Thursday, October 3, 2019

you in 3.5 because of me, i completely 5

ok can you hear me ok so if i put the time out to actually can
record pretty well it sounds like ok.. i had so ship so i went and i
picked up one of the two books i needed which probably is a book
they need more anyways i still haven’t really eaten yoghurt that was
placed in front of me this morning just did not seem to be interesting
to me i’m just realizing that occurred in the stall in these
headphones him and that makes me laugh oh i wonder if i keep
drinking if i will end up looking like george soros i wonder if that’s
a possibility. i put down this project couple weeks ago because i
think i was just too depressed i didn’t want to really do anything
i stopped reading i was just kind of going to the waves of barely
living with us today i kind of feel a bit out of spite revival a bit
more focussed but still like him i’m sure of my genuine intentions
with this amazon and things i realize that there’s a lot of side work
that i need to do like more administrative things like updating my
website and sending out emails and press releases and getting in
touch with publishers again but i feel so defeated that i don’t even
know why am doing anything i just want someone to come to me
i suppose. i spilled my coff ee on my hand walking up duff erin and
trying not to get on my white sweater i liked out my jeans instead i
also realize that me doing this and to headphones or something or
to the pile of makes me look a little less crazy even though technically
talking to nobody but myself again so i have to pick up green
onions and annoyed ago i don’t want to go back to my neighbourhood
just yet i kind of was hoping to get a little bit of free time in
ok? yeah crazy. i realize and keeping my head down and not looking
at anything i’m walking through i am defi nitely defi nitely hungry
been listening to the same three songs on repeat for the past
four days. as far as this transcription project as i realize i defi nitely
am going to need to buy a power bank heard over the bullshit is
whatever mobile power source for this iphone because even though
i had only purchase this iphone 8 maybe six months ago the battery
life is absolute trash because i’m fucking constantly using it as a nut
case. there’s got to be away to where i can keep a google document
or an apple know it constantly updated i can real time i had better
date on the letter must be a way to do that probably contact somebody
i can call. so i haven’t smoked in 24 hours i have a drink and
just over at 7:35 only thing that’s changed is it feels like my nose is
constantly bleeding.
give me a batch of the clips in and just relax have a short looking
for coupons and can help us build it up and fi ll in for me was
wearing clothes by pacsun instead i’m looking around for a quick
cigarettes or have him by name at work smarter and the paperwork
for the kids seem to reconcile between the two and standing on the
shady side of the street with the big people to be eddie constantine.
do you member when we ordered new bike with you sunday and
can you pick me up thanks though package still here.
are the time when we saw saw saw the homeless handling means
and let live in poteau drive time and it was given the movies we
could be still giving the baby while we had our weekly more expensive
than necessary if you could let makes me feel pretty guilty.
maybe every time i feel like having a cigarette i will just mean even
right now i feel very good at math is no smoke and i just don’t
smoke i don’t smoke indoors and i think that would be ok but i
will even if i just want to go outside just following up everything
and also i should probably stop putting so many books that would
probably be fi ne.
they call soon babe real place that is close to the fl exeril which is
even more hungry can you take some time to take it they will not
give him a warning is it weird that i like in albany so if anything
now it is almost 4 and i can’t see fi gure out what to do to resolve
this problem in this.
good. places with you ok if we fi x that had nothing to do with him
not sure if it. what to eat when i gave her myself i can’t even have
a date yet because the pizza places in the area and i accomplished
was three movies at the video store.
when you think of it it is the releases receive a reply from robin i
suppose that’s really interesting sometimes that could be a simple
everything is in the hands.
you sit at the bar so you have someone’s attention immediately if
you need it.
so now the report shelves i believe we can make reasonable actual
house the plan is to make the outside studio actually make sense of
the word space even if it is just for i should probably do some sleep
this week i have a need to fi nish if you paid so if i can get rid of
some of that stuff you said i should also that’s need to get coach at
macomb to pay back cash from trip today tomorrow and the dish
rack in the report and it said people can get personal reason i’m not
to. i could text you now i’m on my way and i think i want to him
down then ok i need to. but i can only stay for one drink because i
need to get a map. i need to text and tell him i’m on my way but i
can only stay for one drink and then put it in because i have to be
on site at 9 o’clock i really want to get that shit done and hopefully
get to our room to get them after the course of the next two shells.
i need to fi gure it it! it is this and i guess it is what it is minnesota
at disney with the kids if there isn’t one. let me know if that car
and so i am glad to be back in activity where is the active even
i’m checking to see where i stop thinking we could anybody not
have any interest to ready ok picture i don’t know it’s hard to do
next service second to long
i’m always thankful for a good period of restoration can you see the
agency to just use anything but do it faster than everybody else the
bookstore with her not fi nd anything else beyond it’s a good wife is
my blood coming from his off all of the things i cannot and i have
become more important now i get to be completely alone especially
since i stopped listening to music on my walks again the kids started
to do years ago probably
but now i’m excited to get back to work with her working at the
bar were actually fi nished everything possible and for real i ate the
luxury of being alone is 142 is long as i don’t think the city i’m also
quite a future for me too so it’s not for anything other than a good
understanding of where i belong in the home i know that has to be
in some otherwise my guy is hard to hide it academics
it’s kind of a mess i have a second. i can go to the city and suburban
it’s always more accurately report and christophers where is the
school directly to the monetary fi ve.
