothes i don’t know, the doe eyed new transplant says not
much. “you’ll have to rent your own car but you’ll be fi ne that’s only like
$100 a day” no matter what table i move to i can hear this photographer’s
voice “i’m willing to give you whatever credit for whatever job
- we just can’t pay you.”
a man in extremely tiny shorts recites a menu off his iphone:
“boston bib lettuce, grilled haddock, red wine vinigarette, mussels, prince
edward island.” his partner does not give a fuck.
around me:
iced coff ee weird hazy light brown to clear
mint green tea colored annoying
i love having a partner that is smarter than me.
i just want to check if that book is there, “speedboat.” i don’t want to
pay more than $15, though.
why was ulysses such a scandal?
who, being super rich, doesn’t have a grandson named “ulysses?”
this place is so charming.
okay belgium has it passes in front kicked out to the corner blocked
14 ok france has it again number seven to someone else running
quick pulls back sitting on edge gives it away back to belgium
belgium belgium kick up nice pass ok back to back tangled up
number six back to center wide pass in front of the net header just
high of the net france whistles down back in play 0-0 still in the
french zone blocked that was close or at least it looked close to
me belgium with possession back to center number six real slow
deliberate movements here clear that shit fuck oh my god that was
close france oh oh oh fuck nice touch nice touch giroud so close
you handsome fuck corner kick was that a header GOAL
FUCKKKK clap clap clap clap clap 1-0 it was a header just beat
him was that an own goal looks like it hit both their heads ok
resuming play pulled down at center didier dechamps looks relaxed
was that a foul yeah that’s got to be a free kick griezmann let’s go
do something here focus the line up looks fl awed no that was nothing
again back forth belgium again back why did they just show
mick jagger oh fuck yes mathilde is here you just missed the goal
literally just missed it you didn’t stop home to drop your bag that’s
great woowwww what another close call france almost scored again
did you see that and then belgium shooting over the net he’s six
foot six wow that’s surprising they’re playing really tough now real
tough ball why did he kick that out oh they’re making some change
who belgium ok taking the measure for the time being france again
ahhh that’s right sit back down girl that was close though i’m glad
you’re rooting for belgium even if it is only out of spite yeah push
it out they’re playing a bit slower now corner for belgium blocked
oooh hazard taking him down yellow card did you know the yellow
cards don’t count for the fi nals yeah it’s an amnesty thing header to
header to header now desperate for the ball they should be happy
enough that’s fucking right nice save lloris is the best keeper for
sure wow that was close belgium is just going they’re not going to
take this sitting down i wish my phone would stop vibrating oh
la la 59% possession for belgium it certainly doesn’t feel like that
well maybe in this half wow that was a nice play wow such control
griezmann you fuck you’re playing like fucking trash stop wasting
your shots if you type griezmann in twitter the fi rst thing to come
up is griezmann overrated wow you’re just texting your team is
deep in the box and had two great opportunities stop texting
belgium again with the ball at center they really want to tie this
up did he get hit in the face wow that looks like it hurt i bet he bit
his tongue france clears it again out of harms way easy griezmann
you fucking pussy get up 75 minutes in looking tired wow good
job kevin you waste belgium has really dominated this second half
kicks it across the box no dice again come on let’s go stop this let’s
put one up we need a security goal wow mbappe wasn’t even born
when france won in 98 that’s insane why are you so loud get that
get that wait how was that not whistled down what’s even happening
wow that was fucking amazing what a save i’m telling you he’s
the best keeper in the game that was a nasty collision though are
they going to spray him down what is that spray even there’s gotta
be at least four minutes of extra time belgium on the attack again
nice push it out mmm hmmm matuidi is back down i don’t oh
that was it that was nasty put him on concussion protocol get him
out ok wow there’s fi ve minutes left in regular time france is nearly
there this is too close fuck someone please clear it out take the
yellow card at this point send a message it’s now or never i guess no
it’s never it’s frantic god that was close too belgium is at the door
almost there wow ok almost at 90 minutes six minutes of extra
time wow that’s surprising wow you see him take down pogba what
was that come on france let’s go let’s cross this for sure out out of
bounds again wow that was amazing mbappe just wasting time
haha he deserves that yellow card but got that was nice wow three
on two so close oh come on what was that wow chill out announcer
there are two long minutes to play jesus christ france have both
eyes on the clock you bet wow that was close as well i would love
them to clinch this tell me this is gonna be good enough that’s it
that’s it it’s gonna be a remake of 98 wow we need to make t-shirts
that was insane i’m so happy fuck yes that’s it that’s it see you
sunday where are watching that game wow ok i have to go i have to
do some real work i think.

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