73. if after
if you can take me to look at it but i wanted to see if it was
me and my neighbours facebook can you at least something i will
have to address it with the curtain call david tonight i will plan to
do so we’ll just have to see
probably somewhere someone maybe 50 but when i think about
it and read it that number makes sense for how i think better very
reasonable heist
reminder. very good days for a few hours so that is ok that idea has
crossed my mind if it’s not useful it’s still worth doing
bury those keys the really old ones you had this idea about before
quit smoking dope and facebook we can go and not smoking part
and it would’ve been with her since i am too? and is it is taking a
glass of wine or having hot heat have become increasingly diffi cult
because they’re the obvious that you will follow up and see
i am walking to work taking the usual route which are usually take
a little extra despite dropping rocco work just a few hours ago
whether or not that will be welcomed visit we shall see you regardless
the cheshire is what counts
what are you up to in such a hurry why am i constantly pulling
over them into and i really that distracted and i release working
for what is happened and really trying to fi nd something that don’t
have access it if he does i’m just leaving work but if i fi nd it perhaps
not know maybe that’s what i’ve been doing this whole time
even walking with you and help you for an hour work shift but still
worth saying
yeah my sinuses are blocked by at least i know there’s a chance
could you edit it after taking two years to get fi red fi red two years
ago just makes me dizzy to see if i can i think about it next weekend
to maybe it was the one that i had to as a client at everybody
right now if i can help with think that maybe i’m ok because the
three it’s just it’s just a bunch of nothing really i’m quite aware of
the plan being more aware of it every time i walk
so the plan is is long as you can which i’ve made extra one by
mistake this long weekend at the beach perhaps go to the black
sea something natural products plus aware of the shoes on my feet
warm wear something else i don’t have a dress up for nothing i just
had to show up right beside dressing up showing up and if i just
show up and be worthwhile found something that was in the movie
will come together maybe that’s what it is maybe it is a movie
but the movie maybe that’s the thing that i need more distractions
and even his mouth to me. i’m not showing.
damn stomach hurts and i want to get to work late i can’t explain
practice everyone shorts are too short because of your lack lack
slow on my walk maybe that’s the problem my eyeballs do it they
want they don’t fuck with my grandma and maybe that’s the problem
it’s ok for me since i have my bike.
if today is a very nice sunny day the weather was driving usually a
bit sticky but the fl yers. have you had problems. hey i had to take
a diff erent obviously him taking things back to tel aviv for a few
hours and will get home i don’t think that this is going to be down
in the next little while so if i just push it off until until it’s ready yet
walking to the park yet until he gets off at fi ve. no the dogs are also
i don’t know if it’s a step tracker mix with people living at her but
still i should look at what computer just to see like it was gonna
happen. thinking about fi nishing this record really starting to fi nish
the record for free second you going this couple weeks and i have
to recap on able to do computer stuff maybe monday because sitting
indoors for the next however many hours does it have work in
the computer right.
even though i try not to drink until the time he right i think that’s
a pisces offi ce fairly diffi cult if you can fi gure as long as i didn’t
think lots of water i’ll do that type bag still. it feels like one of the
things we’re not going to.
i guess it has to do with me tired just because i’ve had forever
everybody still think your morning at least half of the time because
of the wi-fi and why is that.
instead of doing any work when i get home i’m more likely to just
now jack off and then shower and watch californication something
because i love.
for the most qualifi ed job website i’ll be there original copy source
code and then add on the right side preps and solution view about
me being beaten up or something like that something pretty much
the same idea so what i’m thinking of his photo shopping works on
gallery walls as though it’s a pseudo-virtual space that would make
good sense
day two of being fairly sick and i’m extremely cold but i can’t seem
to fi gure out how to get anything dad should be using this time
wisely like doing something useful but i can’t seem to get my fucking
brain to work. even if i choose to be big i could still say this is
not a very good trip it wasn’t due there anything particular just was
an overwhelming very much i mean.
it’s been a rough couple days i’m not really sure what the specifi c
depression spiral head but i haven’t really been feeling to mentally
well i’m not really sure again at my place or by purpose more i work
the less i feel like i even have a purpose excited that i was think it’s
a shame when i think of will just be there to guide them to maintain
any sort of workload many of the people feel that way actually
can i think a lot of people feel that way were just there’s no way
to keep up like one day it’s all gonna catch up to me and then i’m
fucked. hello i just tried to do it i can’t like knocking to go ahead
and say that many better words for anything that i do basically
been feeling really harshly. pretty much over just to waste money
on food and booze and shoes and books and records and barely
paying my bills in between like i don’t even think that i had of that
excessively anymore and defi nitely did but now it’s more just like a
victim casualty. i think it’s a problem literally just in my head like
on this walk i realize how easy my wife actually games and then
knowing that makes me feel good works because i don’t understand
why i saw reserve the right to be so unhappy i have time i think
even though it’s been a rough week or so for me that they said only
get better from here i don’t know i guess he just have really tried
hard to not take myself too seriously and in doing so it makes sense
i don’t really take anything seriously. the past couple hours of been
pretty casual i tried to nap but i didn’t leave down cause my eyes for
30 minutes and i really sure if it’s a migraine or what but i deafl y
was not feeling good little bit better now i know it’s just because a
drink for beers and head for shots but she had a pretty fun night all
things considered today’s been ok.
this morning i have another hangover i really wish that i had eaten
there last night instead of just drinking had her for too long wait
for me really quick so i’m also kind of depressed about work so i
don’t know i guess my plan is i’m gonna go print off some copies
of this book and then she fucking called a punch of exclamation.
i have a fairly massive headache and sit on the couch and pretty
much do nothing if i can actually stay pissed ok because i want to
get too far so stupid fuck.
just a particular person i fell sleep to some lectures can’t talk playing
computer to the left of me in bed. i didn’t sleep very well. it’s
really super hot today i kind of messed around the house really
didn’t showers just way too busy because i forgot glad i didn’t take
into account for the weekend been making everybody come out
and throws so we switched places. a line cancel up to fi eld trip on
tuesday evening at actually doesn’t make me feel like anything.
it’s a fairly controlled situation no shots won’t mention of tequila
and a bottle wine it’s a very reasonable we said to go have another
drink so we go to school. we could go to swirly‘s seventh avenue
you tells me that name ethan that i’ve never heard of it sounds like
it’s defi nitely up my alley i am i saw some of the books from the
book that i deathly don’t need but i don’t know why i wanted it just
happened. i really stupid idea go for a walk and get more just went
in her purse you were three at his clothes cause i just keep walking
so intense it’s also going to stop soon and we can cut the rain and
wind up with the measurements guinness. what back to you our
way we stopped at beaver for tonight and music shop nervy stop
one spot and have some time with you thing with this for so we
keep going towards washington you’re going to this week that is
better didn’t we go to super point instead then keep walking going
to play pool super drunk rid of stuff . . i have another buyer your
regular doctor and they are used to go there when i lived with go
there for fi lled and cheese so go there we have a nother drink leave
me to walk him in a while either just talk to alex fell sleep.
wake up i’m over fuck around the house everything is ready i
literally waste kind of nice. take to advil in a head of beverages. i
took alex for 30 minutes or so and really just kill time on instagram
thing for at least three hours trying to decide if i’m gonna
work for us of money fuck off for a while. can i eat a handful of
radishes i have to look at the bed last night. take a shower kind a
day which kills my hangover pretty much right away. since i can’t
decide whether not gonna work i want to be there all day i kind of
except i don’t busy don’t want to do that. who said i’m gonna take a
walk and grab some food somewhere because i can’t decide what i
want and i want something easy as you have that fucking meeting
tomorrow morning it’s kind of put me at my work schedule but i
guess if i plans for a few extra hours.
i decide to leave the house and i tried to change up my usual habits
so i don’t stop and get coff ee before the server lock is that i pick
it up halfway through i going to starbucks and order a venti caramel
maki otto and i get the name alex because you know call me
by your name as funny thing and i go to the bookstore and get it
back so quick at four bucks because i’m not fi nished with you guys
or this week. feeling actually they killed walking into anything
but feeling really guilty even though i haven’t eaten except for this
morning i suppose i deserve actually a decent. not sure why i feel
so healthy but it defi nitely the very good mood a bit of fucking self
but i think the point where hopefully to three hours that would be
an ideal situation. so nicely.
in the book donation bin if i had two really great ha ha paris books
just take the title page from because i think that’s even better than
never it’s very good.
i realize this point in time. and i specially if they work really easy
on the schedule moving this downtime privately yes i do and i’m in
fucking read and send it to you actually think doing the sink. you
i think train or threatening maybe i will just won’t go out tonight
i’ll just stand if i spend eight hours today six till 603 maybe they’ll
make sense. i decided not to order it soon i’m just gonna focus
more on getting some food in and charging the phone and doing
this and sitting at. i think it’s been on spadina in a long time and
want to grab the fucking slow tourists and get mine fi lled in the
city now. leave at 3 pm else walking more sense because they said i
wanted. i have mentioned read about 50 pages which is 50% off so
my lunch is at 5 instead of noon so. i’m not sure if it was enjoyable
and i drink even one drink however i did smoke all my cigarettes
which is annoying. the kids that’s me and says my shoes nice to
respond and the absolute silence. i am now walking back home and
unless i end up stopping and play changing my plans and means
i’m still on schedule for the rest of my day. i know that i should
stop by the grocery store and i walk home i took a stupid route
back home which makes me think he pulled everything i needed
to do i don’t know why i think i want to check if it’s her that they
were busy clothes which doesn’t help that means.
i don’t know if i’ve been noticing anything i haven’t already seen
which means it is experiment is failed or if i just am already to my
fi rst problem where actually thought about walking through the
neighborhood that i don’t like him and that’s where the media
would life be something good for whatever reason i haven’t done
that yet which leads me to think i should pursue these on the days
before work this coming week which provided if i fi nish my work
in the next few days that will grant me that much. i stopped at the
convenient store and buy cigarettes in a battle even though i know
that caff eine is on the bad idea it probably is he told her and at this
point i feel like i’m being enough to where i can balances out right.
my feet hurt as of photos of my oversize nikes.
however i’m being honest with myself or do you want to see it and
keep reading i just don’t know how to keep reading through the
phone. i stop at the store and pick up two notaries records paris
in so i mean maybe that makes it ok but maybe that’s where i was
going at messages in but now i can simultaneously desire to do
everything at home. the sun is shining so bright and i can’t get you
off my mind.
ok to maybe fi nd a place that i want soon sometime i will walking
way from home as close to you towards the restaurant just move
bit of a mood. i can still do everything at home so get everything
done this a matter of staying up all night to do it which you can if
not what’s the song goes down easy for me to focus. when i’m on
my way to see me i’m out of the sections where i was i guess is a bit
more control chaos with you.
so i do end up seeing out but i don’t need it off which makes me
feel fucking useless i’m not gonna say it was in the time that i’m
certainly didn’t like it i don’t know how things are going to the
hospital now 8 o’clock and i just want to say pocket every day and
do something else but i also want to go home which is the most
emotionally and feelings because there has to be a happy medium
where i can work it’s the plane because nobody’s paying to do anything
at this point but i mean what else is there also my supposed
to do. i feel like i need to get it because i really just don’t have it to
you as soon meant really want want that referral for you to input i
also want to know what it is i’m sitting.
and i wake up around 11 which kind of makes me feel better
getting some sleep at least it’s been far too long really nice sleep i
guess even listening music at hilton it better i get up and talk to
alexa pregnant pregnant my pain is back in the face and it turns out
the sleep to do anything benefi cial to me. i forget that i had plans
to meet with billy for coff ee which we had agreed on
earlier but it slipped my mind wasn’t my schedule anyways time get
him a package of old books which i know he’d like. so now i’m on
the phone with lexi. i decide against her even though i know that
i’m acting so stupid and friends but after i get down and lock the
fuck of it further and i was initially thinking time to get back in
the coff ee which gives me the shakes pretty much right away we
talk about this introduce you send her problems running time and
then the mission chips that’s weird thing that you have your own
tv he’s doing. we walked back towards my place were stopping over
and i grab a slice of pizza. another 20 minutes or is it dinner today
catches this book down which is great. i get probably fi ve hours
of editing them 11 thankful for moment. and i was so sore more
more like a bucket asked. the book looks more complete now and
is being laid out in texas feels like it’s a real thing which is always
the hard part everything for me is changing it from the document
or preventative into the better format because i feel like some of
the stuff is lost in the in between the moments missing. so chapter
12 download and super bowl. we decide to meet for dinner around
8 o’clock and it was super popular always been a little late will be
working with him getting pretty easy a clock on saturday because
i don’t usually take saturdays off but now that it’s just thinking of
you don’t you want to have one. walking realize how few photos
are taken in the past few days pretty much nothing for them and i
guess nothing is been that interested in spending time just focus on
work and her otherwise just thinking seven working with probably
maybe this one for things that. meet us at the seventh. pretty much
fi ne i love you girls credibility he probably help we go back to his
house with the forms which other the whole day talking about
diff erent those things are enough for me to read done everything i
guess we can talk about those things.
even though i fell sleep super easy i wake up with no problems at
nine in the morning which i know is because the sun is pouring
into the bedroom window i wake up and then use the washroom
and i just kind of debate whether not to sleep but overall i close
curtains and end up falling back asleep another three hours. eventually
wake up air show testing makes building shaking from stupid
everyone’s round very close proximity makes me regret on my
september 11 jokes. i talk to alexa before i get out of bed and feel
very happy there i know she was very bothered and having diffi -
culty on this ok with her mom again. we talked about having kids
which feel like i want to be the norm now probably not biological
clock but because it makes the most sense sooner than later if we’re
thinking life span. makes me some people bring for tomorrow
much drinking which i am lucky to not be doing anymore. i sent
her a quick nude when i get off the phone shower.
i had a set of the work space in the house when i realized i have not
missed placed my pack of cigarettes. i am at my back together dismantle
everything by phone how true i’m fi ne sitting on the armrest
of the house. and fi gure out how to set up i go back out and
decide to work at the coff ee shop i change my mind about which
coff ee shop and going to end up further. couple my understanding
dropping off a package of books and classes with her be sold at a
laundry mat. however i do end up doing a reasonable amount of
work transcribing the last two notebooks and doing a good dent
on the last one and after the cereal done i fi gure that will offi cially
marked my end of this plagiarism fi ve unless of course i want to
add in the book it is in the 90s which i might just wait and push off
until the next project. after all this next project will include whatever
it is that i’m off now with me into my phone and ipad air transcribe
my words so maybe the next time that makes enough sense
for something else to. after saying it out loud i decided have guests
over after this next couple hours.
the bar something.
i waste literally the entire day fucking around the house calling out
boxes of the table organized put somethings on existing bonds but
really i know that some of the land up in the garbage and shuffl ed
into a diff erent closet. small bucket is involved in some of you i fi nd
that real one book that was looking for which i assume somebody
stole years ago. i don’t read it all. not necessarily still is. make a new
stack of books thanks for coming from ramsey with an answer few
months when on new project.
i cut out caff eine mostly make myself happy and have a good
mostly just to get the brain booster omega three things in my body
i probably drank half of it though. i do eat pretty much constantly
veggies snack and everything like that happens on the overall
better i didn’t end up getting the shakes at all today. i do you sugar
tremendously ice cream from next door kind of gives me a stomachache
but nowhere close feeling. i buy a lottery ticket i’m back on
the fi rst try tomorrow i win $10. i somehow a drink with the close
of the day and i guess half of a beer.
no problem realize. i’m going to get all even right.
i rate zero words today.
i wake up around the house i have have a cigarette and pretty much
right away and the wake me up so she screams at me for food. i try
to masturbate but can’t come. i check my emails get out of bed in
i have an appointment to get my haircut at 12:30 to richmond i
am 10 minutes late after getting longer and cigarettes steven is
waiting for me at the corner piece meal with a big smile we talk a
little bit about the absence of cartons no sleep both of us are kind
of zoned out. during the hurricane we talk about physical contact
and cursing i telling the book is coming along well with tells me
he’s kind of accomplishment. i will re-cut my hair short and then i
was gonna ask if it’s really really good shape and needed me to see
a client to go to the other guy by the coff ee shop but i’m glad that
we got to do it now save a bit of money. i hear pieces to take my
money he has he broke up with me but can i tell him i’m in amc
next week he had to back in $10 bill. we have a cigarette outside
just before i leave we talk about confi dence in writing he tells me
that he ran a bunch of ps i don’t know what to bring and things can
come tomorrow if you actually think i want to take ownership for it
we hug and i had walking east on dundas.
i planned on getting food at the place closer to close to the street
and change my life in the last minute also change i won’t have a
coff ee shop seems like i wanted something still a bit further i did
want to see close work then whatever i’m extremely sticky dimensions
are for today. i walked out it’s my adoptive parents café for
east college everywhere with no shade i’m not even positive i know
what i want to eat which is even more night. i’m i reach intelligence
and try to maneuver a very very sticky and never situation around
nothing grants reprieve from the humid dungeon my jeans.
pick up snacks for tennessee maybe that’s why i take this road this
route. i can’t decide i want to so i eat nothing. i have makes me
feel it would use little bit of a project i realize how far behind i am
completions own stuff starting practice and just start fi nishing. i
waste too much time talking stuff i was expecting i saw read 100
pages in my book.
i wake up around 10:30 but not very tired my alarm didn’t go off . i
said 25 minutes of tv probably get in the shower and dressed and
pack around and you have a job lunch. i can’t decide what worth
it to send to sam things for the past month and a half every some
time on my phone and i forget to do a few errands which i’m gonna
push off until tomorrow. we had talked about getting steaks for
breakfast yesterday so we plan to go to the pedal we decide to meet
outside my building where we well i waiting make to do list for
tomorrow which hopefully sounds reasonable.
we walk going self cleaning will be general john dimitri conversation
bothering him agreed that we had headaches pretty much all
the time. you said we have lunch? talk about diffi culties having at
work whether or not i mean side. after lunch can you do nothing.
i suggest we go get smoothies and then go to the bookstore there’s
nothing i’m really looking for though i end up fi nding a richer try
to get a book that i haven’t seen before in real life i put it back because
it’s 20 bucks too expensive for me drink my smoothie protein
has and it’s only gives me a stomachache. i decide when i get i will
research i still think that it’s an easy format copying brought again.
we separate we heading north to go to work don’t see anything 14
on my walk especially in harvard it does feel like it’s gonna rain
now. send imessage lexi each other her cooking chicken orange cat
party fl uff y crossed my feet doesn’t stay to be pet. i stopped into
one more record books were bumped into a friend and his daughter
she says it’s good to see you i can’t remember the last time i
saw her but she does she says that she saw me july 2011 before she
went to school i’m like ok very surprising fact. kids grew up so fast.
i am now totally back to you. i feel one drop of rain as i jay walk
towards. i consider stopping in to the library to spend an hour but
i change my mind i need to use the national washroom but i have
too much shame right now. i excellently snow now but the cover
from another. i have a cover this minute after accidentally deleting
it. a teenager has recently shaved up her eyebrows bikes past as me
on the sidewalk and i’ll schedule it for scowling locked eye contact.
catcher fl exion at myself in the glass and realize that my hair does
look really good yes steven didn’t very good job with his haircut
think it was too short and actually it’s really nice.
a client to go to the other guy by the coff ee shop but i’m glad that
we got to do it now save a bit of money. i hear pieces to take my
money he has he broke up with me but can i tell him i’m in amc
next week he had to back in $10 bill. we have a cigarette outside
just before i leave we talk about confi dence in writing he tells me
that he ran a bunch of ps i don’t know what to bring and things can
come tomorrow if you actually think i want to take ownership for it
we hug and i had walking east on dundas.
i planned on getting food at the place closer to close to the street
and change my life in the last minute also change i won’t have a
coff ee shop seems like i wanted something still a bit further i did
want to see close work then whatever i’m extremely sticky dimensions
are for today. i walked out it’s my adoptive parents café for
east college everywhere with no shade i’m not even positive i know
what i want to eat which is even more night. i’m i reach intelligence
and try to maneuver a very very sticky and never situation around
nothing grants reprieve from the humid dungeon my jeans.
pick up snacks for tennessee maybe that’s why i take this road this
route. i can’t decide i want to so i eat nothing. i have makes me
feel it would use little bit of a project i realize how far behind i am
completions own stuff starting practice and just start fi nishing. i
waste too much time talking stuff i was expecting i saw read 100
pages in my book.
walking blacklist playing to work a bit later than i usually do really
unsettling really hot out and i still can’t seem to enjoy the sun and
currently drinking a half a bottle of strawberry water. i’m getting
more more comfortable talking to my phone looks good. i realize
she’s not at all. i am feeling petite you still. alexa has been on for 36
hours and i feel really torn and hyper only is over i have nothing to
say to anybody and nothing that i want to hear. i hope today is easier
than usual so i could actually really use the money i’m not sure
how i managed to spend so much time the past couple weeks but i
suppose it has to do it in the summer please. i’m walking the same
path it taken this is the third time in two days it locked on college
west realize i have to take a diff erent route because i always. i see
you’re not like acting in the sun. big black cat.
i consider ordering a sandwich and a salad instead to which i
change outline for more time and i feel like it’s basement for the
whole day i called my order in and i walk through an alley to having
been down in quite some time.
if i fi nd a painting in the alley in bring it home probably because i
just got in. it’s a decent size canvas.
work is really slow ok i threw very sore from smoking so much
pretty much yourself on its removal day. nothing happens but it’s
making good money and explicitly tired but defi nitely malaise
end up sitting on instagram it’s really nothing for 11 hours. a few
friends come by relatively low-key drink one beer at twodollars and
computer. lexi and i talk about the moon. jonathan i make plans to
have lunch tomorrow i don’t know maybe steaks.
walk home at 2:30 michigan interchangeably can you painting very
very few people on the street wideawake think i probably should go
to sleep when i get home i don’t know i’m pretty sore probably will
still just watched the same week until six again
i wait until i’ve alexa disappears custom screening zone before i
walk away three sets of extremely steep escalators with it lukewarm
cappuccino right hand and even before we separated i realize that
i desperately needed to fi nd a washroom because i couldn’t decide
whether not i was gonna throw up or if it was nervous or what was
it still extremely awful pretty immediately. are bypassing reach to
the second fi rst fl oor fi rst grandma to wear call me what sure if i
can fi nd is a single stall handicap try running within one second i
realize that i’m not there. i don’t need to throw up i sit down and
focus until everything goes soft white someone bangs on the door
it says incensed reactionary spots to which i frantically get off looking
looking down i think either the beach use that i’ve had seeing
as though drink for leaders of bitches friday and saturday today being
monday call use the lessons today anyways either i got a septic
due so i have 700 the other. i guess be to start all over maybe maybe
because i don’t know all i know is i panicked for a moment which
doesn’t do anything to settle my nerves obviously and professor
that i try to wipe that’s why try to clean up the more fervent to
bang on the door comes i exit washroom with my head down low
hello and i am surprised by it to many people are actually waiting
in line. shuffl e past and immediately leave for the shipper for taking
a left onto state road fi nd still same lead redlands swagging i guess i
don’t make it i feel it now i think maybe.
i need another public washroom redness at least fi nish the task.
anyway how much take longer than i expected. i catch one tag on
the inside to have to go to a b take to the left i take off my wind
breaker and stuff it into my tote bag.
walking towards like going westbound is the baseball tournament
in the fi eld left i had cigarettes probably sitting there i can’t imagine
being idle for that long.
fencing for things baby there’s a nice car since the wax think now
under bridges is our.
there’s nothing to see over towards fort worth surprisingly nothing
more that i look around the more i realize how paper cleaning but
even in the picture and snoop repeated i think i’m actually lucky
we are currently three fuck all of this work is going well anyways
yeah no idea of the street and see if the egr and now he signed the
points in india ok.
really hungry knowing that i love you next two weeks means that
i had to make a serious for clan excited just walking through the
creek stevie idea on the way with me maybe this is that idea desperately
want to smoke now so realizing the chances of quitting is
pretty much zero space i’m passing something called grand magazine
street left pocket for keys and they are there. i just hit right
in pocket making sure that my money is here as well since i’m not
caring wallet today it’s just loose somewhere around $70 ok walking
to the bridge into an additional x like i’m actually going backwards
into condo and get back to the humidity is increasing fairly
quickly post raven a.m. oh yeah i walk to the back with ok ok so.
i turn down the brightness on my phone and turn on low battery
mode even though i am at 73 percent. i fi gure i will be doing as
much of the day anyways this other dictation i was about to skal
that was super sick. i don’t think he understood that is doing.
i realize i must be sort of hung over from last night i think i said
that i had three beers for a reality in this and had closer to seven
drinks while dj i don’t know just kind of happens i get carried away
i looked at this much fun maybe that’s a thing where i think we’ll
see if i’m pressing the birds and if you’re in the treatment of that i
know of someplace close the offi ce for me just 1130 mg probably
just for that.
ok so i am sort of behind lucky through the end of residential lowers
the bangles on that’s a construction still wondering if you would
like to have two separate things to separate appointments this
afternoon and meditate is cute cake for her. i am supposed to go for
the hydro therapy session at 2 o’clock hopefully to give me some
ideas for a good project to do over the next two weeks grab that
organization and i do think that this walk and talking to phone it
in the van it is wonder how much and when it be repeating itself
still are still a lot of graffi ti again.
turning back again was found that i see right there to store cigarettes
and a bottle of smart water i pay with the 50 realizing that i
have less money with me. are looking up i see gigantic pikachu in
apartment until i realize it in the company for the café journal will
grab until you know maybe like it it is page 1. maybe the photos on
realizing i still have a half hours to kill before my fi rst appointment
to turn back around the way that i can and i will go to the bookstore
rest of that money back that i want to! but i want this to be
peaceful but lauren elkin i believe i don’t know what happened to
him. i’m walking with him without changing anything to the other
side of the street traffi c permits it.
i can actually do the next two weeks if it does and i know there’s no
getting it.
walking through scaff olding with green wrap around she’s with her
friends cast everything in here dizzy hazy fern barely showing. i
don’t really come down to this neighborhood with people wanting
to ask people obviously going back-and-forth with you because
it seems like the people go to the gym let’s go to the gym seems
super cyclists with way too much gear and it’s on the way into your
condo. like takes a long time at the lake or dogs lots of new
arrivals to see if you’re coming in for a surprise in there obviously
fake yeezy she such a strange look. there’s a giraff e stuff weird thing
thrown on factory theatre i wonder how long it’s been there. some
graffi ti fi nding one friend i almost walk into head down looking at
after walking two blocks with absolutely nothing to report from 10
to 1 supporter friends well we talk about how weird it is working
downtown and the struggle for a studio we talk about how much
we want to look like epically later ed and take a photo of one of his
tattoos dangerous and every time i see him for who you talk about
the swimsuit a call from the 50s with no diffi culty of language
very easily understood so we’re kind of at the same age and they’re
as i walk into a more densely populated area just before my schedule
is i’m not ready do you agree so also wearing the same closes
yesterday which looking down at cc. big biggest thing that i’m not
sure if that’s from today or yesterday but can’t place it now i’m getting
hungry but i don’t want to eat junk and you don’t wanna stop
for 10 from lunch i don’t know what i’m gonna do.
take a photo of my refl ection the window display and mannequin
defi nitely my stomach is still aggravating me everything sweetheart
sounds gross.
i take a photo of the taurus with oversize novelty cheque.
starting to rain again but i think the premium windbreaker would
suffi ce still haven’t seen anything smoothie or juice. i wonder i
wonder if they have them pretty good i see it sore deeper and more
music. maybe i will.
i think tape has that book you were telling us what about my blog
will pick up a copy of that form is called the one that goes with.
sorry sold as a lot and i see something else whatever fl u i have a
sink that i have to do some work to probably fi nish appraisal and
then i’ll get excuse read both get inside and be fi nishing thing is if
i don’t fi nish it this year they think it’s a lot of work but able to be
fi nished in the next couple i don’t see why.
this is spence is a fi re truck because they hadn’t used it which
makes me squirt even further i stop by dollar shoes is maybe that’ll
help me out here i realize that i should keep all of my receipts from
this project that could be part of the project everything has to fi t in
somewhere that makes really good sense to me.
i honey i tried to pay with $100 bill i paid she couldn’t be true so
i’m giving the rest in change kept for snacks.
life realize that i’m not. take a photo of men’s shirt that says fi ght
the power your cute couple.
and what kind of question every member of the fi rst investigation
do this by the café i remember hardware store has a noose i don’t
take a photograph as the new stairs me down and he didn’t instead
i pick up paint swatches much maybe can be use for photograph i
think they had a purpose with the present.
right after leaving super lame love not war still take that photo.
right after take another photo three kids taking photos of starbucks
cups on the corner my third cigarette of the day.
what is the name of that magazine i said it wrong about fl oating i
can’t remember fi nd that knowledge from you where i’m at right
now but i don’t wanna go home just yet.
as i walked by tactics like hole actually happening is i can’t imagine
a face-to-face interaction right now i ask if they have that release
the new york times book in the name slips my mind as i called him
after bit of shuffl ing around i remember that the book is called
live blog and it actually isn’t released until late september we both
laughed i hang up the phone i decide i will have pizza because that
is probably the most familiar option at this point safe washroom
i pulled into pocket just checking to make sure we have those so
there is the fourth time i’ve been missing three blocks that is if i’m
being paranoid and take a photo of a man sitting around and park
bring the newspaper at picnic is on six.
i’m reminded that my stomach hurts probably hangover must be
hangover any minute so i can o’clock i have never in 15 minutes
before my fault nothing else i have to do and have dinner in 30
minutes i realize that i walk up.
i sit and disassociate with a marinara pizza add arugula. i forget to
use the washroom until i am on the way out. it’s got to be the beat
juice i don’t think i will be having that anymore my head too much.
i’m at hilton else on the way made me emotional such good way
i think it would be very very clear to me this morning for me not to
need to get new keys made which i will do it later this week when
i get home i need to practice scheduled for the next month at least
there’s no need to be so hard on my behind work. and surprisingly
quiet on all the side streets except for one or two bank it’s not
much were taking photographs of them so looking around maybe
detox make sense if i can do to help me quit smoking too. i have a
better baby dollars left for me and my phone is at 29% but if i can
get them to charge my phone i will keep walking at least another
few hours hopefully something reply hope the outside even if i’m
just thinking of you and it scares it on the other side of the sidewalk
i wonder if i can make for 200 bucks this week and tips wild but i
mean that would be also pretty take a photograph cool intentions
vhs looked in the mirror trip into trash.
need to put things on craigslist buns whatever i’m early for my
fl oat. sticky sweaty i think those t shirts will look nice if i print
them this week. this person is way too loud. i should go buy headphones
and groceries after this maybe later 10. the man charges my
i suppose i sort of relaxed however i was extremely sore i don’t
know what it aggravating me so much but i suppose it has to do
with what’s been going on with my body in the past 24 hours so i
don’t really think i had any great ideas or revelations i do however
feel at ease i thought about the fi lm and what it’s actually going to
take to get it done and i realize that it doesn’t need much just needs
to be put down into him and will be easy to fi nish at that point.
i have to leave on the fl oor quite fi nish it without feeling pretty
good left right can jack off now in the end everything tomorrow
maybe feel like you want to do that if i go home. venture pretty.
maybe i had one of the end ideas of the squid trying to do it. and i
fi nish the rest of them continue graphic fruit and turmeric.
i walk to the same store and i called earlier and pick up diff erent
book as my mind i’m now at $60 in my pocket and contemplating
staying out and getting coff ee and continue this walk and coming
home i feel like both ways i’m not gonna really accomplish much
boy somethings there’s something nondescript into the sewer. i
know walking on the words.
i realize that this project is going to be very diffi cult to continue
just due to the better use of using your phone pretty much constantly
and not that i’m super worried but it does make me feel a
bit like a crazy person talking into the phone walking in the street
not really sure what i’m doing.
leaving the bar brian and i talked about the diffi culty of actually
fi nishing projects because you are responsible for them responsible
for i realize that it’s not necessarily the fi nishing diffi cult fi guring
out what to do that makes sense for immediate distribution what
that means. it’s now 615 the song is hi in the sky but it’s not super
humid walking west on dundas. i cross chevrolet lets me go north
west dictated by stoplight sets my route home. i am anxious to
move it. that insured something that i have. i also need to source
that’s just how my body.
i bumped into somebody there to get my can’t remember she asked
if she can be if she can dj with us again sometime in the future to
which i respond i will get all excited to take care of that when she
gets back in town at a glance in my right and i see one of my tags
and dust still there so i can’t place when it actually happened.
the closer i get to home the sweater i am a defi nite to stop in before
going out to get something because i need to fi nd a place that i can
go with me but for the time being i fi gure give me.
people think they ensure what is order school now. just next minute
maybe it’s just being mean because talk to brian about his script
and they are talking too much taking up too much time remember
you also didn’t know who it was and have to ask. brain tells me it’s
almost as it happened with my corporation haven’t seen in years
but i’m actually happy to see him right now. tell him his hair nice
and go back to reading. woman to my rate picks an anonymous bug
bite and drinks rose.
maybe tomorrow i should walk to the reference surprising how
much was in my fantasies or cuddle together for other peoples
answers. the interesting part.
i’m being diffi cult and being on the far back wall for a moment.
and i hope that i will be going to pay 75 and masturbate more we
can remove the empty house.
and so the shooter got shot yeah he got shut down and this
wouldn’t happen if he still stopping hearted people you know like
you have all these people and now they feel free to carry around
weapons because the police can’t stop before the cops used to they
still could stop and frisk snow if we have all these criminals and i
you don’t have to ask me what i think about it but you know that
they can just feel free to do whatever they want i’m not sure if i
even like dennis cooper if i just have to fi nish all his books because
i started reading sure though it’s a bit too great for me you know
it’s a bit to keep shut plan yet but for people who are too ashamed
to say that they still like him i’m not sure if i do i mean i did when
i was 18 however i’m not 18 anymore of 30 but i feel sort of 38 and
yes it up when i got up with you i said oh yeah i mean i don’t know
if it was the chicken white but it certainly made my stomach hurt
so i hung around the house for a second job at the house looking
for that extra dvd the one that was supposed to be with her stuck
in the fi ling cabinet so now i went to the bookstore i’m trying to go
to the other hustler i got to be honest with himself and then you
have this guy with the backpack on and of course the chest straps
are clamp together of course fucking what a fucking idiot tourist
fucking of course it’s so fucking life can you be going around him
in this tourist trap fucking christ
why do i feel confrontation private with you today. hope to hear
from you in 3 1/2 because of me i completely fi ve if you’re really
tired so i’m done pumping and saw me through that light this is
the only time in my life when i am taller than fi ve foot fi ve
i wish i was colorblind so i didn’t have to fl y fi ghter jet for you
sometimes life lease itself out for you and you got to fl y there for
your jet fi ghter fi ghter jet fi ghter know if later fl ight or jared later
fi ghter jet later fi ghter jet there we go better than nothing
yeah and practice was the carmen sandiego questions for teens.
oh hot question wow and what did you think of my question yeah
that’s right nice looks nice it was before that was before i had at
this point i don’t know truth and how do
text me in the morning i haven’t decided whether or not i’m depressed
in my mind your mouth is always tasted like green olives
even though i feel unsafe in the country i can’t help myself from
following black cats into abandoned sheds.

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